Chapter 13

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POV Eileen

I knew he hated it when I bandaged his wounds but I would never let them just be! He is too important and I know now that I can't live without him. Since I came into this room and he realized that I am really here, he was extremely clingy. I think he was afraid I would leave him if he gets better. What he didn't know was that I would stay forever.

After finishing cleaning the wounds, which was connected with many whines of protest from Mr. Clingy, I helped him to change into some sweatpants which was kinda awkward. He didn't want to wear a shirt because I quote 'It's uncomfortable with his wings'. Yeah sure... it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that he wants to impress someone. Me for example.

Before I could stand up to throw the used bandages away, I was grabbed by my wrist and yanked back into his chest. He groaned but his grip didn't lose as I fell onto his chest. I tried to get up to check on him but he had a vile grip on my waist. "What are you doing. You're hurting yourself" I said after some seconds of trying to get out of his grasp.

He wrote something on the notebook and handed it to me. There were only two words: 'You promised'. I just shook my head but let it go because obviously his strength was coming back and I had probably no chance to sneak away. How is it possible that he gains his strength so fast? I was curious so I just asked. His answer was short and easy to understand: 'I'm not human'

Silly me... I could have solved the riddle by myself. I mean he doesn't even hide his wings from me.

Too fast for me to realize, he rolls over, so that he is hovering above me. Okay, he is much stronger than yesterday! He kissed me on the corner of my mouth and then laid on top of me like last night. His wings are also hugging me to him and he starts to play with the hem of my shirt. My hand stopped him and I lifted his chin so that he was looking at me.

"Stop that. Don't even think about it or I will break my promise and leave this room for some hours." I knew that it was impossible for me to be away from him for more than fifteen minutes but he got the message and immediately stopped. He had a scared look on his face but I reassured him that I wouldn't leave him if he behaved.

I got him to drink some water afterward and drank something myself. He was still lying on my chest with his face snuggled into it as if he wanted to crawl inside of me. He looked so cute. I started to brush his hair with my fingers which seemed to relax him but you could still see the lack of sleep in his eyes.

"You should sleep. You're still tired and I won't vanish again."

While saying that I stopped my movements which followed by his hand grabbing mine and bringing it to his head again. He was making the cutest puppy eyes I ever saw and I gave in. But instead of stroking his hair, I decided to caress his wings because I knew he liked that even more. He smiled in content and closed his eyes. His breathing evened out and he was soon asleep again.

Shortly after he fell asleep a maid came in with a tray of food. I had asked them to bring something in the evening because I knew I had no chance to leave the room again because of Mr. Clingy. I thanked her as she put the tray on the nightstand and she disappeared through the door.

I ate with my right hand while my left was occupied with his wings.

When I finished I stared at his face, which was pressed against 'my' shirt.

Why does everyone fear him? I mean it is understandable if you know that he is some kind of an angel but nobody does know that. I was scared too until I left and realized that he never tried to harm me in any way. He may be scary from the outside but I know that there is a reason for that. Maybe his childhood or his past but he wasn't always like that. They just call him a monster for no reason. Who spread the rumors about him?

Blake started to wake up which confused me a little bit. He was sleeping for about an hour and now he is awake again? How does he cope with staying up for so long and refusing to sleep? I mean he was awake for about nine or ten days... I would have slept in after two days even if it meant that I would die.

I was lost in my thoughts that it took me some time to realize that he was looking in my direction. But when I felt his eyes on me, I turned my head and gave him a small smile. He copied it and pointed his hand out for the bottle on the nightstand. I was happy that he was willing to drink even if it hurts and didn't try to refuse me. I know that I would force him to drink if he refused me but it was much better this way.

I took the bottle from the nightstand and gave it to him. He drank a few sips and gave it back to me.

A knock on the door interrupted the silence. I answered "Come in" and waited for someone to appear at the door. It was the king- I mean Adam.

"Hi Eileen" When he came into the room he noticed that Blake was awake.

"Blake, it is good to see you awake. Are you doing better?"

Instead of answering, he snuggled deeper into my chest and closed his eyes. I decided to answer since it was rude to ignore him.

"He is doing better. Apart from his behavior. He is probably more clingy than a koala and I even had to promise him not to leave the bed for the whole day. He is a little bit dramatic if you ask me."

Adam just chuckled and shook his head.

"He is just afraid that you'll leave him again. I would do the same if I found my soul mate but I never did until now so there was never a reason to be possessive and clingy. But he did find you and it is our instinct to protect our other half even if it would mean to go against your will. Never forget that"

I nodded my head and looked down at Blake. I stared directly into his eyes with my hand on his chin so that he had no chance but to look at me.

"I promise you that I won't leave you again. I wasn't even at my parents' house for about an hour before I started missing you. For the whole time, I thought about you. At night I was dreaming about you. They were nightmares and I have no idea how this is possible but I always saw you starving and hurting yourself. It felt so real and my chest was aching at the same time. And then there was the knock at the door and I couldn't believe it as Adam was standing there and when he told me about you being almost dead I was having a panic attack. I rode as fast as possible to you and hoped that I wasn't too late. I would like to spend eternity with you which sadly isn't possible because of me being human. I don't want to leave you but I know that the time will come where I will die because of my age or an illness. And I am sorry!"


(A/N) Don't forget to vote!!!


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