Chapter 14

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POV Blake

When she finished I couldn't believe what she just said. She is so much more than human. She is the first person who accepted me even if she was afraid at the beginning. She was stronger than everyone else living in this country and she cares for me. That's all I am asking for.

I used my strength to hover over her tiny figure. My arms, which were beside her head, were supporting my weight and I looked down at her face. I wanted to say these thoughts out loud so that she would notice that she is the most precious girl in the world.

It hurt like hell to speak but I did it anyway.

"Y-You are t-the most im-important p-person in the w-world and spending t-time with y-you is like he-heaven. Don't say th-these things about y-you! I-I forbid it!"

I croaked a lot but she could understand me. Then I pecked her lips, which was followed by her cheeks blushing a lot. It was cute and I couldn't stop smiling.

I nuzzled my nose in her neck and breathed in her scent. It was intoxicating.

I rolled over and dragged her with me so that she was lying on top of me. She tried to protest with arguments like 'You're hurt' or 'You're not completely fine' but I shrugged it off.

"At least let me look at your wounds"

After some time I gave in and let her do what she wanted to do but only because I knew she was scared of hurting me. In the last few hours, I healed a lot because my body wasn't as weak as yesterday. Hence, the wounds were able to heal almost completely. Perks of being immortal.

Her eyes went wide as she was finished, unwrapping the bandages on my chest.

"How- I mean- Some hours ago there were wounds all over your chest and now they are almost healed. That is not normal. Wait! Has it something to do with you being an angel with dark wings?"

I only nodded. She was so cute when she was fascinated by something. Screw that - She is always adorable.

She started to clean the blood with soaked towels and like she said my cuts were only small cuts as big as papercuts. They didn't hurt anymore so I could move much easier which means that I can hold her like I want until death does us part. I smirked at the thoughts of our future and how I could show her the world with my eyes. I had wings which was very advantageous. I could fly and now I had a reason to do so. I could show her beautiful clearings and places all over the world. I could make her happy. Thinking about that made me smile wide and lean back into the pillows, laying on the mattress.

"Why are you laughing? What are you thinking about?"

I just answered "You" which made her blush. She tried to avoid looking at me but I missed her unique eyes already. So I placed my fingers under her chin to lift it. She had no chance to miss my eyes that way and the result was her blushing even harder.

"Your blush is cute. I don't want you to hide it"

My voice was croaked but I didn't care. I was able to talk again and in two or three days I would be able to talk normally without feeling pain in my throat.

Without me noticing, she finished cleaning the papercuts. She didn't bandage them because it was unnecessary and I wouldn't have let her either. I needed a shower and now that I could move without wincing in pain it was logical to take that shower soon.

"I want to take a shower. My hair is probably a mess and I didn't shower for almost two weeks. Not that I have to do it as often as humans do but I feel gross."

She lightly chuckled as I said that but nodded nevertheless. Then she stood up and for some reason, I let her because I knew that she wouldn't leave the room.

As I looked around the room I realized that my dad was nowhere to be seen. He probably left after we started, having a private conversation.

Eileen came back with a pair of boxers, a grey shirt, some sweatpants and something I couldn't recognize. She stood in front of the bed and placed the clothes on the bed.

"Do you need help with anything or are you good?"

Her words came out very quiet and I knew it was because a part of her was embarrassed.

I thought about her offer and wanted to decline it but then the possessive and naughty side came out and I imagined us showering together. Ok, behave. But before I knew it, I rushed the words out.

"How about you help me?"

I mentally slapped myself but it was already too late. She nodded and reached her hands out for me to take. I followed her orders and took them.

To stand on your own feet after almost two weeks felt weird.

I took a few steps with her hand still clasped in mine. Together, we made it to the bathroom. There she told me to undress except the boxers and made her way outside after telling me she would be back in a minute.

True to her words, she was standing in the bathroom after about a minute in a bathing suit. Her body was perfect and I was getting aroused by the beauty standing in front of me. I tried to ignore it and took a step in the direction of the shower. She followed soon after and came into the shower with me.

My wings were still prominent but they could need a shower too. After all, they were bloody too before my princess cleaned them. And a towel didn't do the same job as a shower.

"Isn't it dangerous for the wings to get soaked wet?" was her question as I started the water and adjusted the temperature. I chuckled at her sweet attempt to 'save my wings from getting wet'.

I looked over my shoulder and looked into her face.

"No, I won't be able to fly but it won't destroy or hurt them. As long as you are careful, I think that's logical."

She hesitantly nodded and came closer to me. As soon as she reached me I wrapped my arms around her body, which caused her to gasp silently. She runs her finger through my hair as I lean my head on her shoulder. Her touch was addicting and I would die without feeling her around me for some time.

A voice in my head told me to kiss her but I wasn't sure if she was ready. That voice always gave me advice in the past but I don't know if it was a good idea. I was ruthless before I met her but for her, I would go to my knees and beg.

After some seconds of thinking about the possibilities of the consequences I just crashed my lips to hers. They tasted like the sweetest honey mixed with flowers and it was a thousand times better than I imagined. To my surprise, she started kissing me back. It was slow and full of emotions and just perfect.

She stopped the kiss first but didn't back away. Instead, she leaned her head on my chest and closed her eyes for a moment. We were both completely content with the situation and tried to enjoy it as long as possible.

She looked up to look into my eyes and placed a kiss on my chest before backing away and picking up the shampoo from the shelf and opened it. She put some of it on the palm of her hand and brought the hand to my hair. She started to wash my hair but I could see that she was struggling due to our height difference.

Without thinking, I grabbed the back of her thighs and lifted her up so that her legs were around my waist. She was stunned because of my actions but let it go after she realized that she was able to reach my hair much easier.

She continued to massage my scalp and I groaned. It felt so good and I couldn't get enough of it. Sadly, she finished shortly after and removed her legs from my waist. I pouted but let her go and she started to gently wash my wings. She was so adorable because she took her time to wash every centimeter of my feathers without missing a spot.

I swear they never were as clean as at the moment but I didn't complain. It was a win-win situation because I was in heaven and she had the opportunity to take care of me as she wanted.

Let's just say the shower took longer than intended even if nothing happened except some kisses...  


(A/N) Here is the chapter I promised!!!

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