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-Kylie's P.O. V-

"I'm sorry I can't do this" I got out just as he was continuing to undress me. I feel bad, I really led him on. I in no way made it seem like I didn't want this. He stopped and looked at me blankly, standing up straight.

"Can't do what" he breathed.

"This, I— I can't sleep with you I'm sorry" I looked down into my lap as I sat up.

"Alright, whatever" he said grabbing his shirt and throwing it over his head. I grabbed a blanket and held it to my body, ashamed at what I just let happen. My breath quivered and a tear rolled down my cheek. I know I came here for a hook up, I just didn't expect him to drop me like that. He didn't give me a second look before he left the room. He swung the door open and walked out, and I could see the crowded hall as he left. Then to my surprise, and horror, I locked eyes with the last person I expected to see.

-Noah's P.O.V-

We got to this party, the place was huge. First thing we did was grab drinks. I downed my first 2, did some shots with some random girls, shot gunned with some guys, and just like that, I was wasted.

It's been 20 minutes and I'm already piss drunk, and now I actually have to piss. I wandered upstairs to find a bathroom, checked a few doors, most locked. The halls were crowded so I had to push my way through to the end of the hall. I squeezed my way through when a door opened in front of me and some guy walked out. He looked pissed. Hoping this was the door to a bathroom I looked in, but instead I found a girl, naked, staring back at me. The look on her face, the green eyes, wavy dark brown hair.



My pulse quickened as my anger rose. This surge of adrenaline sobered me up and I crossed the room to her, closing the door behind me. I swear to god if he hurt her, if he-
I don't want to finish that thought. I pulled my flannel off and covered her with it. "Are you okay?"

She hesitated to look me in the eyes, but when she did, I was filled with relief. "Did he hurt you" my tone was harsher than I wanted it to be. But my point was clear.

"I'm fine, he didn't hurt me." She pushed her arms through the sleeves of my shirt and buttoned the front of it, it made me unbelievably happy seeing her in my clothes again. "Why are you here" she asked coldly.

"My room mate Conor dragged me along with him. Why are you here?" I don't really know if I want to know the answer.

"Why do you care"


"Because it's you. I'll never stop caring about you."

She looked up at me again, her sad eyes pierced through me like I wasn't even there.

"Did you and him" I stuttered. I don't wanna know, but at the same time it's driving me crazy not knowing. "Did you guys"

"Did we have sex?" She asked harshly.

I just looked at her, hoping she would say what I want her to say.

"What if we did?" She said standing up to face me "for all you know he fucked me right where you're standing" her words made me angry. Jealous even.

"He didn't" I argued.

"How would you know" she snapped stepping closer.

"Well if he did, he definitely didn't do it right"

She gave me a look of confusion and disbelief.

"Well for starters," I continued "your hairs still perfect, and your eye makeup's still intact" she ran her hands through her hair, knowing I'm right. "And the beds still made, sheets and pillows basically untouched." I gained confidence with every word I said, knowing I was proving her wrong. "If I'd fucked you" I said stepping even closer to her "you'd damn well know it"

I could hear her breathing get heavy. We stared at each other, waiting for the other to make a move. I couldn't wait any longer, and I kissed her with every ounce of passion I had in me. She hesitated at first but gave in, melting around me.

I missed her, I know it hasn't been long but the thought of having to go without her made me crave her more. I held her tightly, and kissed her hard. Our lips moved perfectly in sync, and for a moment the world seemed to disappear around us.

Then reality hit, when she pushed against my chest and separated us. She covered her face with the sleeves of my shirt hanging over her hands and backed away.

"Please go" she said so quietly I almost didn't hear. I wish I didn't hear.

"Kylie ple—"

"Just go!" She shouted, her voice cracking as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"No I'm not leaving" I pressed stepping closer, only for her to back up again.

"What do you want from me Noah" she looked at me and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I just want to have you back in my life Kyles"

"Don't call me that" she snapped

"I didn't do what you think I did" I started. I know that's a lie.

"And what's that, what do I think you did"

"I didn't fuck Nicole" I started, looking away. I can't look her in the eyes and lie to her.

"Why would she say you did then"

"I have no idea Kylie why would I do that. Why would I ruin what we have."

"We don't have anything Noah, we never did we're not a couple. We slept together a couple times. It was good. But that's it. I don't know anything about you, you know nothing about me. We may as well be strangers."

"Strangers? You'll never be a stranger to me Kylie" I stepped closer to her again, this time she didn't back away. "I want to know you. I want to know what makes you laugh, what makes you cry. I want to know your favourite ice cream flavour, where you want to travel, how you get your hair to do that perfect wavy thing. I know we had a rough start, but I want to see where this goes"

She started picking up her clothes and getting dressed. But kept my flannel on. She started heading for the door and I knew I lost her. It doesn't matter what I say, she can't see past my one big mistake.

"Strawberry" she said looking back before opening the door.

New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now