Chapter 18

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POV Blake

I woke up when I heard a terrifying scream that belonged to Eileen. I looked down and saw her crying, clutching my chest in order to search for comfort. I tried to calm her down but it didn't seem to work.

"What hurts? If you tell me, I may be able to help you"

"M-M-My AAAAHHHHHH b-back hu-hurts a. AAH a lot"

That was the moment when I realized that she definitely was an angel. Everything made sense now. That she was my mate, that she felt the connection between us, the dreams she told me about...

And I know how agonizing the pain is. I lived through it too and it felt like hell. I mean, your bones in your back break completely and rearrange themselves so that the wings have space. And the worst thing is that there is only one way to lessen the pain and that method only works for some minutes. Other than that, you have to endure the pain and wait until it stops.

The only way to lessen the pain only works if you have a mate. She is lucky that she has one because now I am able to take her pain away for some time. The only problem is, that I'll be able to feel her pain instead. I won't tell her because she is too selfless and cares too much about me. She would try to stop me and I couldn't handle that. I know that it hurts like hell but for her, I will do it as often as possible.

I know that angels who already changed can handle more pain and that is just one more point to help her. But even if the pain would be ten times worse, I wouldn't care.

I don't want her to feel the pain I did over a hundred years ago. I had nobody who could help me with the pain and my change wasn't one of my best memories. But it wasn't the most painful memory. Because the pain was fifty times worse, as I let my princess go. I have no idea how I was able to survive and not die because of a broken heart.

This showed me that I am more than capable of handling the pain.

"Sshhhh calm down. I can help you with the pain for some time but I am not able to take away all of it, okay?

I saw in her eyes how she felt and I swear I could feel her emotions through the bond even if she hasn't changed yet.

I placed my hands on her cheeks and cupped her face. Then, I closed my eyes and started to concentrate. It took me some time to realize how it worked to take the pain away.

It wasn't easy to do and it took me a lot of my energy for a short amount of time. Now I know why you can't do it for a long time: You would break down because of exhaustion and just stop.

I took her pain for about ten minutes when I had to stop. I could continue but I would need to sleep and I won't let her alone without me observing her. Under no circumstances!

"I am sorry princess but I am not able to help you anymore. I have to stop taking your pain away but I promise to do it again as soon as possible, okay?"

She nodded her head and continued to look into my eyes. It was always like that. If she started to look into them, she got lost as I got lost in hers. Her beautiful greenish-blue eyes.

The tears started to fall again as I stopped and her pain came back. It was killing me from the inside.

The next few days were the same. I would take her pain as often and as long as possible without sleeping once. Her back was a complete mess and sometimes you could hear her bones breaking. In these times, I tried to take the pain away more than in others because I remember how painful it was. If a bone in your back starts to break, you feel like you're paralyzed because you can't really move and if you do, you worsen the pain.

I lost my parents not long after my transformation during the war between different species and they were two of the victims.

I was the only one in my family who survived. Later on, I found out that my father signed a contract. It said that I was the new king of Montgomerondya. But it also said that Adam will pretend to be the king in order to protect me. People of my kingdom think that I am Adam's son. It was the only way to stay hidden without attracting attention.

My parents had enemies, like everyone, and everyone thought that I was dead. Somehow, my dad knew that he wouldn't survive but he wanted me to avenge them someday. He wanted me to have a life and find my mate. To be happy.

Eileen was able to make these things come true and I loved her more than everything.

I got my revenge many years ago when I got in a fight with my dad and lost it. I just went on a killing spree and slaughtered the whole kingdom. I knew who killed them because I saw it with my own eyes. Hence, it was easier to avenge them.

I was alone but I was smarter and stronger than every warrior and I had a perfect plan. This plan was created by myself and I worked hard on it for a few years to make it perfect.

I started to kill the warriors one by one and before they knew it, I was standing next to the bed of the royal family. I killed them like they killed my parents but nobody knows that I was the one who did it. Nobody except my dad.

He knew me and my tactics too well to not realize that I was behind the killing spree. After that day, I never killed and I swore to never do it again.

Also, It was the day I realized that they were dead. It was the day I showed my emotions. The day I started to spread rumors that Adam had a son. The day everyone believed that they would face me but they were wrong. They had to wait seventeen years until I turned "seventeen" and showed my face. Even now, very few know how I look because I only stepped into the ballroom and left it five minutes later. I forbid anyone to take pictures because of that. I want to stay hidden until I officially become the king next to my queen. Or should I say princess?



Blake or Eileen?

I like Blake more than Eileen tbh 

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