Chapter 12

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POV Blake

When I woke up I was still lying on my princess. I first thought it was all just a dream and I gave in to sleep or I died but I was alive. And she was back in my arms. She was peacefully sleeping underneath me and I looked at our position. Unconsciously I started hugging her with my wings which meant a lot because I never let anyone touch them. But she had the privilege to do as she pleases. I would bow down to her for the rest of my life and be a slave if she wanted me to. She was my queen, my angel, my princess!

I laid my head back down on her chest and hugged her tighter against me. Not even a piece of paper could be placed between us.

I started tracing lines on her arm and laid my shin on her chest so that I was able to look at her face. She smiled slightly and started to stir. I knew she would wake up any moment so I laid down again and pretended to sleep. I was curious about her reaction if she would think I would sleep.

She started to brush my hair out of my face and kissed me on the forehead. Then she continued to stroke my hair. After some minutes she stopped which made me open my eyes. She was staring down at me and smiled. I smiled back and leaned more into her hand as a sign for her to continue. But she stopped, which made me frown. I pouted and used my hand to place her hand back on me. She started chuckling but didn't do as I wanted.

But instead of stroking my hair she placed her hand on my wing and started to go through my feathers which made my whole body relax against her. Also, I started purring and my eyes were rolling back in my head because of the feeling. It was addicting and I just wanted her to do this forever.

"Good Morning" were her first words this morning. I smiled and wanted to answer but my throat was too dry to talk. In the end, nothing came out of my mouth.

She leaned away from me and I first thought she was going to walk away but she just reached over me for the glass of water. She brought the straw to my mouth and I started to drink the rest of the glass. It was easier and less painful than yesterday to drink something and the simile on her face told me that she was relieved that I was able to drink more than yesterday.

"You should eat something. Can you please roll over so that I can go to the kitchen to make you something?"

I didn't want her to go away from me so I just clung to her like glue and shook my head.

She sighed and tried to convince me by saying that she will come back and after that stay with me unless she has to use the bathroom. When I shook my head again she was almost giving up.

"Come on, please. We need to build up your strength and I can totally understand that you are no fan of eating right now but it is important. I'll do everything you want after that, I promise."

Finally, I gave in and nodded. She slowly started to remove my hands from her waist and asked me to stop hugging her with my wings. I complied while making a sad face and slowly rolled onto my back. My whole body was aching but as long as she was with me I didn't care.

She stood up and walked out of the room. I just stared after her until the door closed and clutched her necklace to my chest.

After some time she came back with a tray of food and a bottle of water. She came to me and sat on the bed next to me. After some minutes of just staring at each other, she helped me to sit up and sat down in front of me. I pouted because she was too far away for my liking so I used all of my strength to place her on my lap. She squealed but let it go. I think it was just because she knew that my legs weren't injured.

Then she started feeding me some scrambled eggs. It hurt a lot but I tried to play it down. After eating some of it I shook my head and she pleaded with her eyes to eat a little bit more. I agreed on eating two more forks but then refused to eat more. She ate the rest and sat the empty plate down onto the nightstand. Then she brought the bottle of water to my mouth and I drank some of it. It wasn't much but my stomach couldn't handle more.

My princess also drank some of it and was about to stand up when my hands stopped her.

"I just want to take a shower. I will just be in the bathroom, don't worry."

I hugged her tighter and didn't let go. She sighed and opened the nightstand to search for something. Some minutes later I had a notebook and pencil lying on my chest and she was nodding her head, silently telling me to write on it to tell her how I let her go."

I'll let you go if you promise to stay with me for the whole day without leaving the room. Also, I want you to wear my clothes because it looks cute. After all, you're so tiny. :)

She read the note and nodded her head.

"Where do you have your clothes because if I heard right you destroyed your whole bedroom including the closet?"

Ask one of the guards standing before the door. And hurry, I am impatient! ♡

She smiled, nodded and stood up. This time I let her because I knew it wouldn't take long. She opened the door and asked one of the guards for clothes. After that, she came back to me, kissed my cheek and went to the bathroom. I heard the water going on and after six minutes and twenty-three seconds, the water stopped. Five minutes later she opened the bathroom and looked out to search for the clothes the guard brought into the room some minutes ago. She found them and walked to them with only a towel on her body. Before I could blink she was in the bathroom again and changed.

When she came out I just smiled and stared at her clothes. She looked hot and adorable at the same time.

I opened my arms as an invitation and she came running into them. But she didn't stay as I hoped and stood up again. I pouted and watched her as she walked to the first aid kit and took it with her to the bed.

I wrote 'I am not amused' on a page of the notebook. She chuckled and answered "I know but if you heal faster you can spend your time in other rooms as well"

'As long as you go with me, okay'

This argument she won but when I am completely healed I get my revenge! 


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