Chapter 8

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POV Eileen


I was standing at an unknown place. Everywhere was fog and I couldn’t see my surroundings. But I felt someone's presence in the same room.

I waited until the fog slowly disappeared. And what I saw shocked me more than I thought.

I was in Blake's Bedroom. But it didn’t look like before. No, It was completely destroyed.

And I saw Blake. He was lying on the floor and didn’t move an inch. He looked like was frozen. But he didn’t have the self-confident, strong and arrogant appearance. He had bags under his eyes and looked tired.

Unconsciously, I touched my chest. It hurt my heart to see him like that. I never liked him and I was afraid of him, but nobody deserves to suffer like that.

What is wrong with him? Why does he look like he is only minutes from death?

I slid down the wall I was leaning onto and sat down on the floor with my back leaning against the wall. My arms were hugging my legs to myself to search for comfort. But what I now observed was ten times worse. His body looked thinner than before and his face looked lifeless. He looked like he wanted to die. Like he gave up.

His cheeks were sunken and his cheekbones were more present than before.

I wanted to help him. To save him from his misery but I had no idea how to do it.

So I stood up and made my way over to him. For some reason, I wasn’t afraid of him at the moment but maybe it was just the adrenalin that was running in my veins. As I was about to reach him I stopped for a moment. I was hesitant.

How did I get here? Wasn’t I back ‘home’ or was that all just a dream? But if it was a dream, what happened to him?

I just shook my head to get rid of all my doubts. Then I reached my hand out to touch his face. But as I was about to touch his cheek, his body started to vanish in the fog where I touched him.

What the hell is happening? It can’t be real. I am sure this is just a dream and not really happening. Just wake will find a way to have a future and nothing or no one will stop you.

(dream end)

I woke up panting for breath and dripping in sweat. The dream felt so real! I never had nightmares and that scared me. But the most frightening thing was, that my chest hurt and I felt a part of myself being ripped out of my heart. What the hell am I feeling?

I tried to go back to sleep but after tossing and turning in my tiny bed for about an hour I gave up. So I stood up to stretch myself. After that, I changed my clothes and went to the kitchen to eat something. It was just an apple but better than nothing.

I made my way to Alex who was lying in the garden. I sat down next to him and started petting his fur. It was so soft and I couldn't imagine how expensive that horse was. It was definitely worth more than the whole house and our property together.

I was starting to think about the prince and I felt sad. I don’t know why, but I did. What should I do? I know that I am not welcomed anymore so I have to go somewhere else. But where?

I had no friends, no grandma or relatives who were alive and I didn’t want to be homeless.

That was one of the positive things I remembered from living in the palace.

You never had to think about things like food, money, clothes (okay, I know that he was an asshole and didn’t get clothes but his were completely fine!) and I felt safe. At least my heart felt safe. My brain was overwhelmed with the situation and I was scared of him because of the hearsays. But in person, he wasn’t that bad. He cared about my wellbeing and asked questions nobody else did. They were simple but if I think back I can say that they were part of me realizing that my family isn’t normal.

They never asked questions like ‘How are you feeling?’ or ‘Do you need something'. He did. He never used these formulations but sometimes he thought twice about what he should say. And his eyes weren’t always able to hide the sentences he really wanted to ask.

It is weird but I was able to read his body language so well that I could read him like a book. My only problem was that I was too stubborn to give in and to let him crumble my walls I built up over the years.

I start to regret running away. At least I had someone who wanted me there. Yes, he was a difficult person and had a bad temper but he wanted me there. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have chosen me the other day.

“What are you doing here? Didn’t you get the message that we don’t want you here?” were the words that broke the silence. At first, I thought that I was just hallucinating but when I looked up she stood on the threshold, staring at me.

But when she saw ‘my’ horse she gasped.

I knew what was going on inside her head. I wasn’t dumb. She wanted to sell Alex to get money. And I knew that I wouldn’t let that happen. He was the only thing that reminded me of him and he was the only proof I had that I wasn’t dreaming.

“Don’t even think about it. You won’t sell him to some rich bastard. I won’t let you!”

I never stood up to my parents because I was naive and always thought that they were right. But now I knew what they were trying to do. They wanted me to be too dependent on them so that I would never run away. They needed someone who did the things they didn’t want to do.

In the Meantime, I stood up and walked to her. And that is the moment I lost it. I threw all the things they ever said to me at her head and let all my anger out. To say she was shocked was an understatement. She looked worse than a vampire. The blood in her face vanished and she was acting as if she was afraid of me. And it felt good. It felt good to release all the anger I had bottled up all these years.

She only turned around and hurried away.

-----8 days later-----

Since the morning I was shouting at my mother she left me alone. And my father still wasn’t home. Luckily.

Every night the nightmares got worse. In the beginning, it was ‘just’ him lying on the floor and doing nothing but after some days it changed to scratching himself with a knife. I still didn’t figure out why I had those dreams but I was terrified. And the scratching wasn’t the worst... I can’t even think about it. It is too revolting.

I started throwing up every night after waking up and I was at the end. I was tired and couldn’t sleep enough.

Therefore I was getting weaker and the aching in my chest aggravated it.

I was interrupted once again by a knock at the door. Who could it be? Nobody came here other than my parents and they would never knock.

I made my way to the door because my mother was nowhere to be found and opened the door. What I saw next was unexpected. I looked up and my eyes met…

Who is at the door? Write a comment !!!

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