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-Noah's P.O.V-

I woke up in a familiar room. One I never thought I'd see again. It's dark, but the sun seems to be just rising. I sat up to look for her, but realized I'm alone in here. So whatever I thought happened clearly didn't. My head is pounding. I reach up to find a cloth pressed against it. My whole body hurts when I move. I'm so confused how did I get here and why is everything so fuzzy, I'm in the most pain I think I've ever been in. I'm still in the clothes I wore last night, only my dress shoes are off and placed neatly by the foot of the bed, and my tie is hanging on the corner of her dresser mirror. I don't see her anywhere in here so my guess is she's in the living room.

I don't want to get up, it hurts, but I want to find her. I know I won't be able to sleep again until I do. But what will I say once I do?

Hey Kylie, sorry to wake you up, why am I here and why am I in so much pain? Do you still hate me?

Wait what if Nate's out there too. I do not want to see them snuggling up in the couch together.

My head is killing me! And I'm so thirsty I feel like I've gone days without water.

Okay new plan, just go get a glass of water, find some Tylenol, and go back to bed. Whatever it is that's going on can wait until the morning. I can't focus on anything until this pain goes away.

I moved quietly out of bed and into the kitchen to get a glass. There she is, sleeping soundly on the couch, alone. She's so peaceful. I took a minute to see her without that look of disgust she had on her face earlier when she last saw me. Without waking her I tip toed into the bathroom, opened the cabinet and searched for anything to get rid of my hurt. I saw something in the back with a red cap, looks like Tylenol, but I knocked a couple bottles over and they toppled into the sink, rattling and hitting the ground. Fuck. I quickly picked them all up and put them back, but I was too slow. I looked up and saw her standing in the door way, eyes half shut, wearing a big t-shirt and tiny shorts, hair a tangled mess. Looking as gorgeous as ever.

"What on earth are you doing up at 5AM" she croaked.

"I'm sorry, I was just looking for Tylenol I tried not to wake you" I stuttered. She sighed and walked into her room. I followed slowly, still in pain.

"I left it on my bed side table for you, with this bottle of water" she said holding them out for me. I took them sheepishly and thanked her. It kills me how thoughtful she was and I've still managed to burden her.

"Sorry for waking you, thanks, I can also sleep on the couch, it's your bed you deserve to-"

"Just whatever go back to sleep and leave me alone" she brushed past me going back to the living room.

My heart can't take this anymore. It breaks every time I hurt her, or inconvenience her in the slightest. I've never had so much regret, she was good for me, and I ruined it.

I climbed back into bed, popped some pills and knocked out again.

-Kylie's P.O.V-

I woke up to the sun beaming through my living room windows. It's 9 am. And Sunday which means I have shit to do, groceries, laundry, meal prep, and I have to get Noah out of here. He woke me up last night digging through my medicine cabinet. I remember seeing his dress shirt unbuttoned, hanging off his toned body. It annoyed me how hot he looked and how much I wanted to suffocate him. He's probably still sleeping but I need clothes, and a shower. Okay shower first then clothes, I'll give him an extra 10 minutes of sleep before I barge in there.

I'm too nice.

After getting out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my body, and went into my room without even trying to be quiet. He woke me up, now it's my turn. I shuffled through my drawers to find an outfit, then my closet to get a sweater. It's finally warm enough out to not need my massive parka. I love it. I tried to carry all my clothes, and hold my towel up, but failed miserably dropping all the garments on the ground. I bent down and picked them up and headed for the door.

"Morning" he said in his deep morning voice. Damn him. He sat up and I got another glance at his body.

"Hi" I said before shutting the door and hurrying for the bathroom.

I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"What do you want" I opened it a crack.

"Think you dropped these" he said holding out my underwear on his finger tips. Mortified I snatched them from his hand and slammed the door. I heard him chuckle through the door and got dressed. Oh. My. God.

I already hate today.

"So are you gonna explain to me how I got here, or why I'm a cripple all of a sudden?" He asked as if I'm at fault for this. I poured 2 cups of coffee and sat on the chair across from him.

"First of all, let's get one thing straight. I do not forgive you, and I do not wish to speak to you after today" I snapped. His face dropped and I instantly felt guilty. "Sorry, but this" I motioned to him "was not my fault."

"I remember getting in my car to leave, and then nothing" he said quietly. I think he knows where this is going. And I also get the sense he's embarrassed about it.

"You left incredibly drunk, Nate and I followed you, we found you in your truck, crushed into a light pole. Nate pulled you out and we brought you here." I said shortly.

"You didn't think to bring me to a hospital?"

"You were drunk you idiot, if I brought you to a hospital they'd know you were driving drunk and you'd probably be facing a DUI and jail time." I scoffed

"You're right, I'm sorry, thank you" he looked down. "Do you know where my truck is?"

"I reported it stolen last night, they called me a couple hours after we got home and told me they found it where we left it. Your insurance should cover most of the damages but it's at the shop now. They towed it this morning." I sipped my coffee and internally patted myself on the back for that. I'm so much better than him and he knows it. He knows he fucked up and that's exactly what I wanted. But how come I feel so awful about it.

"I don't know what to say" he said. "Thank you"

"You're welcome. Nate's the one who pulled you out of your truck and drove you here and hauled you up here so you should be thanking him too"

"Where is he?" He asked looking around.

"He went home last night" I said sadly.

"I'm sorry if I ruined your night with him. I'd say I feel bad for being such a cock block but I don't even know what I was blocking. Are you guys just really good friends or like, are you seeing him?" He still hasn't looked me in the eyes.

"Not that it's any of your business who I date, but we've been hanging out, nothing serious, but he's really great."

"Have you guys hooked up yet?"

"Noah seriously? Is that all you care about? I can't believe you asked me that!" I said taking my empty coffee mug to the sink.

"You're right I'm sorry. Again" he trialed off. "I just miss you" he almost whispered. I turned to look at him and debated on what I should say. He honestly really caught me off guard with that one.


New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now