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I know that you hoped that I would post a new chapter but I had no time... But I promise to update one later !!!

I thought that you should know what it means to be an angel in my story because every story is different and angels are different too. For example, I read stories where the angels were innocent and pure but I also read stories with angels who are the complete opposite. 


My Angels:

- they transform at the age of 16

-they're immortal

-they have a mate

-they can help with the pain (mates)

-they can hide their wings

-their wings can be almost every color

-their body temperature isn't as high as "normal" (human)

-they heal faster

-they stop aging after their transformation




I hope this a/n helped y'all to understand "my" angels. If you have any questions just ask me here or in one of the chapters ...I promise to answer everybody!!!

Have a good morning/day/evening/night/....


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