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-Noah's P.O.V-

It's early. It's so damn early. I check the time on my phone and read 5:45. It's still dark out but the light peering down the hall from the bathroom must have woken me up. It goes out a minute later and I hear footsteps, Kylie must be up already. Why is she up? Work doesn't start till 9 and she lives like 20 minutes away how much times does she need? I'm instantly relaxed when I hear her humming, it's the most beautiful sound I swear. I decide I'm likely not going to go back to sleep so I flick the lamp on next to the couch and sit up. I scan the dimly lit room for my sweater, I remember getting too warm and taking it off and I don't want to make it awkward if Kylie comes in and I'm half naked. But sure enough before my feet hit the floor she's walking into the living room.

"Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up" she whispers.

"No no you didn't it's okay" I lied. My eyes adjust and I notice she's wearing little shorts and a sports bra.

"You probably think I'm crazy to be up this early, it's the only time I have really to workout, I can't motivate myself to after work and after yesterday I needed it" she laughs. "Coffee?"

"Yeah if you're making it" I say sitting up. "And you're not crazy, I wish I was motivated enough to do that"

"What like you need to workout, look at you" she looks me up and down and I realize I'm still not wearing a shirt. I spot my black sweater on the floor by my feet and quickly pull it over my head.

"I could say the same for you" I reply. She's in great shape, from what I can tell she definitely has a great body.

She hands me a cup of coffee and sits in the arm chair next to me. I take a sip and it burns down my throat making me shiver. Now that she's closer and I can see her, I notice the bandage on her knee is gone. I subconsciously reach out and smooth my thumb over the scab in it's place. As soon as I realize what I'm doing I go to pull my hand away, but I'm stopped by her hand on mine. I lace my fingers with hers and pull her off the chair. My mind is shut off and my body takes over as she moves from the chair. I slowly pull her onto my lap and she straddles my waist, we're both breathing heavily. My hands move to push her hair from her face and I hold her face in my hand, my other hand on her waist, my eyes never leaving hers. I pull her face down to mine and press my lips to hers, her hands wrap around the back of my neck and into my hair. The warmth of her body pressed against mine, with her tongue pushing against my lips ignites me and I wrap my arms around her waist, lifting her up and placing her on her back on the couch, never breaking the kiss. I kiss her harder, hovering over her body, earning a gasp and a gentle moan against my lips. It sends shivers though my body, making me want to make her do it again. I move down and kiss along her jaw line and down her neck, slowly and pushing my tongue against her skin earning another moan.

"Noah" she breathes and I stop, my mind racing back to reality. "I um," she stutters "I don't know why I stopped you, but I did and now wish I hadn't." She smiles.

"I know" I laugh. I take her hands and pull her up to sit next to me. "I'm not dreaming right?" I half joke.

"No" she giggles and stands up grabbing her phone. "You're not dreaming" her phone lights up her face and she smiles.

"What are you smiling about" I tease

"Sarah just texted me, most of the roads are closed so we get the day off. Looks like we can go back to bed"

"No need to tell me twice" I say laying back down closing my eyes. I know damn well I'm not going back to sleep though, not after that. My hearts still racing, the image of her burned into my mind.

-Kylie's P.O.V-

My vision goes blurry as I stare out the window with my coffee in hand, as my mind processes the events that just passed. My mind is still focused on him sleeping on the couch behind me, going over scenarios I find myself wishing would happen. I want to feel his hands on me again, I want to taste his lips on mine again, I want to hear his heavy breathing as he kisses my neck again and again. My hearts pounding just thinking about it. I hate myself for stopping him, but I knew if I didn't we could have done a lot more than kiss.

Would it be so bad if we did more than kiss? I don't want make things messy. But I really want him. I don't know where this came from. I know I had feelings for him, I just thought I had suppressed them enough to have a professional relationship.

Screw a professional relationship though I think we're past that at this point.

I want to know what he thinks. Does he regret kissing me? Does he think I'm gonna go crazy and get attached? Will I get attached? I don't even know him really, yet I was so willing to climb into his lap and make out with him.

I hope he doesn't think I'm crazy.

If I go back to bed will he be gone when I wake up? As if I could go back to bed I just drank two cups of coffee.

The sky in front of me is glowing now as the sun starts to come up. It's beautiful, and it eases my mind that's been in a panic since I woke up. As I stand mesmerized by the orange and pink sky, I feel a hand brush my hair to the side to reveal my bare shoulder. I forgot I was still in my workout clothes. Followed by soft lips pressing to the back of my neck. My heart jumps and a gasp escapes my mouth, I close my eyes and take a breath taking in the feeling of Noah's hand running down my arm, stopping at my elbow where he gently pulls me to face him.

"Are you gonna stop me this time?" He asks taking my coffee cup from my hands and placing it on the table beside us.

I shake my head no.

New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now