Chapter 24

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POV Blake

After she told me that she wanted to talk with her parents, I started to arrange one. I wasn't pleased to hear about them but I would do everything to ease her mind. And a part of me thinks that it would be best for both of us to get answers about her childhood and why they treated her the way they did.

It didn't take long to arrange the meeting because I was the prince and could ask for everything I wanted. And if someone didn't follow my orders, he was threatened to be dead the next morning.

We would meet them tomorrow in the evening and due to the hot temperatures at the moment I told the servants to prepare a table in the garden. Eileen loves nature and I think she will like it.

She was sleeping peacefully on my chest like she did almost every night and I was observing her beauty. I didn't need as much sleep as she did and I think my past is the reason for it. Before she came, I never slept much and my body adjusted to that and now I just don't need it anymore. But I changed because of Eileen. Because of her, I sleep at least twice as much as before and my nightmares vanished too.

-----the next morning-----

I was already awake, stroking her hair out of her face and waiting for these beautiful eyes to open. It was eight o'clock in the morning and the sun was already up. I knew that it wouldn't take long for her to wake up because her breathing became unsteady and she started to move. Her arms were clinging to my shirt like her life depended on it which was absolutely adorable.

Generally, her behavior in her sleep was cute because she never let go of my shirt and if she did, her arms snaked around my neck or waist. Eileen was very clingy and I loved it. I think I would be able to stand up without holding her to my body and she would still cling to me like a monkey.

"Morning Blake"

I turned my head back to her face and kissed her face while saying 'good morning' back.

She moved her head from my chest and looked around the room. Before I knew it, she jumped off my chest and made her way to the closet.

Minutes later, she came back in a short purple dress that hugged her body perfectly. But what disturbed me was that the dress barely reached the middle of her tights and I didn't want anybody to see her like this except me. Also, her whole back was exposed and you could see too much of her cleavage.



"Because I said so. You can wear those things if we are alone but your parents will come later and I am pretty sure that we won't spend the whole day in this room where I can be the only male to look at you. End of discussion!"

I wouldn't let her walk around like that. Those dresses were in the closet for occasions like dates in the middle of nowhere where I could be sure that I would be the only one to look at her. Call me selfish but I was never one to share and I definitely wouldn't share her. She was mine and only mine!

She knew that she wouldn't have a chance. Still, she tried again with the cutest puppy eyes on this world. It was hard not to give in but I didn't back down. When she didn't move to change her clothes, I sighed before I stood up and walked to her.

"What are you waiting for, princess?"

"I won't change. You can't tell me what to wear!"

Isn't she cute? Thinking she would be able to get away with that explanation

"I can and I will. Now go to the closet and wear something different because I am very possessive and you won't stand a chance to wear an outfit which is that revealing in front of other males."

She crossed her arms and scrunched her eyebrows together, grumpy that she couldn't win this argument. Before she could react, I picked her up bridal style and carried her in our closet. I sat her down on one of the drawers before I chose some clothes for her. In my opinion, I was very friendly because I chose some black shorts you normally wear while doing sport and one of my shirts. She was so tiny compared to me that my shirts reached a little over her knees. Also, due to the shorts, nobody could see something they were not supposed to see even if the 'dress' would ride up.

I think she was happy with my choice. One she would be able to wear my clothes. Two her outfit still looked sexy as hell and I knew that she knew that.

She jumped off the drawer and put on some sandals before walking out. I followed after changing my clothes too.

Together, we spend the day talking, reading, more talking, spending some time in the woods and eating.

Half an hour before her parents came, we made our way to my room to freshen up. Her hair was a complete mess because of her jumping and running around in the woods. She had so much energy if she had fun and it was adorable. I would just lean against a tree while she danced around. Sometimes, she would jump on my back and I would carry her around for a while before she was bored and jumped off my back. I think I will carry her on my shoulders the next time. This way, she won't be able to jump off as easily and she could play with my hair. It would be a win-win situation because I couldn't get enough of her hand massaging my scalp and she was obsessed with my hair and could do it for hours. And I loved it when she touched me.

Back to the present. She was searching for her hairbrush while I was lazily leaning against the wall. I just waited for her to brush her hair. Judging the noises out of the bathroom, she had problems with her hair. Without thinking, I walked into the bathroom and took the brush out of her hands. After that, I brushed all the knots out and placed her brush back in its place. I took her hand and walked to the garden where her parents were already sitting. I heard some guards talking about their arrival so I wasn't surprised at all. Here goes nothing...


a/n It comes to an end...


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