Chapter 17

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POV Blake

-----2 hours later-----

She was still asleep but I had to wake her up. She needed to eat something and even if I have to force her to do it, I will. Because it will help her to get better.

I called a maid to make her some soup an hour ago. After bringing the soup two minutes ago, she left without asking questions.

I woke her up with kisses and some shaking due to her deep sleep. She wasn't amused and you could see that she wasn't feeling well and looked tired. But nonetheless, she had to eat something.

I sat up so that I was leaning against the headboard and placed her into a sitting position. It was similar to my favorite one in the library but it felt so wrong. She was looking at me, not realizing what was going on. I gave her a small smile and started talking.



Her answer was only a faint whisper but it was enough to show me that she was listening to me.

"I had to wake you up in order to give you something to eat. It'll help you to get better, I promise!"

She grimaced but didn't say anything. After some time, she slowly nodded and waited for me to continue. I placed the tray with a bowl of soup on her lap and started to spoon-feed her. My princess definitely wasn't a fan of it but she didn't protest. That was until she finished two-thirds of the soup.

She started to shake her head and refused to open her mouth. I knew that she had to eat a little bit more. Normally, she loved food. It was one of the things I found out a few days ago. You could always make her happy with food. It was unusual for her to refuse to eat but it wasn't her fault. Her body just shut down and tried to do as little as possible, even if she needed the food.

"Can you at least eat some more spoons? You don't have to eat anything but I would feel better, knowing that you ate enough. After that, you can snuggle all you want, okay?"

You could see in her eyes that she was thinking about the options. Her head slowly nodded and she opened her mouth almost simultaneously.

I continued to feed her about five spoons. I thought that it was okay and stopped, which confused her a little bit. She probably thought that I would talk her into eating the whole bowl. I held a mug of tea to her and she took it without question before drinking almost the whole mug.

Another thing I found out about her was her love for tea. Her favorite was a mixture of pomegranate and blackberry with one spoon of sugar. I had already memorized it because it could be helpful one day.

I placed the mug and the tray of soup on the nightstand and looked at her.

Her eyelids were almost closed and I knew that she wanted to sleep. I lifted her up and turned her around so that she was lying on my chest again. Seconds later she was sleeping while hugging my waist.

-----4 days later-----

Her fever was getting better but she still didn't show any signs of her change. And it was driving me insane. Why does it take so long? I was impatient because I wanted her to get better and I wanted to know what she was.

She was still lying on top of me because she said that it helped. And I would do anything for my princess.

She started to stir and I knew that she would wake up any moment now, so I kissed her forehead and saw her lips curling into a small smile.

She opened her eyes and looked directly into my eyes. She looked better than before and she seemed to be much stronger than yesterday. She laid her chin in my chest and removed her right hand from my waist, before bringing her right hand to my hair. Eileen went through my hair which relaxed me instantly. Because the last few days, she just slept or ate, which meant that she wasn't able to massage my scalp. Let's just say that I missed it a lot because it was addicting. Only one thing could top that feeling and that was her stroking my wings.

She continued to caress my hair and I felt my eyes getting heavier. I hadn't slept since she got ill out of fear that she would stop breathing without me noticing and I was tired. I don't know how I was able to stay awake for ten days without sleep.

I tried to fight the sleep but gave in as my princess ordered me to sleep. Bossy I know but I like it.

POV Eileen

When I looked up and saw him with bags under his eyes I felt guilty. He was only awake because of me so I wanted him to sleep as soon as possible. Hence, I started to go through his hair with my fingers. I knew that he loved it almost as much as me stroking his feathers. His wings weren't visible so I chose the second best method. Not even a minute later, his eyes started to get smaller but you could see that he was trying to fight it.

"Go to sleep"

It sounded more like a command than a normal statement but it was okay because he followed my order and closed his eyes. His face lit up in a small smirk and I felt his breathing even out, meaning that he was almost asleep.

I gave his lips a little peck and continued to stroke his hair for over two hours.



I am so sorry that I haven't uploaded the story in ages. But I had a lot to do for school and no time to write 😪

I hope it is okay but I promise to try updating every two or three days like before... 🥺👉👈

What do you think about the story? I hope you like it bc it is my first one and I haven't much experience in writing. I just started because of covid and it became one of my favorite hobbies

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