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-Nate's P.O.V-

She seems distant. Like somethings on her mind but she won't talk about it. She seems happy with me. At least I think she is. She invited me out for drinks tonight after work. Some place called Barney's. She said her work friends go there all the time and she wanted to show me.

I feel selfish and want her all to myself. I don't want her to go out with her work friends, well one in particular. I wouldn't call him a friend though. I don't understand why she is constantly putting herself in positions where he's around if she hates him so much.

I get that they were a thing and things ended kinda messy, but he needs to get over it. She never did tell me what happened between them but I just assume she found out what a dick he is and left his ass.

"Hey give me 2 minutes I'm almost ready" Kylie said as I entered her apartment. She smelled really nice and she's wearing a sun dress with a super low cut nick line. I mean I'm not complaining she looks super hot, but I don't think I want her wearing that out, especially if Noah's there.

"Do you have any other clothes you could wear?" I asked

"What do mean?"

"I mean don't you think that's a little inappropriate for your work friends?"

"No. I don't. Do you want me to change?" She asked frowning.

"Well yeah Kyles your tits are fully out"

"Oh, sorry I thought I looked nice" she turned away from me to shuffle through her closet. Now I feel bad. But whatever she's changing that's all that matters. "Is this fine?" She asked putting a jean jacket over top. I nodded and we got out the door. It's a nice spring night, I couldn't be happier that the snow has melted and I can retire my winter coat. I'm happy to be here with Kylie but I can't help but worry about Noah. He obviously still has feelings for her. But he has to know she's mine now and he will have to go through me if he even wants to speak to her.

-Kylie's P.O.V-

I'm kind of annoyed the Nate asked me to change. But whatever he's probably just protective over me because of Noah. Which he shouldn't be because first, I would never go back to him after everything, and second we're not dating like he's not my boyfriend. And even if he was it's my life and my choice.

When we walked into the bar I scanned the room for our group at our normal table. I clenched my jaw when I saw Noah with his arm around Nicole. Nate noticed my discomfort and grabbed my hand. I squeezed gently and walked quickly to the bar to grab drinks. Honestly it might be in my best interest to have one drink and leave.

"We don't have to stay, if you don't want, I honestly didn't expect him to be here" I said as he paid for our drinks.

"What no I don't care about him. I'm happy to stay" he said smiling down at me. His expression didn't seem sincere, like there was intent behind it that I couldn't pin.

We took our drinks to the table and I introduced him around. He seemed to get along well with everyone.

"Hi I'm Nicole" she said loudly from across the table. "Nice to meet you, you're Kylie's boyfriend?"

"Yeah I'm Nate, nice to meet you too"

I'm so uncomfortable. I can't tell if he just confirmed he's my boyfriend. He's not.

"This is my boyfriend Noah" she said and I choked on my drink. I looked up to see her smiling at me. I could not be more uncomfortable. To my surprise Noah seemed even more uncomfortable than me. We locked eyes momentarily before I excused myself to go get another drink.

"I'll come with you" Nate said

"No it's ok I practically inhaled mine you're not even half way into yours" I laughed "I just need a second" I said quietly. He nodded and I stepped away.

"Hey Mike can I grab a gin and soda" he nodded and I took a couple deep breaths. The smell of cologne filled the air and I noticed him stride up next to me.

"I'll take the same Mike" Noah said paying for both drinks.

"I can buy my own drinks thank you" I said harshly.

"I figured I owe you one"

I rolled my eyes and turned away quickly running into Nate, spilling half my drink. I frowned and stared at the floor where it splashed.

"I'm sorry here I'll get you a new one" Nate said guiding me back to the bar. I sipped the last bit that was left and slid the empty glass back to Mike. Did he really not trust me up here alone?

"Excuse me for a second" I said leaving for the bathroom. Can I not have one second to myself? I rinsed my hands and pushed my hands through my hair. I'm over heating I need to take this stupid jacket off. I walked back out past our table to the bar and felt Noah's eyes on me. It didn't bother me but I caught Nate's glare and knew it definitely bothered him. He handed me my new drink and we walked back to the table.

"You took your jacket off" Nate commented.

"Ya, it's hot" I scoffed. I sipped my drink and smiled as genuinely as I could.

"You're sure you don't want to put your jacket back on" he said looking over his should towards our table. I'm lightly buzzed and feeling rebellious. I made eye contact with Noah over Nate's shoulder briefly and downed the drink Nate got me. "Woah are you ok?" I didn't answer I just stared at him before asking Mike for another drink. "Do you just want to get out of here you seem stressed" he asked me.

"No I do not thank you" I replied. Mike slid me a drink and I handed him some cash. I picked up my drink and turned to head back to our table but my grip failed and I dropped my drink on the ground. I cursed under my breath and picked up the glass, on my way up I got a head rush though and everything was spinning. I feel nauseous and can't really think straight. I feel arms around me, and it's so dark. Why is it so dark

New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now