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-Kylie's POV-

My arms are guided over his shoulders as he leans down, sliding his hands down the back of my legs to pick me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and my hands move into his hair as I press my lips to his. I close my eyes as we kiss and he walks us into my bedroom. The room is still dark from my black curtains and he uses my back to push the door closed, pressing me against it and using his hips to hold me up. My breath is heavy and our lips move in sync perfectly, I feel his tongue on my lips and his hand moves to the base of my neck gripping softly. My feet still haven't touched the floor, he's strong and it turns me on even more. I find the hem of his sweater and start to move it up his body, he smiles into my lips and lets me down so I can take it off. I pause to catch my breath and rake my eyes down his perfectly toned body that's lit perfectly by the sun peaking through the curtains.

My eyes meet his in this brief pause, I see the hesitation in his gaze and to ease the tension I reach to the front of my sports bra and unzip it slowly. His eyes follow my hands, my chest is moving rapidly with my breath and I pull back the fabric revealing my breasts. I drop the black cloth to the floor and reach out to grab his hand, pulling it to my waist. My other hand reaches behind his neck, pulling him into kiss me. Without hesitation his hands roam up my back, one hand reaching into my hair tugging slightly. I gently bite his lower lip and let out a soft moan.

-Noah's P.O.V-

She moans against my lips and it lights that fire inside me again. I don't care if this is a bad idea, I want her and she wants me. I wasn't sure she did, until she started undressing, seeing her like that made me weak. But this, this makes me strong, makes me want to make her feel as weak as I did. I want to make her feel so good she can't walk. I lift her up by her legs again, this time not as gentle. I kiss down her neck as I walk her to the bed, I throw my knee up onto the edge and push us both up, letting her fall onto her back. She smiles up at me, her hands lightly cover her chest and her knees are bent up and together, tucked slightly to her chest. I grab her knees and push them apart to place my torso between them, using one hand to hover over her half naked body. I use my other hand to move her hands out of the way and I kiss her passionately, kneading her breast in my hand. I kiss down her jaw line to her neck, sucking lightly leaving a mark on her just below her ear. I move down her chest, kissing every inch of her, I run my tongue over her nipple and she gasps. I look up at her and continue to swirl my tongue around this sensitive spot as she throws her head back and she squeezes her eyes shut. Her chest moves up and down quickly and I can hear her heart pounding. Her hand finds its way to my hair and she tugs gently. I'm thrown off when she pushes me up but relieved when she rolls me onto my back and climbs on top of me. She presses her hands onto my chest and straddles me again, leaning down to kiss me. My hands move down her back to her ass and I grip her tightly. She starts to grind her hips into mine, circling them making me hard under her. I curse under my breath as she starts to kiss my neck. I can't take any more teasing, I need her now. I swiftly flip her onto her back again and I start to pull her shorts off, she lifts her hips up and straightens her legs into the air as I pull them off, leaving her in just her underwear.

"Are you sure you-"

"Yes" she interrupts me

It's been so long since I've done this, I know I won't last long and I want to make sure she gets hers before I do. I run my hands up her smooth legs and kiss from her stomach up to her collarbone. My hands are on her hips as I take the black fabric of her underwear in my hands, pull them down her legs and toss them into the floor. I position myself between her legs and start to kiss her inner thighs, around her hip bone, getting closer and closer. I push her thighs out to spread them and wrap my arms around them, pulling her closer.

-Kylie's P.O.V-

The second his tongue touches me I gasp. I've had boyfriends in the past, nothing long term or serious, and none of them not a single one ever did this, ever made me a priority. They were too proud or just didn't care enough. So this is definitely a first for me. It's a new sensation I didn't know existed. I feel every move of his hot tongue against me and I moan and curse under my breath. I'm surprised when I feel him push two fingers inside me, the combination is amazing and I find I can't be quiet anymore. I can't control my body, my back is arching and my toes are curling, I can't help myself from grabbing whatever I can. I ball the sheets in my fists and feel him pull me back to him by my hips.

"Fuck.. Noah I.." I try to say I'm close "don't stop" I get out. He speeds up and looks up at me without stopping what he's doing. It's so hot to see him like this. I grab a fistful of his curly brown hair as I come undone. I'm out of breath but I want more, I want him. He leans up to me and I kiss him aggressively reaching down to his belt. I unzip his pants and push them down as far as I can, and reach for his briefs and I push them down too. I stop kissing him and roll to the side of my bed and reach into my side drawer, pulling out a condom. I turn back and he swiftly takes it from my hand and tears it open with his teeth.

"You're sure?" He asks rolling the condom on.

"Yes I'm sure" I beg him.

He hovers over me, using one hand to position himself and push into me. Once he's in he moves his other hand up next to me and I grip his biceps tightly, letting out soft moans as he thrusts into me. Our breaths are heavy, I didn't expect him to be so big, it's a good pain though. He picks up his pace and pushes harder into me. The sounds of our heavy breaths, my moaning and his cursing, and our hips pounding into each other fills the room.

I can't believe this is happening.

He was just driving me home and now he's railing me at 6am in the middle of a snow storm.

I'm snapped out my thoughts when I feel him pull out. He leans up and grabs my hands, motioning for me to turn over. I'm into it though, I adjust to my hands and knees and I feel him push into me again, this time it feels deeper, better. He's slow at first, but gradually builds speed as his grip tightens on my hips. I feel his hand push my shoulders into the bed as he slams harder into me, I can't help but moan loudly at the sensation.

-Noah's P.O.V-

The sound of her voice muffled into the sheets as she moans is enough to send me over the edge. I curse as I finish inside her, and all you can hear are the sounds of our heavy panting. I pull out and dispose of the condom into the trash beside her bed. She collapses onto her side, her hair a disheveled mess over her face. I brush it from her face as I lay down next to her. Her eyes flutter open and meet mine and we catch our breaths.

New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now