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-Kylie's P.O.V-

I rush back to my room to find Noah making my bed. That's so precious.

"Hey she's gone, you don't have to do that"

"It's okay, I had nothing better to do"

"I just mean you don't have to do that, cause we're just gonna mess it up again" I say sitting in front of him on my bed.

He smiles as I reach for his hand, pulling him closer. But then his smile quickly fades and his expression goes cold. "I was just thinking actually that I should uh, probably get going, ya know back to my place" he looks down, taking his hand back and avoiding eye contact.

I instantly start to feel anxious and scared I might have crossed a line.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed" I stutter "I um, I didn't mean to, to cross a line. I just thought"

"No it's not you" he interrupts me "don't be sorry."

I'm so confused. And embarrassed. I watch in silence as he grabs his coat and slips his boots on.

"I'll see you tomorrow" he looks back at me opening the door.

"Yeah" I choke out and force an unconvincing smile.

The door shuts behind him and I'm at a loss for words. Did I do something? Say something?

-Noah's P.O.V-

I'm overwhelmed and anxious. My breath puffs in front of me as I wait for my car to warm up. I'm so mad at myself for how I left, but my mind took over my body in a moment of pure anxiety and out of nowhere. She makes me so nervous and I found myself sinking into a well of emotion just sitting in that empty room. I peel out of the parking lot and head home. I have no idea what to do with my day since I'm not working and Connors at work until 5. Guess I'll just go to the gym and try to forget about this.

I finish my gym sesh and go home to shower. The workout was good but I couldn't stop thinking about her. And now all I can think about is how I left her apartment, how I turned her down. How stupid am I to have turned her down! I could have just stayed. I could have heard her moan my name one more time, or felt her tongue on my lips again, ran my hands through her long hair again.

Fuck, here we go again

I turn the shower off and hear Connor come in the front door. I know it's him the way his work boots loudly bang against the floor. I drape a towel across my waist, head to my room to get dressed, and join him in the living room.

"He's alive!" He shouts as I take a seat on the couch next to him. I laugh and shake the water out of my hair. "So, you didn't come home last night" he insisted.

"No, I um" I debated telling him the real reason I didn't come home, knowing he would bug me about it. But realized he would find out one way or another. "I was at a co workers place. She needed a ride home cause her car died and the snow was too bad to drive in so I just crashed with her"

"Ok ok so this co worker, she hot?" He grinned. I felt my cheeks flush as I grew timid to answer

"She's uh" I'm panicking "she's nice, to look at yknow she's good looking I guess"

"Sooo you just crashed with her. You what, slept on her couch?" He persisted. My face had to be beet red by now.

"Well, I did at first"

"At first!"

"Yeah I mean I did sleep on her couch mostly."

"Bro did you or did you not fuck her" He was getting excited and I just got more and more anxious. I let out my breath and looked at him. "You DOG! See I knew you'd find somebody there! How was it? She good? Would you hit again?"

"Man I don't think I should-"

"No no no you've been single for over a year and haven't had a single hook up. This is huge okay you're a new man now don't take this from me!"

I couldn't help but laugh. He didn't ask about it again as the night carried on. We went our separate ways for bed and I fell asleep quickly, excited to see her at work tomorrow.

-Kylie's P.O.V-

I got a ride to work with Sarah since my car is still likely buried in the parking lot. I carried on like any other normal day, got my coffee from the kitchen, updated my files, the usual. The new receptionist started today, Nicole. She seems nice enough, she's actually a year younger than me and seems to be a hit with the guys. Typical men, the second a pretty girl starts they turn into dogs. Sarah showed her around and introduced her to everyone, I added her onto payroll and the day flew by. I didn't see Noah once. I can't say it didn't bother me that he never came to say hi, but then again I didn't really make an effort to see him either. Chris met me at my car to help dig it out and give me a jump start. It was a sunny day actually, totally opposite from yesterday.

"See you at Barney's later?" He asked snapping me out of my trance, caused by the hum of my engine.

"Yes. I do owe you a drink don't I" I joked.

"Yeah you do" he laughed "and bring the new girl by won't ya, she's hot"

I rolled my eyes and waved to him. As I pulled out of the lot. I briefly caught a glimpse from my rear view mirror of Noah getting in his Truck. The thought of seeing him in person again made me shiver. In a good way, but it made me anxious at the same time.

I went home and changed before heading to Barney's. I wanted to wear something appealing, something to catch his eye. I don't know why I have this urge to make him want me, knowing he clearly likes me already. At least I think he does, why would he sleep with me if he didn't like me? I'm not really into fashion or anything but I wanted to look good. I put on a pair of black slightly ripped mom jeans and a white long sleeve body suit that showed off a subtle amount of cleavage. I paired it with my white adidas allstars, threw on my jacket and met Sarah to head out.

We got to the bar and sat at our usual table with the guys, only Noah wasn't there. I wondered if maybe he didn't want to see me. Was he avoiding me? The thought of it alone made my stomach turn. I need a drink. I asked Mike for a beer and a round of whiskey shots for the guys, since I did owe them. We clinked our tiny glasses and threw the dark liquor back. It burned down my throat and made me shiver, my head buzzed and my eyes widened as the blurry image of Noah walking through the door took over. It took a second for my eyes to focus, and when they did I wish they hadn't. Following close behind him was Nicole, smiling like an idiot. He looked over to our table and we made eye contact for a split second before he looked to Mike for drinks. The whole moment was moving in slow motion to me. My heart hurt a little to see him walk in with a girl. A pretty girl who seemed absolutely infatuated with him. They sat down at the other end of the table and I tuned out the noise of my coworkers chatting, and focused on the steady sound of my heart, as it shook my chest with every beat. The bottle in my hand was more appealing now knowing it could make me forget how how embarrassed I was. I put the glass to my lips and closed me eyes, while the memory of him last night faded to blackness.

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