Chapter 1

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POV: Eileen

Dear Diary,
I hope this part of my life will end soon!
I hate my father so much. Not just because he forbids me everything. Also, because he hates me and always blames me for everything. And my mother isn't herself anymore. Some months ago we lost my Grandma and since that happened, she became sad and depressed. And I couldn't live like that anymore. I have no one to talk to. Except you. You are like my best friend when I need to cry or when I need someone to talk to. Even if you never answer, you at least listen to my words. You don't ignore me like everyone else does. I think nobody in this kingdom is as lonely as I am. And if I ever meet someone, who claims to be more lonely than I am, I will prove him wrong. You have my word!

I lay in my bed and stared at the ceiling. Another night and I couldn't sleep. And the thing which scared me even more was the day after today. Tomorrow was the day of the century. The prince would choose himself a girl. And this girl would live with him for eternity. You may think 'Why are you scared?' or 'What is the problem with that?'. But my problem is, that nobody ever saw his face. You only heard the rumors about his rage and his arrogance.

Nobody knew how he looked. He could stalk you the whole day, be your best friend or just a stranger passing the market. And I knew that he was dangerous. How dangerous you might ask. The answer is: I don't know. But every girl was scared of him and every parent who wasn't insane hoped that he wouldn't choose their daughter.
Even my father. And my father was the first person who would sell me to someone just for the money. But even he had a problem with the prince. And I wasn't able to find out why. I tried to find the answer since I was fourteen, about two years ago and since today I have had no luck.

After hours of lying awake in my bed, sleep took over me. When I woke up the next day I was still tired. Who wouldn't after two hours of sleep. But I had to get ready. In about three hours the ceremony would start and every girl between the age of sixteen and eighteen would wait in front of the castle for the prince. And then he would decide.

I tried to distract myself from the event and changed into a beautiful light pink dress. It was knee-length and was made by myself. I loved to create dressing gowns, even if we couldn't afford it. I only was able to pay for the fabric because of my Grandma, who saved all of her money. She always knew the ceremony would come and knew that I am talented at sewing. And she wanted me to look beautiful that day. I thought she would be here today, but she died.

I knew that she would always look out for me from heaven and protect me, but I missed her so much. I wish I could talk to her one more time and ask her what to do. She always had a solution and never gave up.

After dressing I did my hair and walked into the kitchen to eat something. While eating my mind drifted off and I thought about the following few hours. When I was finished, I washed my plate and went to my mother's room to wake her up.

She was in a bad mood and just hoped that I wouldn't be chosen by him. But honestly, I think that she is just too sad to really understand the situation. She doesn't realize that she could lose me today and maybe see me the last time.

But I didn't push her or tried to explain to her how serious this situation really was. The main reason for that is, that I just hoped that I had luck. Without me, she would break down and maybe get sick and I just wanted her to be healthy in the future.

Inside, I knew that something bad would happen, but I tried to stay positive.
After my family, including my father, was ready, we started our trip to the castle. It didn't take too long, because our King provided carriages for the families to travel to the castle. After about three hours we reached our goal.

We walked to the entrance and were led to the ballroom. There the girls were separated from their families and led into the middle of the room, where a great many had already gathered.

POV: Blake

I was sitting in my room, like I did for about a decade now. You might ask yourself 'Why?' or 'Don't you have a family?'. The Answer is: Yes. But why should I hang out with my dad? It doesn't matter and to be honest, I have no reason to live. What a shitty life but what else would you do, if you'd be immortal and a beast. I don't have fangs or any shit like that, but black wings on my back. Some people might think about fallen angels or demons. But I was just born like that on earth. The only person who may understand me is my dad, but I don't talk to him. I haven't said a word in more than five years and I don't plan on breaking this record.

My dad thought it might help to try to find my soulmate. I on the other hand, don't believe in that, because I am probably older than everybody on this planet minus other creatures like vampires, if they still exist. And never have I ever found my so-called 'soul mate'. On this earth is no living person who could love me. My whole kingdom (my dad 'rules' it, but I am the real king) is afraid of me.

My dad is just an old friend of my dad, who died many years ago. And that is one of my biggest secrets. Adam is his name by the way. But I call him dad, because he reminds me of him. My dad. Ace Montgomery.

After some time I started to change my clothes for the event, I will find my mate. At least, that's what my dad said. I wasn't motivated and I just wanted to end my life, so that I mustn't attend. Let's just say, that this didn't work out...

I was wearing a grey suit with a tie and my hair was a mess. I swear I could try to do my hair for two hours and they would look just the same as before. So I gave up once again and walked to the room above the ball, which basically was some kind of spy room for the ballroom. I know it sounds weird, but I just wanted to check up on the girls to confirm that I had no mate.

As I was looking down (you can see through the floor like you can with a window) I saw hundreds of girls gathered in the middle of the room, but nobody was attractive enough to be my other half. After about ten minutes of staring at all of the girls I gave up. If in his whole kingdom with a population of over 10,000 hasn't a girl I like then she doesn't exist. And I am pretty sure that this is the case.

That is what I thought until I saw her. She was beyond beautiful. Her hair was curled and she had half of her hair in a bow. They were blond and fell around her face and framed it perfectly. She wore a light pink dress, which hugged her body excellently. It was knee-length and she looked so adorable. I just wanted to throw her over my shoulder and bring her to my room, where she would stay forever.

But I couldn't do that. I had to control myself because the thoughts of her being mine were something different. Dear Princess, at the end of the day you will be mine!

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