Chapter 25

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POV Eileen

To say I was nervous was an understatement. They were already sitting at a table in the garden as we walked out of the palace. Their faces were emotionless and so was Blakes'.

He had to be the ruthless prince to show his dominance... typical men if you ask me.

We walked up to them and Blake sat down. I was about to sit down next to him when he pulled me on his lap to show them who I belonged to. I kind of love his possessive side. But I hate it too.

I snuggled into his lap and looked up to meet the eyes of my parents. You could tell that they weren't pleased to see me. They only came because they are afraid of getting killed if they don't show up. They are afraid of Blake.

I didn't know how to start the conversation but I had to. After all, I wanted to talk with them.


It was more than awkward but it was better than nothing.

"Good evening Eileen. Why are you wasting our time?" Aren't you happy after you disappeared that other day?"

I hate her. At first, she doesn't want me to be there but now she doesn't want me to be here?

"I would be friendly if I would be you. Otherwise, you could end up dead if I am bored."

Blake. He always had to play his role as a ruthless man even if his heart was much bigger than he thought.

On the other side, people obey him because they don't want to get on his bad side.

"I am quite happy here, thanks. I just wanted to ask you some questions."

"Go on"

They knew they had to be careful around him so they reacted more friendly than before.

"Why do you hate me so much? I never did anything wrong and I didn't deserve to be treated like that. Just tell me why!"

They looked at each other and nodded before starting to reply.

"We don't hate you. We hate your species and the species of the prince. You aren't supposed to live but we never had a chance. You aren't our daughter. A woman came to us sixteen years ago and forced us to take you in. She said that we would be hunted down if we would kill or abandon you. She also gave us a book with a lot of information about you and your kind. We read it all and knew we had to do something. So we changed your name and your birthdate to prevent this all from happening. We thought it worked but then we got a letter which said that every daughter had to attend the ball, as long as she was sixteen pr older. There, you found him and we knew that he was your mate. So we tried to bring you back to stop the transformation but he wouldn't let us. We thought you would be gone forever and continued to live a normal life. It was better without you in it and we forgot about it. But then you were sitting in the garden.

And now we are sitting here."

So they aren't my parents and knew about the wings? Why did they change my name and birthdate if it happened anyway? Is it possible that I had to meet Blake to awaken this side of me? But how? I have so many questions...

"What is my real name?"

They hesitated for a few seconds before my 'dad' answered.

"Your name is Aurora Walton. Daughter of George and Selina Walton"

Aurora. I always thought that this name was beautiful and it was familiar but I never thought that it was my name.

I felt Blake stiffen behind me which made me turn around to look at him. He noticed me looking at him but just shook his head, silently telling me that it was nothing.

"I want to have that book. Give it to one of the guards. Then, I want you two to disappear. I don't want to see you again."

With that, I stood up and walked into the forest. I needed some time alone even if I knew that Blake would follow me.

POV Blake

Oh shit. Did they really just say that she is Aurora Walton. The lost daughter of the kingdom I slaughtered seventeen years ago to avenge my parents.

I killed her parents and she doesn't even know that. She will never forgive me.

I stood up and followed my princess after telling a guard to escort them out of the castle and bring me the book.

She was sitting on a rock and cried. I walked up to her and hugged her from behind to comfort her.

"Why were you shocked as they told me my real name?"

It was only a whisper but I understood her perfectly. I exhaled a long breath before I started to tell her everything.

After that, I walked away and asked two guards to protect her if something would happen.

I walked into the palace and made my way to Alex. I saddled him and climbed on his back. I made my way to the woods to a place nobody knew about. Not even her. It was a meadow I spent a lot of my time if I wanted to be alone. I always sneaked out of the window so that everyone thought I would be in my room.

How should I call her? I mean I often call her princess but sometimes I use her name. Officially, her name is Aurora but she was always called Eileen which suited her even more. Her name could be translated to "light" and she definitely was the light to my darkness.

But I think I won't call her any of it because she probably hated me now. She knows the names of her parents and she saw my reaction and I think she will figure it out.

She will leave me and I will become the king everybody is fearing: a heartless and ruthless monster.

After some hours my phone started ringing non-stop until I threw it against a tree. It was annoying and I hadn't enough patience to turn it off.



The story is almost finished!!!

It is sad to end the story but I soon will start to write a new one! I don't know when I will start to upload the new story but I promise to announce it on my profile....(which means that you have to follow me to get the notification)

I love you all!


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