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-Kylie's P.O.V-

This work week was hard. I was emotionally drained, and so I poured myself into my work. I ate my lunch alone in my office every day. I planned my inventory day on a day where the boys were out on a job. I didn't speak to anyone. Not even Sarah. I felt bad about it because she doesn't deserve that and we are friends. But lately she's been seeing Stu from the warehouse so she's been conveniently distracted.

The weekend passed and I didn't leave my house. I was asked to come to Barney's several times but never showed. I slept on my couch most nights because my bed was reminding me of him. Of the first night he stayed here and the nights after that. I know I'm being super extra and dramatic but I caught feelings hard. I can't stop thinking about him and that's what drives me to keep to myself. So that hopefully one day I will heal from this experience and have only myself to thank.

However today is not that day. It's officially been 3 weeks since I've spoken to him. 3 weeks of not speaking to anyone really. Except the odd sushi night with Sarah. She doesn't ask about him which I appreciate. But I know she and the rest of the office know what happened. Not through my doing but I'm sure she's been little miss gossip along with snot nose Nicole.

It's finally the weekend and this time I'm going out. Chris from the warehouse is getting married and we've all been invited. Not sure if Noah was, and if he was if he will even show. I hope not for his sake.

Because I'm bringing a date.

Nate from tinder decided to give me a second chance. We really did hit it off over text and after everything with Noah settled, I decided to message him again. We've been chatting and he doesn't hold that awful night at his party against me. And I've decided to forgive and forget as well. Who knows maybe there could be something there with him. Something I never had with Noah.

I wouldn't be so upset if Noah was at the wedding. Deep down I kind of want him to see me happy with somebody else.

I started getting ready for the wedding, which starts at 4pm. That gives me 3 hours before Nate gets here to pick me up and an hour to drive to the venue. It takes about 30 minutes to get there but I like to be early, and prepared for traffic.

I did my makeup a little different, a little eyeliner with brown shadow to smoke it out and a rosy nude lip. I curled my hair and pinned it all to one side so I could wear my nice long earrings. Then I picked out a mid length fitted pale blue dress with black single straps heels to go with it. The dress has a v neck and spaghetti straps that cross down the back. It's classy but sexy, which I feel like is a good vibe for a wedding. Especially when you're single. I paired my small black purse with it and waited for Nate.

He texted me that he was here and I came down with Sarah, only she was driving to go pick up Stu. He looked so handsome and we even kind of matched. He wore a button down shirt that's a lighter shade of blue than what I have on.

"You, uhm, you look great" he stuttered. I thanked him and grabbed his hand as we walked to his car. We met up at the wedding and Stu went to find Chris since he was a groomsman and Sarah stayed with us.

"So Nate, what do you do?" She asked awkwardly as we found our seats.

"Well I'm still in school, I finished my undergrad and started my masters in economics. But I also coach kids baseball on the weekends" he said. Wow. I didn't even know that.

Sarah gave me an approving nod and the wedding started. It was a beautiful ceremony and Taylor, the bride, looked beautiful in her dress. I'm honestly pretty relieved Noah didn't show. It would have been way too stressful. Although the night is young so I shouldn't speak too soon.

-Noah's P.O.V-

I tightened my tie around my collar in the parking lot of the community centre where Chris was holding his reception. I know I'm late and I probably already missed dinner but who gives a shit. I doubt anyone even noticed I wasn't there. But I know I wouldn't hear the end of it at work if I didn't at least make an appearance. I sat in my truck holding off for a few minutes of silence before I had to put on a nice face. I'm surprised I made it here alive, although the drive was like 3 minutes from the bar I was at. I sprayed some cologne on that I had in my centre console to try to mask the smell of liquor, but I'm about to join a bunch of drunk people anyways so what does it matter.

I'd like to make one thing clear. I'm not drunk. But I did have enough to drink that if I got pulled over, my ass would be going to jail. I'm not stumbling or mumbling, I'm just buzzed enough to get through the torture of socializing.

When I walked in I could tell dinner was definitely over. The dance floor is busy and the music is loud. I don't recognize many people here. I scanned the room until my eyes landed on a table in the back corner full of workshop guys. Bingo. I made a beeline to the table but almost got bulldozed by a preppy guy in a light blue button down. I could see the gel in his hair and cringed. Who leaves the house looking like that seriously.

"Sorry man, hey do you know where the bathroom is?" I looked around and found a bright white sign that said "restrooms". I pointed and he gave me a stupid look and a nod. Idiot.

Once he moved out of my way I looked up, and that's when I saw her. Standing at a table alone sipping white wine. She looks like something out of a movie. My heart stopped and my throat tightened as she looked back at me. She froze and slowly set her glass down. I was frozen too. She looked back down at her glass, took the last sip and disappeared into the crowd of people.

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