Chapter 9

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POV Blake

-----8 days after the freak-out-----

I felt my body getting weaker and weaker. And I knew it was because of our bond. She was my soul mate and without her, I would die sooner or later. I hope it happens fast. I want to die. Because then I could leave this planet and rot in hell like I am supposed to do...

My condition was very bad. My body stopped healing and the wounds remained on my skin. The doctor tried everything but it was unnecessary.

I started to hallucinate and always saw her coming back to me. She would sit on the side of the bed I was still lying on and would take my hands, rubbing her thumb over the back of my hand to soothe me. But always when I started to believe that it was real and she was sitting in my room after coming back, my angel vanished. And after about three days I didn't fall for it anymore. I still hadn't eaten or drank anything and I was restless. My brain was begging for sleep but I didn't give in. I couldn't.

I think I already lost about 15 pounds and my body was starting to give up. I got more and more problems. And it was a big list: headache, aching bones, my skin was getting paler and had a dead color, dizziness, my wings lost feathers, my sense for hearing got worse...

-----9 days after the freak-out-----

My condition got even worse. It was in the morning, I think and I had the urge to throw up. I didn't know why because I obviously was starving myself and my stomach was completely empty. Logically, I couldn't throw up anything.

That is what I thought at first. I changed my opinion after seeing blood coming out of my mouth. I was officially throwing myself out. Does that even make sense? I mean it is very stupid to throw up the only thing you had in your body which was by the way the only reason I wasn't dead at the moment. Because in this state I only had to lose some of my blood until I would fell limp and never wake up again.

It happened so fast. After only about an hour I had lost more than a glass full of my blood. I just had to continue this for some more hours and I definitely would be six feet under...

POV Adam ( the 'king' if you forgot)

My son was dying in front of me. I thought after treating him his condition would get better and he would gain the strength he could use to bring her back. But I was wrong.

He was losing the battle against death and the thing which scared me the most was that he didn't even try to fight it. If he would have eaten something and drank water he would survive. But you could see in his eye that he wanted to end his life. He lost the reason to live and with that, he lost his life as well.

Until today, I never thought a connection between mates could be so strong. He knew her for about two days and here he was dying from the lack of seeing her. He was losing his mind minutes after she left and he found a way to kill an immortal. He wasn't dead but he was only hours away.

He accepted the loss and sacrificed his life for her happiness. He was stronger than all dark angels I have met together. We were possessive, obsessed with our mate and above all selfish. He wasn't. His number one priority was to make her happy even if he knew that it would destroy him.

He deserved so much more...

I had to do something. I couldn't just let him die. I wasn't his father by blood but he was still my son. And the only way to help him was to convince her to come back.

She was good. Blake maybe even though she was too good. And I knew that this was part of the reason he let her go.

I knew what I had to do. I would go to her and explain the situation. I had fate that she would understand and maybe even had feelings for him who would practically push her to him.

She could bring him to eat and drink and heal and survive.

I was about to run to the stables to saddle the fastest horse when I got interrupted by the doctor. His face was telling me that it was bad. Really bad.

"He started throwing up his blood. I fear that he will be gone in about four or five hours."

To say I was shocked was an understatement because it meant that I maybe was too late. I just nodded and rushed out of the room and downstairs to the horses. I wanted to choose Alex but he wasn't there. I needed a second to realize that he gave her his horse to travel back home.

I chose the second fastest horse, which was mine and started to get him ready as soon as possible. After about five minutes I was finished saddling him. Let the race against time begin.

Luckily, I knew where she lived. I only knew it because she was the new queen from Montgomerondya and I needed to know where her parents lived in case I wanted to inform them about something.

I was riding as fast as I could and I swear I never crossed the kingdom so fast. It took me exactly one hour and forty-five minutes to reach her house. I jumped off my horse and ran to the door. I knocked at the door and hoped that she would be there.

Seconds later she opened the door. Her eyes went wide when she realized who I was. She bowed down to show respect to the royal family but I stopped her. Even when I wouldn't be here to ask her for help I would never want her to bow in front of me. It was reason enough that she was my son's soul mate.

"I have a request. I know you don't want to see him again but it is an emergency. The prince is dying."


(A/N) He is about to die 😭😭😭...Will Eileen be fast enough or will he die because his heart was broken? 


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