Chapter 10

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POV Eileen

I looked up and my eyes met the king’s eyes. My eyes went wide when I saw him. Doesn’t the king of Montgomerondya have more important responsibilities?

I bowed down out of respect when he stopped me and started talking.

“I have a request. I know you don’t want to see him again but it is an emergency. The prince is dying.”

I was shocked. And I had many questions: Why is he dying? What has all that to do with me? Shouldn’t the king try to find a doctor or something?….
It confused me. And it scared me. A lot.

“Why? And how should I help you?” I was getting nervous and I wanted to help him. I don’t know why but I cared for him. Like he cared for me.

“It is a long story. I don’t have the time to explain everything but long story short: he is dying of a broken heart. And I think you are the only person who could help him. So I beg you to go to him. Please.”

He was literally begging me to come to the castle to help his son. I couldn’t say no to him. So I just nodded my head.

“You must hurry. He only has some hours left and it already could be too late. Take Alex, I know you have him and ride as fast as you can to him. The guards will bring you into the room he is staying in at the moment. Try to get him to eat and drink something. Maybe it is not too late.”

I didn’t respond and just sprinted to the garden. I went to Alex and climbed on his back not caring to saddle him. I had no time for that. I started to ride as fast as possible in the direction of the palace.

The king was following but he wasn’t as fast as me because of two reasons: First, my horse was faster and second my horse was rested. But I didn’t look back and just continued the journey.

-----90 minutes later-----

I reached the palace and the whole ride was a blur. I couldn’t remember it at all.
The guards opened the doors for me when they saw who I was. I just jumped off Alex's back and ran to one of the guards.

“Where is he?” I was asking in a demanding tone and he exactly understood what I wanted. He nodded and brought me to a big brown door. I didn’t know how long it took us to get there but I didn’t care. All I cared about at the moment was Blake!

The guard opened the door for me and took a step back. His face was blank but his eyes told a different story. I just went inside of the room and what I saw broke my heart. All the dreams about him starving and hurting himself weren’t just dreams. They were real.
He was dying.

He looked much worse than in my dreams. His face was almost white and his eyes looked dead. He wasn’t even looking at me but you could see that he gave up. That he wanted his life to be over.

He was much thinner than the last time and his wings weren’t as beautiful as before. They looked tattered and were full of blood like the rest of his body.

I rushed over to the side of his bed and started crying. That is the moment he looked up. But he looked away again and continued to stare at the ceiling. It was the same in one of my dreams. Only that I was staring at me from his eyes in the dream. And that's when I realized that he probably was thinking that I wasn’t here.

That I was just an imagination made by his mind.

I just started to touch his face with the back of my hand and he looked directly into my eyes. He must have felt the spark when I touched his face and I think he realized that I wasn’t a hallucination. I was real. And he smiled and used his strength (which wasn’t much) to pull me on top of him. I protested because of his injuries but I gave in as he mouthed one simple word: ‘Please.’

I hugged him for about a minute when I thought back to what the king said: ‘Try to get him to eat and drink something.

Maybe it is not too late.’

I stood up but his fingers were gripping my dress with every bit of strength to stop me. His eyes were pleading for me to stay but I had to get him to eat and drink something.

“It’s okay I won't go. I just need to get you something to eat. You are dying and I can’t let that happen.”

His grip tightened around the fabric and he refused to let go. So I did the only thing which came to my mind. I grabbed the closure of my necklace and opened it.

It was a necklace I had since my childhood and until now I have no idea where it came from. Then I reached behind his head and closed it so that it was hanging around his neck. Then I carefully removed his hand from my dress and opened his fist, only to close it around the pendant of my necklace. His other hand followed without my help and I was able to stand up. I kissed his forehead and his nose and went to the kitchen to get some food and some water.

Some maids had already prepared some soup and a glass of water with a straw. I took it from the counter and made my way back to him. He was in the same position as I left him and I couldn’t help but smile as I watched his hands clutching the necklace as if it would be the only thing keeping him alive. 

As soon as I reached the bed he let go of the necklace only to reach for my dress again. He grabbed it and held it like before. I put the water on the nightstand and sat down next to him on the bed.

Then I used all of my strength to put him into a sitting position so that he was leaning against the headboard. Even in his state, he was quite heavy and it took some time to get him into the position I wanted. He almost fell to the side because of the state of his body. But I steadied him with some cushions to stop him from falling. Then I crawled between his legs and sat down so that I was able to feed him. The whole time he just stared at my face. I smiled at him and started to spoon-feed him. After about six or seven spoons of soup, he started to shake his head. I knew that his stomach was overwhelmed with the food and couldn’t handle it after ten days of starving himself. And I also knew that it would take some weeks until he could eat as much as before.

“One more spoon okay?” I started to persuade him into eating at least one more spoon and he gave in. After eating I took the glass from the nightstand and brought the straw to his mouth. He sipped a little bit but drank only a fifth of the glass. His throat was probably screaming in pain so I let it go. I would try it later again to start building his strength.

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