Chapter 2

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POV: Eileen

I was standing in the middle of the room and thought about my future. Suddenly I felt someone's eyes on me. But when I looked around, there was no one. At least, no one I saw staring at me. My gut was still telling me differently. I think I'm crazy!

My thoughts were interrupted by a man standing on the gallery. 

“Welcome to the palace of Montgomerondya. Today we are all gathered here to find our prince a princess. In the next few minutes, he will come into this room and look for a girl. If he asks you a question, I advise you to answer, because otherwise he might get angry and we don’t want that, do we?"

"After he chooses a girl he can do as he wants and decide what happens next. It could be that you will go back home and pack your things to come back or he could lead you to a room in the palace, where you will live from now on. “

To say I was shocked was an understatement. I never thought that the girl might has to live in the palace without her things. And I thought that you would come to the palace after some days of saying goodbye. I was so wrong.

Until now I didn’t realize how silent it was. Everyone was shocked by the statement of the man. Slowly, people started to discuss the topic with others, but I just stood there stiff like a statue. I was afraid. Terrified. And from the expression of the others, I could tell that they were too. Some even started crying.

The chance that he would choose me wasn’t big but it was still there. Maybe I would never see my mother again. I might never get to do what I want.

Maybe he even would steal my Freedom. And with my Freedom, my life. I never was a person who wouldn’t do as the parents asked, but I always had times where I would just sit in a field and watch the sky or do something else.

Why can’t I just be fifteen and stay at home? It would be so much easier. And I wouldn’t be forced to become the prince's property. But no, two weeks ago was my birthday.

POV: Blake

After staring at her I felt the fear which radiated off her body. You could easily tell because of the stiff posture. I just wanted to cradle her in my arms to comfort her and to say that I wouldn’t hurt her. But I don’t think she would believe me. After all, I am the monster hidden in the palace for years.

Nobody except my dad and some employees. And the whole kingdom believed in the rumors who said that I was a monster and that I would be dangerous for everyone and everything.

To be honest, it was true. I had a bad temper and I hated people. But everything had a reason and mine was too hard to explain. It wasn’t my fault and I just stayed by myself because I didn’t want to hurt someone. Nobody knew that. Even my dad thought I would just hate the world.

I lost so much in my life: my real dad, my mum even though I have no idea if she is alive or not and so much more. Sometimes I felt depressed and just wanted to kill myself. It’s impossible. It’d need a more dangerous creature to get killed. And I knew no one who would be strong enough to do it...

Back to her. I couldn’t get her face out of my head. Her plump lips, her cute button nose and her eyes. They were a mixture of blue and green. They looked like gemstones and were breathtaking. (And before you ask, I have better eyesight than humans.)

She is so tiny, maybe 5’2. And you could just describe her with one word: gorgeous!

POV: Eileen

I didn’t know how long I was standing there, but it felt like an eternity. Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours. But nothing happened. I just wanted this day to be over and go back home, lay in my bed and sleep.

My thoughts were again interrupted, as the doors of the ballroom opened. I expected the prince but I was wrong. It was the king of Montgomerondya - also called Adam Jonathan Montgomery - who entered the room. Everyone started to bow in front of him to show respect. And then he started talking.

“Welcome to this important day! I am happy that every girl between the ages of sixteen and eighteen are assembled here to welcome the prince. I know that nobody would have thought that this event would take place today. Or at all.
But it’s time for the prince to find himself a princess. He is now seventeen and ready to become the king of Montgomerondya, which isn’t possible without a queen. The queen, his mother, unfortunately died many years ago. God bless her!

He will be here any minute and will start looking for her. It might sound weird, but I am certain that he will find his love here in our rows. And just like with everyone of the royal family - it will be love at first sight. So have a good and enjoy your stay!”

After the speech, some people started to loosen up. Others were hyperventilating. I was the latter. And I still had the feeling that someone was watching me.

The door opened and there he stood. He was very tall and looked like he wanted to murder a whole town. He was wearing a tux and looked handsome and dangerous at the same time. It was creepy. How can a cruel person like him still look good? And why did he live in the dark for so long? All that only to reveal himself today before hundreds of people. I bet tomorrow the whole kingdom knows how he looks.

He walked in like he owned the place, which was sadly true. I just wanted to vanish. What the hell am I doing here? I should have left. But now it definitely was too late. Oh shit!

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t notice him walking to the first girl. But his posture looked disinterested. Like he wanted to be at a different place. At least we have something in common…

After some time, which felt like hours even when it was about five minutes, he started walking in my direction. I wanted to back away and just flee out of the room with some lame excuse but it was too late. Because his eyes already met mine...

(A/N) The second chapter is up!
I hope yoh like it and if you have time please comment your thoughts🙃
The next chapter will be up in two or three days (2/17/2021 or 2/18/2021)
Have fun reading !!!

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