Chapter 4

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POV Eileen

When I woke up I had no idea where I was. As I looked around, I found myself in a big and beautiful bedroom in black and grey. As I tried to turn around, I was stopped by something holding onto my waist. That’s when the memories from yesterday came back. I started to panic because I was the chosen one. Out of all these girls he chose me! My life was ruined.

I turned my head to look at the man lying next to me. I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, to no avail. Then I decided to use my hand to remove his hand. In the end, his grip only got tighter. I felt my eyes starting to water but I tried to hold them back because I didn’t want him to see them. After my third attempt to get out of his grasp I gave up and waited for a better opportunity.

Minutes later he started to move. I knew that he soon would be awake and that I had no chance to flee. So I pretended to sleep so that he hopefully lets me be alone. But my plan didn’t work out.

“Good morning princess!”  were his first words after waking up. I didn’t answer and tried to even my breathing.

“I know that you’re awake. You can’t fool me that easily. You don’t have to be afraid of me because I am not planning on hurting you. After all, you are my princess.”

I felt myself being turned on my back. Suddenly, he was hovering over me and his warm breath sent goosebumps to my neck. My eyes were still closed and his hand was stroking my cheeks.

“Open your eyes, princess”

I shook my head and turned my head to the side. He was having none of it and turned my head again. Then he started removing the strap of my dress and started tracing lines on my shoulder blade. My eyes flew open and the first thing I saw were his grey eyes staring into mine.

He didn’t move at all. He just stared at me and waited for a minute or two. Then he spoke.

“See, it wasn’t that hard now was it?”

After that statement, he stood up and walked to one of the doors. I think it was a closet and my prediction was fulfilled when he came back in jeans and a shirt in his hand. That was the moment when I realized that he was half-naked in front of me! The worst part was, that he was perfectly toned and looked like a god.
Ok shut up you are afraid of him. You shouldn’t think of him like that!

After staring at him for too long I looked up into his face to see him smirking. He obviously saw me staring at him.

“You can go into the bathroom, it is over there, and shower or take a bath or whatever. I don’t have clothes your size but you can wear mine. Just choose something. If you are searching for me, I am in the library. The library is just next door on the left.”

With that, he left me alone in his room. Fortunately.

I started getting up and going to the closet to search for some clothes. I bet he has clothes my size or could organize them in five seconds but no! He wants me to walk around in his clothes to show his claim or some shit. I would kill him right now if I could.

As I reached the closet, I looked inside and was shocked. It was bigger than my bedroom and there were so many pairs of trousers and shirts, you couldn’t count them in a week. I decided to wear a hoodie and some sweatpants because these were the only things I more or less would fit in. At least if I tie the sweatpants as tight as possible.

Then I walked into the bathroom, which looked exactly like his bedroom. The only colors you could see were black, grey and white. Boring!

I decided to take a bath because that was a luxury we couldn’t afford at home. So I locked the door and enjoyed my time in the bathtub. When I was done I went to the sink and found everything you could need like a toothbrush, a brush and much more. I knew it! He organized everything else so he didn’t get her clothes on purpose! Asshole!

After about an hour she walked out only to find a tray with breakfast on a little table. There were bacon, scrambled eggs and everything you could imagine. I never saw so much food for one meal. At home, they always ate cereals or porridge because it was cheaper.

I sat down and ate from everything a bit. When I was full I walked out of the room to find the kitchen. But right in front of her door was a guard who took the tray from her and walked away. I was shocked before she realized that they probably had people for everything.

I walked back into the room and started to think about a plan to escape. But with the guards, I had no chance to walk out of the palace without being seen. 

POV Blake

After I left her to go to the library I thought about her. She was so scared and I hated it. I would never let anything happen to her and I wouldn’t even think about hurting her by myself. She was too important.

When I reached the library, I took the book I was currently reading off the shelf and sat on the loveseat to read. But my mind was always drifting off to her and at the end, I wasn’t even able to read one page. My mind always focused on her and I forgot the sentence, even if I read it ten seconds ago. After about ten minutes of just staring at the page, I got up and left the library to search for my mate.

Reaching my room, I saw her sitting on the floor. But that wasn’t the reason I started to panic. I was worried because of her red and puffy eyes and the tears rolling over her cheeks. I ran to her as fast as I could without using my abilities to not scare her further. I crouched down to be at eye level with her.

Without thinking I leaned forwards and cupped her face in my hands to wipe away the tears. But it didn’t help. There were always new tears flowing out of her eyes and soothing words didn’t help either. I think that her body just shut down and went numb. Because she didn’t flinch from my movements, which was her behavior this morning. I just hugged her and she let her head fall onto my shoulder.

I stood up with her in my arms and went to the library again where I sat down in the same seat as before, this time only with my princess in my lap. I leaned back and brought her face to my chest to rest. She was already getting tired, so I took a blanket to keep her warm. Almost instantly, her eyes were getting heavier and closed after a minute.

I just chuckled and brushed her hair out of her face. Then I opened the book again to continue reading. While doing that, my right hand played with her hair.

It was the first time I realized how unique her hair really was. It wasn’t just blond, but a combination of darker and lighter strands. It almost looked like she dyed her hair, but it was too healthy and soft so I assumed that it was natural.

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Btw I love Blake in this chapter...he is so cute around her🥺🥺


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