Chapter 20

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POV Blake

Some hours later, her transformation was over and the process completed. I was more than relieved when she stopped crying and fell into a deep sleep. She was exhausted and so was I so I snuggled her deeper into my chest and closed my eyes too.

-----the next morning-----

I woke up before Eileen and just observed her. Her breathing pattern was even and she looked peaceful for the first time in a week. Her hair was all over the place and the whole bed was full of blood because of her wings. The first thing I will do when she wakes up is clean us up and reveal the color of her wings. They could be black or white and sometimes had spots in other colors. But I don't know which colors are possible. I only know that mine were pitch-black and my parents' too.

It looked like her wings were black too but I couldn't be sure. Maybe the tip of her feathers has a different color?

I didn't notice that she woke up and saw me watching her like a stalker until she moved and started to brush her finger through my hair.

"Good morning princess"


She looked so cute!

"Your whole back is bloody and I am bloody too and I think we both could need a shower."

I pecked her cheek before standing up with her in my arms. Her wings were folded together on her back and smaller than mine.

We showered together and changed our clothes. She was wearing a beautiful mint green dress and I was wearing some jeans and a shirt. I wasn't wearing ordinary clothes for a prince but I didn't care. I mean nobody knows how I look and I won't walk around. I will just show her the new abilities of being an angel.

After taking a shower, I was able to look at her wings for the first time. They were black like mine but had a lighter color at the tip. It looked like someone glued glitter on them and it was incredible. I never thought that it would be possible to have glitter on your wings. But it suited her and made her even prettier than before.

She was a little bit overwhelmed with her wings but after some time she was okay with them. I told her that I would show her how to use them in the next few weeks and she was more than happy to hear that. She loved flying before as she was human and now I know why. It was a part of her and I could relate. You felt free to fly over the clouds and watch the sunsets from above. It was magical and not everyone was able to experience that.

I took her hand and led her out of my room into the garden behind the palace. It was private and nobody except the guards could see us here. And they knew that I wasn't human.

When we reached the middle of the field, I let her hand go and stood in front of her.

"Okay, it won't be easy to learn to control your wings but I will be here for you every step and help you. First, try to open your wing. Just think about it. Imagine them open themselves and always remember that you can take all the time in the world"

POV Eileen

I tried to follow his directions but it didn't work. I stood there for more than an hour and I knew that I would give up soon. It just didn't work and I had no idea how my wings should follow my commands. They didn't move at all. My motivation was gone and I just wanted to forget about it. I sat down on the ground and took my head in my hands. Tears were streaming down my face and I couldn't stop them. I gave up.

He bent down and took my face in his hands, wiping my tears with the pad of his thumb.

"Shhh don't cry...I promise it will get better. It took hours until it worked with mine and it is totally normal. We can try it again later or tomorrow if you want. It will work eventually and then we can fly together over the clouds, okay?"

I slowly nodded my head while sobbing. He let go of my face and lifted me up by the back of my thighs. My legs automatically wrapped themselves around his waist and my arms flew to his neck. He started to walk but I didn't pay attention to his directions. I just gripped his shirt in my hands and laid my head on his shoulder.

Something warm embraced me in a hug after I heard clothes ripping. I soon realized that his wings were hugging me which made me even more comfortable. I soon felt myself relax until my sobbing turned into nothing. I removed my hands from his shirt and started to go through his hair. They were always so soft and fluffy. I am kind of jealous...

POV Blake

She soon calmed down after I picked her up. I continued to walk back to the palace and into my private spy room over the ballroom. ( a/n: If you don't remember: the one with the floor you could see through)

I hadn't shown her that place and I knew that it was the perfect opportunity to distract her. I looked down and saw her staring back at me.

"Like what you see?"

I just wanted to tease her a little bit because I knew that she couldn't stop looking at me. Either could I. She was too beautiful to look away.

She blushed and looked like a cute tomato. Awww.

I chuckled and removed my wings from her back so that she was able to see the room.

Her jaw fell to the floor as she saw the ground.

"Now I know why I felt like someone was stalking me at the ball. I bet you sneaky bastard watched me all the time."

She crossed her arms, pouted and tried to look angry. To me, she looked even more adorable.

"I am honest: Yes I was watching you and I will tell you a secret. The moment I laid my eyes on you I knew you'd be MINE!

And here I am, holding you in my arms. I will give you a promise princess. I will never let you go again."

With that, I leaned in and kissed her soft lips.



I hope you like it!!!!!!

It was their first kiss!!! Isn't that more than cute?!

What is your favorite time of the day?

Me: At night


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