Chapter 11

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POV Eileen

I put the glass down again and started walking to the bathroom after promising that I would be back in a minute. It took me about fifteen minutes to convince him.

Inside I searched for some towels, a first aid kit and a washcloth. I drenched the washcloth and one of the towels in water and walked back to him. I sat at the same spot as before and started cleaning his face with the washcloth. After that I started cleaning the rest of his body with the soaked towel. As I reached his shirt I was fighting with myself if I should ask him to remove the shirt. After some thinking I just did.

"Can I remove your shirt to look at your wounds underneath and to remove the blood?"

I was blushing because I was basically asking him to undress.

He just nodded and I started to cut off his shirt. That way I could prevent to hurt him further. His chest was a mess. There were at least fifty cuts and some stabwounds. I carefully cleaned them and started bandaging them after using alcohol to prevent it from an infection. When I was done I laid all the items on the floor or the nightstand.

I moved so that I was sitting against the headboard next to Blake and indicated him with my head and arms to come to me. He already gained a little bit of his strength but looked at me confused. So I took his arm and pulled him gingerly on top of me so that his head was laying on my chest. He finally understood and cuddled further into me. His arms were hugging my waist and his legs were tangled with mine. I put the cover over him to warm him up and looked into his face. Then I reached for the glass on the nightstand and brought the straw to his mouth. He didn't look like he wanted to drink something but after staring into my eyes he gave in and drank some sips. After he drank I put the now half-full glass on the nightstand and turned my head to study his face. He looked more than exhausted and his eyes started to close. He tried to fight it while watching me.

"Go to sleep. I promise I will be with you when you wake up." I traced his eyebags and he gave in, nodded and laid his head back on my chest. He fell asleep almost immediately. His breathing became evenly and he snuggled into my chest. While sleeping he had a peaceful facial expression and he smiled.

I brushed his hair with my fingers and his reaction was too adorable. He leaned more into my hand and his smile widened. Getting the message that he wanted me to continue, that's exactly what I did for the next hour.

I heard a knock and answered with a simple "Come in". Standing in the door frame was the king and he was smiling after watching us for a minute. He came in and stood next to the bed.

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he will live. It will take some weeks for him to gain his strength and heal completely but it'll work."

He nodded, sighed relieved and started asking some questions. I was about to answer when I heard him whimpering. I looked down to see his face. His expression was telling me that he had a nightmare and I instantly started to brush his hair again. I must have stopped unconsciously but it didn't help much. He continued to whimper so I started to whisper sweet nothings in his ear. When that didn't help either, I started stroking his left cheek to calm him down. It didn't help either.

I had one last idea. I started to stroke the feathers of his wings. That seemed to work. Blake's wings instantly leaned in into my touch and I smiled. He obviously liked the feeling of me touching and petting them. All of a sudden his wings started to hug me to him. They squeezed themselves between me and the bed, which ended with me laying on them and him still lying on top of me.

I chuckled at his movements in his sleep. They were so cute and even though he was injured he still wanted to protect me.

"He really must like you. He never lets anyone touch his wings. Even in his state he always tried to back away as the doctor tried to bandage them. In the end, we let them just like they were and stopped touching him.

And you are the reason he can sleep without nightmares. Since his mother disappeared he wasn't able to sleep properly. He would always wake up in the middle of the night. He avoided sleep like a plague because he couldn't control his dreams and he often didn't sleep at all.

It was a lot, if he slept for about five to six hours in a week."

I was shocked because I wouldn't be able to survive without sleep.

"It is funny that we are so different. I love to sleep. The main reason is that you can flee from the real world and sink into your own. You can forget everything around you and just be free."

He nodded and then continued.

"His childhood wasn't easy. Believe it or not but he once was a boy like everyone else. But then followed more and more problems who changed him into the heartless boy he is today. But I can already see in the way he is watching you that you can change that. You can show him that life doesn't only consist of darkness and misery.

Even in his weakest state, he is trying to protect you at all costs. I think if I would touch you right now he would feel it and shield you with his wings or his body."

I just stared at him confused. How should Blake notice that someone is touching me while he is sleeping? On top of this state? I raised my eyebrow in disbelief and watched him dumbfounded as he started chuckling. He then raised his arm and came closer to the bed. His hand was almost touching my arm but before we came into contact, the king's movements were stopped by a wing of the sleeping man on top of me. My mouth opened but nothing came out. I wasn't expecting him to be so protective in his sleep.

"See, I wouldn't be able to touch you right now without getting hurt if I tried harder."

With that, he walked to the door. Before he reached for the handle to open the door, he turned around and said "And please call me Adam... I think you're already part of our family and it would be wrong for you to call me king. After all, you are basically the princess of Montgomerondya. Unofficially but for me you already are. And for him definitely too, if not more."

With that, he left the room and left us alone.

I looked down and watched him sleeping. He looked so fragile at the moment and it scared me that I was the reason for it but I would never leave him again.

My hands were still petting his wings and I started to look at them closely. They were breathtaking and beautiful. Just like the rest of him. Even with the missing feathers I liked the feeling of them hugging me to him. I felt safe and loved. And most importantly, I felt at home.

With these thoughts, I gave in and let the darkness surround me. 




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