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-Kylie's P.O.V-

I woke up today around noon. Super unlike me. But I'm sad so, I guess I can do whatever I want. Sarah tried to come by last night but I didn't want to see anyone. I'm not even really sad just more embarrassed than anything. I thought he and I had something. As much as I tried to suppress it, it really did feel like he cared about me. I told myself so many times not to fall for him. Not to care about him. But I would be lying if I said I never did. I'm mad at myself for letting it get that far in my head.

The more I let the anger and jealousy stew in my head the more I just wanted to get even. To sleep with someone else and move on. Make him feel as pissed off as I am.

I know these are toxic ideas, but I'm over trying to please everyone else. I was to be happy. And more than anything I want him to see me happy.

I know this is probably not the best way to go about this, but I decided to make a tinder profile. And for the rest of my day I swiped and chatted my heart out. It made me feel good getting this kind of attention.

I started chatting with this one guy, Nate. He's super hot, tall with dark curly hair and blue eyes. He lives really close to me actually. He asked if I wanted to meet up with him and I thought it wouldn't be such a good idea, but he's really cute and sweet, I don't want to miss the opportunity. So I texted Sarah and told her where I was going, a photo of him and his name, and told her if I didn't text her by the morning to call the police. She laughed but I feel a sense of security that she knows where I'll be.

I grabbed an Uber to his place and when I got to his house I was surprised. It's huge. I then realized he likely has a bunch of room mates considering all the cars in the driveway. I texted saying I was here and he opened the front door 30 seconds later.


He's dressed in gym shorts and a hoodie, I don't know why that's so hot to me. I wore blue leggings and black over sized sweater. I really wasn't trying but I figured I wouldn't be wearing it long anyways. From the way he was texting me I knew this would just be a hook up. And I am very much okay with that.

"Hey" he said leading me into the house.

I smiled and followed him through the halls to his kitchen. It was a Saturday night and the house shook from the base of loud music. I had no idea I'd be walking into the middle of a party. Then when I caught a glimpse of the flags hanging on the walls I realized this was a frat house. Sometimes I forget how old I am and that people my age are still in school.

"Want a drink?" He offered me a red cup. Ya know what, yes I do. It'll help take the edge off. I accepted and clinked my plastic cup to his. We talked for a few minutes and had more to drink, before he finally made the first move and grabbed my hand, pulling me with him as we walked upstairs to his room. I was pretty buzzed but not too drunk to not know what I was doing.

I feel nervous. I want this, right? I want to get back at Noah for hurting me. For making me feel small. I want this.

He kissed me, and the alcohol on his breath was strong. I feel like he may have had a few drinks before I got here, but then had a few more with me. I wonder how drunk he is.

I kissed him back, and he pulled me closer by my waist. I don't know why I'm so hesitant, I want this. He's super hot, a great kisser, and not Noah. Is that it? He's not Noah? He's not the boy I really want to be kissing right now.

I kept going though hoping I would eventually get comfortable with it. He lifted my sweater over my head and started to kiss my neck. It felt good. Really good. I moaned quietly and then took his shirt off. He has such a perfect body too wow. Toned and muscular, I'm so attracted to him. But something still feels off. He laid me down on his bed and hovered over me still kissing me, as his hands roamed down my body. He swiftly removed my leggings and I felt the cool air sweep across my bare legs.

The cold air shocked me and I felt that pang of uncertainty again. I knew if I wasn't 100% into this that I really shouldn't be doing it. My breathing increased as he started to kiss down my body, and panic started to set in. I don't want to make him stop, because I'm scared he will get mad. But I know it's my body and my choice so I need to speak up. But I'm frozen, the words won't come out of my mouth.

-Noah's P.O.V-

I finished the last slice of the pizza I ordered and zoned out to the tv in my room playing the rangers game. I hate myself more than I think I ever have. I didn't have to fuck Nicole. I didn't even really want to. I wish it were Kylie. I can't believe I was so weak.

I want to be with her. I need to see her. But I know she doesn't want to see me.

"Hey man, it's Saturday night and you're sulking" Conor said coming into the living room. "We should get out, see people, get some fresh air"

I shook my head and got up to go to my room. The last thing I want to do is socialize.

"Come on dude you're 23 are you really gonna waste your time moping about some girl you hardly know"

Ouch. I'll be honest the more he said the angrier I got, and the more I wanted to prove him wrong.

"What did you have in mind?"

His smile grew and we got dressed and headed out. He said there was a party on the other side of town and as long as there was liquor, I'd be happy to attend. We left and 20 minutes later we arrived to this massive house. I could hear the music from outside. I'm about ready to black out.

New Guy - Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now