Chapter 16

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POV Blake

It was in the middle of the night when I was starting to feel hot. It was unusual because I never got ill. The last time I was ill was before my change. I know it sounds weird but I lived sixteen years without my wings. Everybody will ask himself how that is possible. You will think that it is a similar process like the change to a vampire: get bitten, die and wake up again but you are wrong.

You can only be born as one of us but the change will happen on your birthday when you reach the age of sixteen. Then you begin to change and some days later you have wings on your back. Also, your body temperature will be lower than before and it will never rise again.

After that, you are fully grown so to speak. You won't age anymore and you live for eternity unless you get killed by a very powerful creature.

Back to the present. Why the hell is it so hot in here?

I opened my eyes and looked around. At first, everything seemed fine until I looked down. There, on top of me was my princess and she was the source of the high temperature. It wasn't me but her who was sick because she was human and could get ill.

I touched her forehead and gasped. Her temperature was very high and she seemed to be uncomfortable.

"Hey princess, wake up"

She didn't respond. I started to roll over so that I was hovering over her and put my weight on my underarms. I tried to shake her awake but to no avail. She didn't wake up.

I picked her up bridal style and rushed to the infirmary. I laid her on a bed and called for a doctor. A minute later, Dr. Masen came into the room.

"You have to help her. She is burning up and she won't wake up."

I panicked because I was afraid of losing her. Her fever rose too fast for my liking and I would die without her.

The doctor got to work and started to examine her. He attached her to an IV and told me to stay with her. Without waiting for an answer from me, he rushed out of the room.

Where does he want to go? He has to help her, how can he just leave the room without telling me what's wrong with her? I'll kill him!

I held her hand the whole time and brushed her hair out of her face. She looked so pale and unhealthy, that she looked more like a vampire than a human.

The doctor came back with my dad in tow. Why?

"Ok, I know that you won't believe me but she definitely isn't human. A human body wouldn't be able to heat up this much without giving up and the human dying but she is breathing. I would say that she is about to change into her true form but I don't know what she is. She could be almost everything because her body doesn't show any changes, who would tell us what she is. The only thing we can do is wait and hope that everything ends up well."

I didn't know what to say. First, she wasn't human. Second, there was no way to help her and I had no idea if she would survive. And third, what is she?

My mind was going through all possibilities and one of them was the most logical. She was like me, an angel. But it couldn't be because she was already sixteen and she wasn't born by angels. And it wasn't possible. Except for her parents aren't her real parents and she was adopted. But why would somebody change your birthday? It didn't make sense.

I was interrupted by her saying my name. It was only a faint whisper but I caught and immediately looked at Eileen. Her eyes were slightly open but everyone could tell that she was feeling like shit. She reached her hand out and without hesitation, I took in between both of mine. I kissed the back of her hand and gave her a little smile. I wasn't real, it was just to tell her that everything will be fine. But to be honest I was terrified.

I had to stay strong. If I start to show weakness, she will lose hope.

With all her strength, which wasn't much at the moment, she pulled my arm to her until I obeyed and closed the gap. I was now on my knees in front of the bed but I could tell that she wasn't content with my position.

"Come here please"

It was only a whisper but I followed her order and sat down on the bed. I snaked my arm around her waist and hugged her to my chest, basically replacing the pillow.

She laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes before relaxing a bit. I could feel her pain as if it would be my own. But I couldn't help her and it was driving me insane.

She was snuggling deeper into my chest but I didn't understand why. Was it because she is seeking comfort? Is it because she is feeling safe?

Her hand slowly slid under my shirt. It confused me but I didn't stop her because I was hers. And if it helped her to touch me to get through her illness, I will definitely help her without asking questions.

Her hand was too hot for my liking, just like the remainder of her body. That is when it clicked in my head. She wanted to be as close as possible to me because I felt cold to her. She searched for a way to cool down and I was the solution.

I laid her back on the bed and stood up. She protested but was too weak to stop me. I quickly removed my shirt and sweatpants so that I was only in boxers. That way, she would be able to feel my skin which was "cold" unlike hers. Then I removed her leggings so that she only was in her panties and a top and laid down next to her. Without hesitation, I lifted her up and laid her on top of me. Her head was lying on my chest and her legs were tangled with mine. Her arms slid around my waist and hugged me in order to keep me in place. My left arm was around her and the other hand was going through her hair. She relaxed under my touch and drifted off to sleep.

That was when I remembered that we were not alone in the room. I looked up and saw my dad and the doctor standing there awkwardly.

"The only thing we can do is wait. Let her sleep but wake her up in about two hours to give her food and something to drink. Preferable soup. She has to stay hydrated in order to survive. In some hours, I will examine her again. Maybe I am able to say what she is or what she will be in the future. But I don't think that she will die because she hasn't already which means that her body isn't as weak as you would think."

With that said, the doctor left the room. My dad came to the side of the bed and sat down silently. At first, he didn't say anything and just observed us but then he spoke up.

"She will make it, son. She is strong and she won't leave you. And about the change that will follow soon, I think that she is related to our kind. You too had a fever when it all started on your sixteens birthday.

And here you are, holding the love of your life in your arms to cool her down. Always remind yourself that you survived the change without a mate. Eileen has one with her all the way and I believe it will make her even stronger."

With that, he too left the room. I looked down at my mate and hoped that they were right and that she would wake up one day by my side as one of my kind or whatever she will be.

(A/N) Favourite animal?
ME: I think flamingos and llamas :)

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