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-Noah's P.O.V-

The look on her face as she walked past me made my heart stop. I was sure by the look on Nicole's face she had something to do with it.

"What was that all about?" She asked

"Did you say something to her?" I asked harshly.

Chris and Stu had come with me to the kitchen so I was nervous to talk about anything in front of them.

"It was only girl talk, totally innocent, I don't know what her problem is" she said standing up and walking back to her desk. I followed her to find out what exactly she said without the guys hovering over me.

"Did you say something about us?" I asked nervously, looking around to make sure nobody could hear us.

"So what if I did? You trying to hide something? You said it yourself she's not your girlfriend you don't owe her anything" she said quietly.

"Tell me what you said, Nicole, please" I asked as nicely as I could. She took a breath and rolled her eyes at me, turning her back to me to face her computer.

My anger rose higher and I knew I needed to set things straight with Kylie. I headed for her office, giving up completely on trying to get anything from Nicole. I ran into her as she was leaving and asked if we could talk. Sarah shut me down though saying Kylie wasn't feeling well and needed to go home. I don't buy that.

I didn't get a chance to find out if it was true though. She walked straight past me and left. She left and didn't even look at me.

The rest of my day was shit. I was worried about her. What she thought of me. What she heard about me. I needed to find out. So I went to the last person I wanted to talk to, but clearly knows more than me.

"Hey Sarah, got a sec?" I asked knocking on her door.

"Noah, make it quick I'm heading out here" she sighed. I closed the door behind me and stood in front of her desk.

"What did Nicole tell her" I asked sternly

"Why? You trying to get out of it?"

"I don't know what there is to get out of. I'm being accused of something and I want to know what it is."

"Why don't you ask Nicole? You guys seem to be close"

Man what a bitch. How does Kylie hang out with her

"She won't tell me, which makes me believe whatever she said isn't true" she sighed and looked up at me.

"Did you or did you not sleep with Nicole after sleeping with Kylie"

"Wow" I paused. Kylie thinks I fucked Nicole. I mean I thought about it, I flirted with her a little. I teased the idea of it for sure but I never followed through with it. Why would Nicole tell her we slept together. "Yeah that's all bull. I don't know what kind of guy you think I am, but I would never do that" would I? I walked out not giving her another second of my time. She's so snobby I can't stand to be around her.

I thought about Kylie. And how she makes me happy. And how Nicole makes me horny, but happy and horny are 2 very different things. As if Kylie would believe that. If somebody told me she slept with another guy not even 24 hours after we'd been together, I'd laugh in their face.

The more the thought danced around in my head, the angrier I got. Kylie really believed Nicole? She really thought I was that shit of a person that I'd go and fuck some random girl the night after I was with her. Does she seriously think that little of me? I finished brushing off my truck and got inside to let it warm up. I'm so fucking mad right now. I want to see Kylie, and fuck her so hard that she never believes another word that comes out of Nicole's dirty mouth.

Her dirty little mouth.

With her full lips.

And big tits.

My heart was beating so hard I couldn't tell if I was pissed off or turned on. I'm just mad at the whole situation, getting with Kylie, falling for her, then potentially ruining it by overthinking.

I caught sight of Nicole's blonde hair blowing in the wind as she walked towards my car. I started to grow angrier the closer she got. She opened the door and got in, I couldn't stand to look at her.

"Your place or mine?" She asked

I didn't think, I just drove.

We got to my place and once I put my truck in park, the rest of what happened next was a blur. Conor's car isn't here so I know we're alone. Doesn't matter much but still. She undressed me. I undressed her. And we had mediocre meaningless sex. She made unnecessary, fake moaning sounds. Her hair got in my face way too much. She didn't even try to get on top at all. I didn't even pretend to enjoy it. I wound up having her face down so I didn't have to look at her. All I wanted was a distraction, and a release for all this pent up aggression. And I got it, but at what cost? Now I really did fuck another girl. And Kylie has every right to be mad at me. I just proved to everyone how I really am just a piece of shit.

I made her Uber back, I wanted nothing to do with her after that. Thank god it's the weekend and I don't have to see anyone for 2 days.

I've become something I never intended to be. Someone I was influenced to think I should be. But hurting people isn't what I ever wanted.
And now I'm afraid I can't fix this.

New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now