Chapter 3

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POV Blake

I made my way downstairs to the door which separated me from my mate. As I was about to enter my dad stopped me.
"Son, please don't scare them all away and be careful. And I have the feeling that you already know how she looks but don't just go to her. At least say 'hello' to some others. They already fear you and it would help you little to overrun her and frighten her more than necessary."

With that, he walked into the room and started his speech. Everything was a blur and the next thing I realized were her beautiful eyes as I slowly made my way towards her. She bowed down and waited for my next step. She looked nervous and afraid of me and even if I just wanted to throw her over my shoulder and bring her to my room, I focused on being more or less friendly to her.

"Hello princess, what's your name?" I asked her.

" H-Hell-lo I'm Ei-Eileen. Nice t-to meet y-you!" was the answer I got. I felt guilty because I didn't want her to be scared of me. Everyone else could be scared but not her! I have built up my walls since my father's death. I stopped feeling at all.

And I stopped caring about everything. I spread the rumors about me, that I would be left alone. She was able to crumble these walls in seconds. And it frightened me. A lot.

" I'm Blake. Blake Ace Montgomery. But I think you already know that like everyone else does. She just nodded and avoided eye contact. I wanted to hear her voice again but I wasn't good at socializing which means that I had no idea what I was doing. So I just took her hand in mine and started walking to the exit. At first, she didn't follow but she had no chance. I was much stronger than her and I always got what I wanted.

People around us started to whisper about us but I could care less. I had what I wanted. My princess, my angel, my mate.....MINE!

But she was too slow for my liking so I stopped walking. She bumped into my back and stared at me with wide eyes. I just chuckled and turned around to look at her. Before she had the chance to react, I bent down and grabbed my princess at the back and the back of her knees to carry her bridal style. She was so light, it was unbelievable! She squealed and clung to me like a spider monkey, afraid of falling. I chuckled again, finding it amusing and cute.

"W-Where are we going and w-why are you carrying me?"

"To answer your first question: I am carrying you to my chambers and to answer your second question: Because your legs are too short and I am impatient."

I could tell that she was overwhelmed with the situation. It was just too much for a little human. Seconds later she fell limb into my arms and passed out.

I continued carrying her to my chambers and lay her down on my bed. I removed her shoes, started opening her hair and brushing it. Then I covered her up with the blanket and placed her belongings on the nightstand.

After that, I went into my closet and changed into a pair of sweatpants without bothering to put on a shirt. I lay next to her and turned around so that I was laying on my side facing her. She was even more beautiful sleeping and looked like a goddess. I just wish she wouldn't be afraid of me.

As I finally was drifting off to sleep, I heard knocking at my door. And it was pissing me off because I never got much sleep. Maybe three hours a night if I'm lucky. I tried to ignore it, but it was impossible. So I got up and stormed to the door and almost ripped it apart in the process. I was furious.

I didn't expect my dad to stand there with two unfamiliar people. They tried to look around me, but I blocked their path with my body. She is mine!

"What the fuck do you want because I want to sleep!"

My dad tried to convince me to let her parents come into my room and at least say goodbye to my princess for several minutes. I was having none of it but I couldn't exactly slam the door. There was a possibility that she would wake up and I didn't want her to interact with others other than me. So I gave in after some time.

They weren't allowed to touch her or wake her up. That was the only way to get this over with without me killing someone.

They were smart enough to follow my orders and didn't break one of the rules.
"Is-Is she wearing clothes under the blanket?"

Are they fucking serious? Do they think that low of me? I just nodded my head but as expected, they didn't believe me and wanted me to prove it. I just rolled my eyes and started to lift the blanket to show her parents that she indeed was wearing clothes. Idiots!

"If you excuse me I am tired so leave my fucking room before I kill someone by accident."

They stared at me with wide eyes but followed my orders and left the room. I directly went to bed and covered myself with the blanket. Then I pulled my princess closer to my chest and let the darkness take over me.

(A/N) I am sorry that this chapter is a little bit shorter than the last two... I promise the next one will be longer !!

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