Chapter 6

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POV Eileen

After running out of the room I followed his directions and made it to the stables in less than fifteen minutes. Some guards were watching me but nobody stopped me. And I was grateful for that. I think they would only run after me if the prince or the king would order them to do so.

I went into the stables and walked to the end, where I found a beautiful black horse. His name was Alex and he was very muscular. It was the perfect horse for him because it fitted his character very well. Strong, self-confident and dominant.

Since he said that I should take his horse I was a little bit confused. Why did he give me his horse, if there are a dozen others? He could just give me one of them and it wouldn’t make a difference for me. As long as I had a way to travel back home I wouldn’t care. You don’t just give someone your horse if that person is planning to leave you forever. It’s wrong.

The horse isn’t just yours because it needed a place to stay. It is yours because you chose it and wanted to care for it.

You liked it. Even if I can't imagine him liking anything but himself. And he just passed Alex to me. In other words, he sacrificed his horse without knowing if it will survive. If I would care for him.

I led Alex out of the stables and sat on his back after saddling him. It was hard to do that because he was huge. And I mean really huge. Maybe I am just tiny but I think he is bigger than most horses. But on the other side, the prince is at least 6”2 and for him, it would be pretty easy to get on Alex.

I started riding to the doors of the palace and hoped that Blake was right. That nobody would stop me from leaving. Fortunately, he was right and minutes later I was on my way to my parents. I hadn’t a very good bond with them but it was the only place I could go.

What should I do after this? I don’t think I could live like this, pretending that it was just a dream. Because it was so much more. And a part of me was sorry for leaving him but I couldn’t understand why. I mean I hated the place, Blake was scary and I probably cried more than ever. A part of my heart was trying to tell me that it is wrong to leave this place but I ignored it. Who wouldn’t if you could be free?

While traveling home I had so much time to think. And most of the time I was lost in my thoughts. And my thoughts often drifted to him. Blake Ace Montgomery.

After traveling for about two or three hours I was in my village. I was happy to be back but something was wrong. Something changed and I had no idea what it was. But it wasn’t good.

When I was standing in front of our tiny house, I smiled. I dismounted from Alex and brought him to our garden behind the house. The whole garden was surrounded by a fence, so I just let him there without tying him to a post. It wasn’t necessary and I think he wouldn’t even run away if the garden was unfenced. I patted his head and knocked at the door. It took some time but my mother opened it with tired eyes. When our eyes met, her eyes widened and she hugged me. But it felt wrong and that feeling was killing me.

It was something she never did, so I was a little bit confused. But I shrugged it off and came inside.

For some reason, my mother didn’t look as dead as before and something was wrong. She was depressed before but even then didn’t really like me. We never talked much and to be honest it often felt like I lived alone because she was always in her room. And now she was welcoming her daughter as if I was the most important thing in her life.

Something was wrong!

“Where's my father?” I asked her as if I would really care. I mean he wasn’t really my father and treated me more like a maid than his daughter. He never cared about anything. But he also never let me leave the house and I was yet to find out why. I mean the world isn’t that dangerous that you couldn’t go outside for a walk.

“Travelling because of his Job. What are you doing here?”

I was sad. It almost sounded like her mother was happy that I wasn’t at home. As if I was a burden or something. I felt the tears building in my eyes but I held them back. I didn’t want to show her how much these words hurt.

“I left” were the only words I said.

Originally, I wanted to tell her everything but after her reaction to me being there, I held myself back. She wasn’t interested in me and the last few days anyway so why should I waste my time?

Her eyes widened at my answer and she looked at me as if I was completely dumb. I didn’t know why but I had the feeling I wasn’t welcomed anymore. I think I was pretty sure that I wasn’t welcomed anymore. Maybe I should just leave. I could travel around with Alex and maybe try to find a way to pay the prince back for giving me his horse. I didn’t know why but I couldn’t get this out of my head. Otherwise, I hadn’t much money and if I would give him Alex back, I definitely would die.

I just went into my room and closed the wooden door. Then I sat on my bed and laid down, staring at the ceiling. I didn’t feel at home like I imagined I would. I feel like a stranger who doesn’t belong here.

I started planning my future. And it didn’t take me long to decide that I will disappear with Alex. Tomorrow I would pack some of my things and just vanish like the sun at night or the moon at day.

Nobody will miss me and I won’t miss anybody too. To be honest, since I was in the palace I not once missed my parents and I think inside I already knew that something was off with the both of them.

I always was naive but I think these days woke me up from my dream of a perfect family and a perfect life. I looked at things differently than before and I think the prince was the reason for it.

Unconsciously, he showed me that people weren’t always what they pretended to be. And now that I think of it, the prince built a similar wall around him to hide his real person. Maybe he wasn’t that bad? Maybe he just had a reason to act like he does? But that didn’t matter at the moment because I was still afraid of him.

I changed my clothes and laid on the bed. Minutes after laying down I was asleep and started having a weird dream.

By the way the names I chose for the characters have a meaning:
-Blake means dark > He has a bad temper and has a dark past....

-Eileen means bright > She is innocent and 'the light to his darkness'

Hope y'all liked this chapter

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