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-Kylie's P.O.V-

I didn't expect to wake up in Noah's bed today. I expected I'd be waking up in Nate's bed. Or my own. It was nice though, we just went back to his place and fell asleep together. I'm exhausted. Physically and emotionally. His arm draped over my waist was comforting, and I felt myself drifting back to sleep.

My post sleep nap was short lived though when I felt him get up quietly, clearly trying not to wake me up. I let him think I was still asleep so he wouldn't think he woke me up, but really there's no way I'm falling back asleep. I could faintly hear him in the kitchen. He's making quite a bit of noise actually, it sounds like he's cooking, or cleaning dishes. I can't tell but I'm awake and ready to get up and investigate.

I'm happily surprised to find him cooking breakfast, topless, in his kitchen. It's a small house, 2 bedrooms separated by a bathroom, a living room right at the front door, and a kitchen overlooking it. Very open concept.

"Hey no no you weren't supposed to wake up I wanted to bring you breakfast in bed" he said running over to me. I stood in my underwear and one of his big t shirts before I realized I really shouldn't be out here dressed like this considering he does have a room mate. I giggled as he walked me back to his room.

"Why are you making me breakfast in bed what did I do to deserve that" I asked

"It's just my way of saying, I'm sorry for all the drama I caused and that I put you through a stressful situation for no reason."

I smiled as he presented me with a plate stacked with chocolate chip pancakes.

-Noah's P.O.V-

After we ate our breakfast Kylie got into the shower before we head to her place. I was already ready to go so I started cleaning up my room. It was an absolute mess, I started with making the bed and then picking up dirty clothes from the floor. As I picked my gym bag up I noticed a piece of bright coloured fabric under it. I haven't been to the gym since after Nicole was here. My heart was pounding. I reached out a shaky hand to find out what it was and my throat got dry as I realized it was a pair of underwear. A lacy pink thong to be exact. I got up and turned to run and get rid of them before Kylie could — Kylie

Her eyes pierced through me as she saw what I was holding. Tears welled up quickly and she dropped the wet towel in her hands.

"Those aren't mine" she croaked

"No" was all I could get out.

"I want you to take me home" she said quietly as she wiped her tears away.


We drove in silence. I had no idea what to say. I couldn't deny it.

"Was it worth it?" She asked staring forward blankly as we sat in the parking lot of her building.

"No" I looked in her direction, not aiming to make eye contact. Seeing the pain in her eyes was unbearable.

"Can I ask why then" I really wish she hadn't. The emotions from that night came flooding back. The anger and hurt from knowing what she thought of me. How she thought I could be the awful human being that I now realize I am. That type of hurt made me do it. But was I about to blame my actions on her?

"I was hurt"

She looked at me with disbelief.

"Sorry you were hurt?" She was getting defensive.

"I was Kylie I was hurt that you thought I could be that guy. The guy that sleeps around and doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself. I was hurt that you thought that way of me." I defended

"So to prove to me that you weren't that guy, you went and became that guy?!"

"I wasn't in the right frame of mind okay she seduced me she knew what she was doing and she played right into it. She probably left her underwear there on purpose!" We we're both yelling at this point.

"Were you even gonna tell me? Huh Noah were you just going to let me believe all the rumours were just that? Rumours?"

I couldn't answer.

"You were going to let me believe everything was fine. That you never fucked her that you loved me and that we were going to live happily ever after!"

"Woah woah woah who said anything about love?! I never said I loved you we're not even dating! This isn't a relationship I'm not your boyfriend and if I feel like sleeping with someone else I sure as hell can, I don't need you telling me what I can and can't do!"

Her eyes welled with tears and her stare was cold. She couldn't look at me. She hastily grabbed her coat and flung the car door open to step out into the cold.


"Don't call me that" she snapped whipping around to face me. "Yeah I'm stupid for catching feelings and getting my heart broken, but at least it proves I have a heart" she slammed the door and disappeared into the blowing snow.

-Kylie's P.O.V-

I couldn't control the waterfall of tears as I hurried to my apartment.

I'm angry, I'm sad, and I can't believe I didn't see this coming. As if I believed him when he told me he never slept with her. He lied to my face at a time when I was weak and clearly gullible.

I will never forgive him for that.

Not a chance.

I never want to see his stupid liar face again.

Unfortunate that we work together.

Very unfortunate.

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