Chapter 19

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POV Eileen

The last few days felt like hell. My back felt like it was burning and the only way to take the pain away was Blake. He tried to take the pain away as often as he could but I could see that he was exhausted. It cost him all of his energy to remove the pain for only a few minutes.

After some time, he stood up with me still in his arms and made his way to the bathroom. He would do it twice a day to brush my teeth and hair and clean me with a flannel. But this time was different. He tried to sit me down on the counter but I refused. In his presence, I felt better and I had the feeling that the pain was less. Even if only a little bit.

He sighed and gathered me in his arms again before he walked to the bathtub and started the water.

Oh my god, I think I love him! He cares so much about me and is always there for me. He brightens my day and is never mad at me. He doesn't treat me like my parents did and he is my safe place. If I am in his arms, I don't have to worry about anything because I know that he will fix it.

My thoughts were interrupted by Blake sitting me on the counter again and stepping in between my legs.

"Are you comfortable with me helping you bathe?"

I only nodded my head. I wasn't able to talk because of the burning pain. Sometimes I whispered but that was it. Now, I wasn't in the mood to do anything.

"Ok. I'll take your clothes off if you don't mind. Do you want to wear a bikini or something?"

I shook my head a little bit to answer. I was comfortable with him seeing every part of my body and there wasn't anything sexual about this situation. He just wanted to help me feel better and I gladly let him do it. Sooner or later we would see each other naked so why not today?

He started to take off my top. The whole time, he just stared in my eyes, silently asking for permission to go on. Minutes later, I was completely naked but he didn't once stare at my body. His eyes were always looking into mine which only made me trust him more.

He swept me up in his arms and sat me into the bathtub. It was filled with warm water and foam at the top and it smelled just like him. He knew that I loved using his shampoo and shower gel and added it to the water. I gave him a small smile before trying to relax. The pain lessened. It still hurt but it was bearable at least.

He was about to walk out of the room for some minutes to let me relax for some minutes when I stopped him. My hands wrapped around his arm as I tried to pull him back. Blake obliged and turned around to face me.

He crouched down to be at eye level and raised his right eyebrow. He broke the silence first.

"Do you want me to stay with you?"

I nodded my head and gestured for him to come in. He slowly nodded his head, understanding that I wanted to snuggle into his chest and stood up.

Removing his clothes didn't take long and he was only in his boxers. He was about to step in when I stopped him.

"It's okay. You can take them off."

My voice was only a scratchy whisper but I knew that he heard me. I wanted him to feel comfortable too and I couldn't find a point not to let him be naked as I am. We were soul mates after all. At least, that is what he said and it made sense because I always felt safe with him and I had feelings for him from the beginning. I just ignored them because of the situation and the fear I had back then.

He slowly stepped in behind me after removing his last piece of clothes and sat down behind me. I turned around, carefully because my back was killing me and laid my head on his chest. I closed my eyes and started to relax a little bit. Blake took my pain away and seconds later, my eyelids were getting heavier.

Blake kissed my nose and whispered "Go to sleep" in my ear. Almost immediately, I was out.

POV Blake

After telling her to go to sleep, she closed her eyes and fell asleep seconds later. She was really tired because she didn't get much sleep due to the pain. Sometimes she tried to sleep but woke up after I couldn't take her pain away anymore. I could always do it for about fifteen minutes but then I was too exhausted to continue.

I stroked her cheek while feeling her pain, trying to take it longer as usual. She was now sleeping for sixteen minutes and fifty seconds when I felt myself slowly getting weaker. NO! I can't stop now because she has to sleep!

I tried to continue for as long as possible and surprisingly, it worked for another fifteen minutes. But then, my vision started to blur and I saw dark dots in the corner of my eyes. I knew I would faint if I would go on, so I stopped and frowned. Her face was instantly showing the pain and I knew that she would wake up every moment.

At least, I know that her transformation is almost finished. You could already see the wings coming out of her back. It would only take two or three hours before her wings would be at their normal size. It also meant that the pain would lessen and she would feel better in no time. I was more than relieved to know that.



Sorry for not updating for so long ... I had writers block and it took some days to continue the story.

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Hope you have a good day!


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