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-Noah's P.O.V-

"I just miss you" I said quietly. I know that was a Hail Mary but I need her to know where I stand.

"Noah... I—" she started, but was interrupted by a knock at the door. She opened it to reveal Nate.

I'm not sure if it's because I'm sober now but I actually do recognize this guy. Was he the guy from the party? The guy that took all her clothes off and dipped?

"Hey sorry for just dropping by I just wanted to make sure everything was okay" he said stepping in. He took his jacket off and stepped over to me. I stood up to match his height. "I don't think I've had a chance to properly introduce myself, I'm Nate"

"Noah" I said coldly, shaking his hand. Why so formal? "Thanks for last night, I know you don't owe me anything so it was cool of you to help out"

"Yeah no problem, it was nothing" he said stepping back. "Kylie I just wanted to see if you needed help with anything" he said in a hushed tone to her.

"Hey yknow I think I remember you from somewhere" I interrupted. My anger is getting the best of me and I really don't give a shit. This guy left Kylie alone and naked in his room, crying, all because she didn't want to fuck him. "Yeah you're the guy from that party, the one who left her because she didn't wanna fuck you"

"Excuse me?" He defended stepping towards me.

"What you don't remember that?"

"Noah!" Kylie yelled.

"Kylie how can you can forgive this guy and not me?" I snapped

"Woah woah woah okay back up man we just saved you from a pretty awful situation that your stupid ass got yourself into. You do not get to attack her like that or me for that matter. If it weren't for us, you could be in some serious shit, or worse dead! Alright show some respect" he said stepping between Kylie and I.

I'm embarrassed for snapping like that. And at a loss for words. It was silent for a minute before Kylie spoke up.

"I think you should go, Noah"

I stared blankly for a minute, then nodded, accepting my choices. I grabbed my things and walked out

"I'm sorry. Thanks for everything" I said looking at the ground and walking away. I used the last 4% battery on my phone to call Conor, and send Nicole a text. If she can move on then so can I.

-Kylie's P.O.V-

"I'm so sorry about him Nate you did not deserve that" I said taking his hand.

"It's okay, I would never blame you for his actions"

My mind is moving a million miles a minutes. I pressed my fingers to my temples and took a deep breath. The stress and anxiety Noah causes me is ridiculous.

"Hey don't worry about him" he said taking my hands and pulling me in for a hug.

"I'm sorry, I just need to distract myself" I said breathing into his chest.

"I know something that could help, yknow take your mind off things" he said leaning back and pulling my chin up to look at him. I smiled thinking about it. I want to, I just want to be sure he's not just using me. "Only if you want" he added.

I nodded and put my hand on the back of his neck to pull him into a kiss. He grabbed me by the backs of my legs and hoisted me into his arms to straddle him, taking me into my bedroom.

He did everything right, made me feel so good, touched me in all the right places, kissed me.. everywhere.

It was amazing.

He was amazing.

But he wasn't Noah.

I couldn't take my mind off him the entire time. And now here I am, laying in bed naked with a boy, a boy who's nice and caring and respectful. And all I can think about is the boy who ruined me. Who I want so desperately to forgive and take back.

I lay with my back to him, with his arms wrapped around my waist. I should be happier.

"You okay?" He squeezed. I paused, took a breath and turned to face him.

"Amazing" I said before kissing him. I want to enjoy him and be happy with my choice. I am happy. I'm so glad I gave him another chance.

He stood up putting his pants back on, and left for the kitchen. He returned with his laptop he brought in his bag, and we ordered dinner from door dash. Then we stayed in and watched movies all night. He slept here with me. In my bed.

I haven't slept in my bed in almost a month.

Things are moving quickly between he and I. In the span of 24 hours he has blown past every expectation I ever had. I'd be lying if I didn't admit how anxious it makes me but know it's a good thing. He's good for me.

I'm happy.


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