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TW - drugs & assault

-Noah's P.O.V-

I heard a crash and turned to see Nate holding Kylie up by her waist. She looks unconscious, but she's only had 3 drinks and I know she can handle her liquor. There's no way she's that drunk. Nate seems pretty possessive so I don't want to start trouble with him. So I went up to get a drink so I didn't seem nosy.

"Hey is she ok?" Mike asked Nate

"She's fine she's just drunk"

Mike gave him a look that told me he didn't really believe him.


I heard her mumble my name and I whipped my head to see her. Her eyes were barely open and she couldn't keep her balance.

"No Kyles it's Nate I've got you. Let's get you home."

Still shakes me when he uses her nickname. I feel like I should do something. I just don't want to start a fight with this guy again. Kylie will just hate me more. But she'll really hate me if she finds out he drugged her and I let him take her home and do who knows what with her.

"I don't think she's ok man she's only have a few drinks maybe you should take her to the hospital" I interject.

"Man can you seriously just back off. You don't know what she needs ok." He defends. It's clear she can't walk so he scoops her into his arms and storms out with her.

I turned to the table and everyone seemed in shock.

"What the hell just happened" Sarah stands up

"I don't know, I have a bad feeling though." I replied. I looked at Sarah hoping she would give me the go ahead to follow them. She gave me a hard look as if she didn't know what to say, and then her face soften as she nodded, giving me all the confirmation I needed.

"Wait Noah where are you going?" I heard Nicole's whiny voice as I grabbed my jacket.

"To make sure Kylie's ok"

"She left with her boyfriend isn't that his job, to make sure she's ok, you're not her boyfriend last I checked" she snapped at me

"Yeah and last I checked I'm not yours either, so please stop lying to yourself and everyone else because we are nothing"

"Well sorry for assuming you had feelings for me, I guess having sex with me multiple times might have given me the wrong impression"

My anger burned through me as she spoke, and the glaring eyes on me from the table only infuriated me more.

"I don't have anything to prove. I think reputation speaks for itself here and I know who my friends are. I'm sorry you feel so insecure that you feel the need to bring me down, and I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. I know my mistakes don't define me, and so just to be clear, I will not be giving you any more reasons to assume my feelings for you"

"Oh so I'm a mistake?"

"I think I made that pretty clear didn't I?" I said before leaving.

That was a waste of time, I should have just left, they're probably home already. But my ego got the best of me and now what.

I sped to her building and rushed to her apartment as fast as I possibly could. My heart sank when I tried the door to realize it's locked. I pressed my ear to see if I could hear anything. I could hear muffled voices, and could distinguish between who was who, but words were difficult.  I could kind of make out

"——————- feel so good" -Kylie
"You're fine——- too much to drink" -Nate
"Just relax———— to go to bed" -Nate

I heard a crash followed by some more mumbling. My heart is POUNDING. I don't know what to do but I need to get in there.

"You're ok————- if you want me to stop" -Nate

I broke down that door before I could even think about what I was doing. I ran straight to her room to find her half laying on the bed with her dress lifted over her chest and her underwear wrapped around one ankle. I scanned the room and he's nowhere to be found. I quickly pulled her dress down to cover her as I ran through the apartment to find him. He must have ran when I busted the door down. I whipped my head to the door when I heard the sound of keys to find him rushing out. I caught up to him, tackled him to the ground, and beat the living hell out of him. With each punch I felt more and more relief. He is living breathing scum and I hope he never shows his face again. Which reminds me I should probably leave him breathing. I pushed myself off of him and he rushed to his feet.

"If I ever see your face again, I will kill you" I said grabbing his collar. I shoved him away and he left without looking back.

I wiped my bloody knuckles on my jeans and went back to Kylie, she's still unconscious. I pulled the sheets out from under her carefully and tucked her into bed, turned out the lights, and went back to the living room to fix the door I busted. It's not broken, just need to reattach the hinges. I'm too fired up to go to sleep so I went to my truck to grab the toolbox I carry for work, and came up to fix the door. After that I grabbed a blanket and curled up on the couch. There's no way I'm leaving her here alone.

I'm never leaving her again.

New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now