Chapter 7

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POV Blake

She was gone...forever. At least she had my horse 'Alex', he would protect her with his life, I knew it. He always was a loyal horse and one of the only creatures on this planet who cared about me.

Sometime after she left the room I was angry. Very angry. I started thrashing around and after some minutes my room was a mess. Nothing looked like before and every part of my furniture was destroyed. I went into my closet and ripped every piece of clothing I could find apart. The only thing I didn't destroy was the dress she wore two nights ago.

That was the only piece you could recognize. And it was the only thing I cared about.

I touched it with shaking hands, afraid to ruin it. I carefully hung up the light pink dress and left the closet.

My room represented the monster I was. And most importantly it showed that I couldn't control myself.

Minutes later someone knocked at my door. As I wasn't answering for about five minutes someone opened the door. I didn't look up nor did I care who it was. I didn't care about anything. Like I said before: heartless.

"Son, what happened?"

It was my dad. But what should I say? 'Yes, everything is fine. I am just trying to change my furniture a bit' won't be the answer you should say. And to be honest, I had no idea what happened. So I just answered 'Nothing' and looked out of the window. I stayed silent hoping he would leave the room but I was wrong. He only came nearer and asked again. And that was the moment I lost it. I couldn't contain my anger any longer and started freaking out. After answering that she left I tried to attack him. I wasn't strong enough as he had the same abilities as myself and knew my techniques too well but I still tried. Also, my body was feeling too much emotional pain to fight at its normal strength.

In the end, I was lying on the ground with him on top of me. He was holding my hands in one of his and used the other one to stop my upper body from standing up.

After some minutes of trying to wiggle out of his grip I gave up and my body went numb. He removed his hands and stood up holding his hand out for me to take. But I still laid on the floor and I had no plan on standing up. So I just waited long enough for him to get the message and hopefully leave the room. And he did...

-----2 days later-----

I was still lying on the floor and I hadn't moved an inch. I just grieved and thought about her. Sometimes a maid would come in and place a tray with food on the floor. (everything else was destroyed so it was impossible to place it on a table or something like that)
An hour later she would come again and always look at me with a sad face. Then she would leave again with the tray in her hand.

I hadn't eaten anything for over 48 hours but to be honest I wasn't hungry. Even hungry, I wouldn't eat because I had no reason to do so. The love of my life had left and I would never see her again. I gave up. So I remembered her words and in one sentence she mentioned that I should rot in hell. Right now that wasn't possible even if I knew that I belonged there. So I just created it by myself. I deserved to be punished and I wanted to hurt myself. Maybe I wouldn't die but I definitely would feel pain and that was all I needed at the moment. I needed the pain to know she was real. To know that the two days with her were worth all the pain in the world.

My throat was burning because I hadn't drunk anything these past two days. It started aching inside my throat and I knew that I had to drink something. But I didn't. Inside I knew that I deserved it...

-----5 days after his freak-out-----

I still hadn't eaten or drank anything.

And I hadn't slept. Even if I wanted to, it would be impossible. But some things changed. First, I locked my door so that nobody would disturb me. Second, I had moved to sit against the wall. And last but not least, I started harming myself.

And I don't mean like you do it when you're depressed. It was ten times worse. Because I had a much sharper knife and I hurt myself more than normal. Perks of being immortal and almost indestructible.

At first, I just cut my arms, legs and my stomach. The slash marks weren't that bad and they just burned for some minutes. I had about one hundred of them on my whole body. But after some time that was boring so I started more painful things. Things like cutting deeper into my flesh.

You may think that I have a problem or that I am ill. Maybe I am, but I don't care.

I lost everything and to be honest I had no reason to stay healthy or care about myself. I was getting weak and I was unable to stand up. Meanwhile, I was starting to stab myself in my thighs and stomach, because the pain was more intense and reminded me more of my princess. Because if I felt pain, I could remember that my feelings for her are real. I just wanted her back in my arms but I couldn't let that happen. She was too precious for me. Too important. But the worst thing was, that the emotional pain was a thousand times worse than stabbing yourself in the stomach. I was so weak that I couldn't move properly and it was getting hard to move my hand enough to inflict pain. Why can't I just close my eyes and never wake up again?

In the evening, my dad came into my room. More like breaking into it because my door still was locked. He stared at me in shock and rushed over to my weak body. He removed the knife from my hands and started to look over my wounds. Some were very deep and on the floor was a lot of my blood. If I was human I would have bled out, that's for sure. But my body was healing fast enough so I still had enough blood in my veins.

The king ordered maids to come into the room to clean me up. They cleaned my wounds and bandaged them to let them heal properly. After that, some guards carried me to another room and laid me on a bed. I was too weak to fight them off and even when I tried I had no chance. So I gave up.

My dad came in shortly after the guards left and came to me.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you harming yourself? It will help you nothing in your situation to inflict yourself pain."

I wanted to respond with things like 'Why shouldn't I?' or 'Why does it matter?' but my throat was too hoarse and dry to speak.

"You and I both know that you need her! Why did you let her go?"

I just shrugged my shoulders. Inside, I knew I wasn't good enough for her and she deserved better than me but I didn't want to admit that. I didn't want to show that I have a weakness. She was my weakness!

She changed me in such a short amount of time. Because after a week of knowing her, I already acted selflessly for once, which was unnatural for me. I always did what I wanted and didn't think about the others but I thought about her. About her happiness...

She was truly an angel! An angel without wings.

Eileen, if you would be with me right now, I would fall to my knees to ask for another chance to show you that you don't have to be afraid of me. I could never hurt you, even if you break my heart a thousand times... I love you more than life itself!

I hope you don't hate me 🥺🥺🥺


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