Chapter 23

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POV Eileen

Why does Blake need me to be in our room? He said he only had to fulfill some duties. Has something happened to him? Was he okay?

I was freaking out and had no idea what to do. Before I could think too much about it, the door opened and Blake came in. But something was different because he was only wearing his boxers and had a towel wrapped around himself. But that wasn't what attracted my whole attention. It was the state he was in. He was freezing and trembling.

"What happened? How can you be cold? You always tell me that it has to be very cold for us to start freezing"

I spoke way too fast but he still was able to understand me. Before I knew it, I walked up to him and removed the towel which didn't help him at all. Instead, I hugged him to my body while walking to our bed. I pushed him down and laid on my back with him on top of me. It reminded me a little bit of when he was injured, sleeping with his head on my chest.

I rubbed his back while he relaxed on my chest and closed his eyes.

It didn't take long until he stopped shivering. His body was starting to get warm again and he started to smile.

"Why are you smiling? Minutes ago you were freezing like you fell into a frozen lake and now you're smiling?"

He just ignored me before whispering to himself that his plan worked. I think he forgot that my ability to hear was better now.

"What plan?" I raised my eyebrow. Now I was curious.

"Look at your wings. You moved them for the first time in order to warm me up. I lied to you when I told you that I had duties. I cooled my body down until I was freezing because I had the feeling that you would react out of instinct and use your wings to stop me from shivering. I think we can start your training now because you moved them once and now it should be easier."

I couldn't believe his words. He was a living snowman because he wanted to help me with my wings? I was scared that something bad happened to him.

"You idiot."

It took me some time until I realized what I did unconsciously. I moved my wings! OMG, I did it. Before I knew it, I hugged him harder until we fell onto the floor. At least I was on top and didn't hurt myself.

I quickly stood up before trying to move them again. It worked!

I jumped around like a kid for some minutes before running to Blake and jumping on him with full force. Surprisingly, he didn't fell back. Instead, he held my waist and walked out of the room.

"Let's go outside to try again. Maybe we can fly together now" Blake whispered in my ear.

When we reached the garden, he removed his hands from my waist and let me down.

"Okay, you only have to imagine yourself flying. Think about the feeling while being free without touching the ground."

I closed my eyes before I started to think about all these things. Before I knew it, I was flying about two feet above the ground. I wasn't steady and wobbled around until he steadied me with his hands. He was flying at the same height and helped me a lot.

After some hours, we were flying around hand in hand. It wasn't easy but with Blake at my side, I managed.

I think that he did most of the work and often prevented me from falling from the sky like a stone. Without him, I would've never reached that point.

-----some hours later----

We were currently sitting in his library on the loveseat. Or should I say that he was sitting on the loveseat and I was sitting on his lap?

He was reading a book to me while I snuggled into his chest. Since I transformed, he was always feeling sooo warm. I could literally sleep on his chest all the time. Okay, maybe I'm sleeping on his chest all night. Mostly my whole body is on top of him. That he hasn't died because of not being able to breathe is a wonder...

I had a lot in my head because our coronation would be soon and I thought about my parents. I know that I will probably never see them again but a part of me wants to talk to them one last time. I want to know why they treated me like they did and I want to know why they hated me so much.

Did they know that I was an angel? Was that the reason they wanted me to stay away from the prince? Or were they just afraid that I would leave them without doing everything at home?

I zoomed out and didn't realize that he stopped reading to me until now. Instead, he was staring at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What is wrong, princess?" was the first thing I noticed him saying.

I just looked away. I didn't want to bring it up because I knew how much Blake despised my parents. But he didn't let it go. He grabbed my chin with his thumb and forefinger and turned my head. I had no chance but to look into his eyes. I still tried to avoid his eyes but it was useless. He knew my reactions more than myself and he definitely used it as an advantage. It took him only some touching and kissing until I was looking into his mesmerizing eyes.

"You can tell me anything. Even if you think that I will react badly to it just give it a go. I promise not to freak out, okay?"

I just nodded my head before starting to tell him about my parents. He wasn't pleased about it but he promised me to arrange a meeting in the next few days. The only thing I had to learn was to hide my wings because I couldn't let them see my wings. They may know about them but we couldn't be sure and if anyone would find out about them, other than some guards and my new family, it could end very badly for us.

We soon started to train to hide my wings which was a thousand times easier than learning to fly. I only needed about an hour to learn it which was nothing compared to learning how to fly.



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