Chapter 21

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POV Eileen

As his lips touched mine, my whole body felt sparks. They didn't feel bad. They felt like I belonged to his and only his arms. It felt like I was on cloud nine and I didn't want that feeling to stop. But we had to because my lungs were aching for oxygen and I was completely out of breath.

How is it possible to feel so much better after only one kiss? All the negative things on my mind just flew out of the window and I forgot about my worries about not being able to control my wings. Blake is a real angel. Not only because he has wings but also, because of his behavior towards me. He may have a past I don't know much about but even if he was bad in his past, he had reasons for it.

His parents were killed by rivals and he avenged them. At least that is what he told me and I believe him. He knows that I don't care about his past so he has no reason to lie and I totally understand that it is a sore subject for him. I don't know how it feels to lose a parent because I never really had them. I don't miss them and I never will because they never treated me like a real daughter.

But I do feel sorry for him because he lost a lot at a very young age. And I know that a big part of his broke too. He never had a person to talk to and I know from Adam that he closed up and never talked about it. He just pushed a button in his brain to stop feeling emotions. He refused to let anybody help him and a part of me could understand it. But another part of me knew that he had to talk about his past. It would help him to stop feeling regret for not saving them. It would take a lot of weight off his shoulders.

"Eileen are you okay?"

I was brought back to reality by Blake. He looked confused and a little bit worried.

"Yeah...I was just thinking about some things. Am I the only one who felt sparks while we kissed each other?"

I felt my face turn into a red color. I was kind of embarrassed because I told him how I felt but I knew that it won't bother him. He is always telling me that my blush is cute and he always starts to rub his thumbs over my cheeks while chuckling.

While we are talking about it - he started doing it.

"No princess, I felt the same. It is the mate bond and it tells us that we are meant to be together. If I could decide what we do the whole day, I probably would kiss you all the time. You taste so good, I can't get enough of you."

With that, he leaned in and kissed me again. That kiss was slower and shorter but I still felt like I was in heaven.

After parting our lips and talking a little bit more, a wave of tiredness came over me and I started yawning. I was still attached to his waist and used his chest as a pillow. His body felt so warm and comforting against me, which made me lean more into him. I just wanted to be in his arms for eternity and lay my head on his chest. Don't forget the kissing!

My eyes started to drop and it was almost impossible for me to stay awake but for some reason I did.

"Go to sleep. The day drained your body and I will gladly serve as a pillow for you."

That was something else. But I welcomed his invitation and closed my eyes, slowly falling into a deep sleep. Before that, I started mumbling some words as a response.

I wanted to ask him to replace his wings because they felt good but I had no idea if he was able to understand my words. Only because of something brushing against my back I could tell that he was able to decipher my mumbling. A smile broke out on my face and with that, I welcomed the darkness.

POV Blake

I knew that she was exhausted because I lived through the same process. It takes a lot of energy to learn to control your wings.

She lay limp in my arms with her head on my chest and my wings around her. Eileen was more than adorable and I could watch her the whole night. Sometimes that is all I do - I just pretend to fall asleep until she is sleeping and then I start watching her until she wakes up.

She never noticed because I am smart enough not to move too much and sometimes pretend to sleep in the morning until she "wakes me up".

It is adorable how she always starts to brush strands of hair out of my face or strokes my wings if I don't hide them.

She prefers if they aren't hidden because she says and I quote "they are too beautiful to hide and I love going through them with my fingers because they are so soft, just like you."

Yeah...I have gone soft but I don't care because she is all I need and as long as she is happy, I will be happy too.

I carried her to our room and tried to lay her down. It didn't work out as I thought it would because she was clinging to me like a sloth to a three. After ten minutes of trying to pry her hands away from my shirt, I gave up and turned around to walk to the library.

When I reached my goal, I sat down on the loveseat with a book in my hands and began to read.

After some time, she started to bury her head in my neck which made me chuckle. She was always so cute in her sleep and her actions may be uncontrollable but show me that I belong to her as much as she belongs to me.



Here is a new chapter!!!

Happy Easter btw even if it was two days ago :)

1) Do you celebrate Easter?

2) Favorite quote (movie/book/...)

Me: I have many quotes I love but my favorite ones are:

1: "No measure of time will be long enough, but let's start with forever." 

2: "Love is a force unto itself. For love, people consider the unthinkable... and often achieve the impossible. I would not sneer at its power."


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