Chapter 15

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POV Eileen

Some days had passed and he was like before. But what didn't stop as I thought it would was him being clingy. It didn't matter where I wanted to go, he always followed me like a lost puppy. I swear it was getting annoying and it took like forever to convince him that I could go to the bathroom without him. But I won that argument and it was the place where I was alone. Before, I always told him that he was too injured or weak to follow me around but now I had no chance.

At the moment, we were sitting in the dining room, eating spaghetti bolognese a maid had cooked for us. We weren't talking much and Adam was sitting there as well.

Blake didn't hide his wings since I became used to them. To be honest, I loved them and I hated it that he would never be accepted if the kingdom knew about it. I think he knew that I liked them because I wasn't good at having secrets and it was very obvious. I touched them all the time and he enjoyed it just as much as I did. You could see it in his eyes or when he started to purr which was so fucking adorable. But I would never tell him that because first of all he had a big enough ego and secondly, he would probably chase me through the whole palace. And let me tell you he was fast. Very fast.

In the beginning, he gave me a head start without me noticing so that I would think that I would have a chance against him. But then he would just appear out of thin air and stand against the wall as if it was the most natural thing and smirk at me. And it annoyed me because my legs always became weak when I saw him smirking. It looked so hot!!!

When we finished our meal we decided to go to the library. There we both sat down on the loveseat. He was leaning against the headboard (a/n: I hope that you call it headboard...if not pls correct me) with his knees bent up. I was sitting on his waist with my back against his legs and we were both reading a book. It was relaxing to spend time together but do something yourself at the same time because you didn't feel lonely. The silence wasn't awkward and it was a part of the routine we had started. We would sit here every day for about an hour always in other positions.

The one we were currently in was his favorite and he always wanted me to sit like that. I didn't even know why because I was basically just sitting on top of him and it wasn't that special but as long as he was happy, I was too.

While I was reading, I must have drifted off to sleep because when I woke up, I was being carried bridal style by none other than Mr. Clingy. Even from this angle, he looked divine. I snuggled further into his embrace, which made him look down. He smiled and whispered something. I think it was something like "Go back to sleep" but I wasn't sure. I was too sleepy to realize what was happening, so I just nodded my head and laid my head on his chest.

I gripped onto his shirt and fell back asleep in no time.

When I woke up again I was lying on his bed with the blanket covering me. He wasn't next to me so I assumed that he was with Adam or something like that. I got up and noticed that I was wearing other clothes than before. Now, I was wearing one of his shirts. It was much bigger than my body so it looked like a dress. But it smelled like him so I was happy.

I walked around the castle without an aim but after some time I ended up in the stables. I walked to the end where I found Alex and opened the door. I got in and started petting him. He relaxed and laid down after a while.

I decided to sit down next to him. His long, black mane was braided into a french braid after some minutes and I secured the end with a hair tie I had on my wrist.

Suddenly, I was hugged from behind. At first, my body froze until I realized who it was. I turned around and smiled before placing a kiss on his cheek. He grinned like a child who got his favorite candy and swept me up in his arms.

"How did you know that I was with Alex?" was my first question. I mean, I didn't tell him where I was going and it wasn't obvious because I might have been just walking around the castle like the days before.

"I don't know. Maybe it was because I am not human and have super hearing. Or maybe I followed your smell. Who knows?"

Sometimes he was so annoying. He couldn't just give me an answer. No, he had to create a riddle nobody will ever understand...Ok, I just get over it and pretend I got an answer.

"Can I show you something?"

He was looking nervous and as if he was afraid to ask me. Why? On the other side, I love it when he is shy because he looks ten times more adorable.

"Yes, sure!"

I was getting impatient because I hated surprises and he was taking too long to tell me where we will go. Okay, maybe it was just a minute but I didn't care.

"Where are you taking me?"

"It is a surprise but I know you'll like it!"

I pouted but let it go because I knew that we'll be faster at the place if I don't complain.

Unexpectedly, he unfolded his wings and started to hold me to his chest. Less than ten seconds later, we were flying over his castle.

I squealed and hugged him tighter to me because I was afraid of falling from the sky. I knew that he would never let me fall but it was just so incredible that I couldn't believe that it was real. After some time, I got used to it and started to relax. I looked around and saw the clouds only some feet above us. A part of me wanted to ask him if we could fly higher so that I would be able to touch the clouds but another part was too shy. So I stayed silent and just looked at them in awe.

POV Blake

I saw her staring at the clouds and I could tell that she actually wanted to ask something but was too shy to do so. After observing her for some moments I noticed that she probably never saw clouds from this close so I had an idea. Maybe she wanted me to fly higher so that she could touch them? I mean for humans it is impossible to do so and she was very curious, which I realized over the last few days.

I flew up so that she could reach the clouds and without hesitation, she reached her hands out and touched them. She started to grin like the Cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland and it made me happy too. She couldn't stop reaching out for the sky and she was starting to forget that we were over a mile above the ground. My princess was too captivated by the beauty of the sky that she turned everything else out and just concentrated on the clouds.

-----10 minutes later-----

We reached the place I wanted to show her and I landed in the middle of the forest, carrying her bridal style. I walked the rest of the way without letting her down. She started to argue with me and told me that she was able to walk by herself and that I didn't have to carry her all the time but like before, she lost the discussion. Eileen huffed and dramatically crossed her arms. As if that was gonna change my mind....

I put her down on the picnic blanket I placed there some hours ago. That was the reason she woke up alone in my bed - I was preparing our evening or should I call it a date?

I think it is just an evening we spend together because for a date you have to ask your partner and I didn't do that. To be honest I don't care because I get to spend time with my princess and I am definitely not complaining.

I gripped her waist and placed her on my lap so that her legs were straddling my hip. I fed her with little watermelon-cubes. They were her favorite but she was very picky. If there was a tiny seed in the watermelon, she had to remove it. Luckily, I knew how much she hated them. So I paid attention to remove them all beforehand this noon all by myself.

When she was finished, she stole the fork from my hand and started to pick up another piece of watermelon. She brought it to my mouth and I started to feed me the rest of the fruit. I could tell that she was enjoying the time we spent there and when the sun started to go down, we watched the sunset. It was perfect and we were both happy.

(A/N) What is your favorite color?


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