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"I know what you're thinking," Luffy sent a rare glare at him. "Stop it."


"No buts," then softened his eyes. "I know that I've worried you and everyone else, I will be fine by tomorrow morning."

"... Very well," the king sighed. "I will ask one of the maid to bring some food for you and make sure you get some sleep as well."

"I rarely get sleep but I'll try," the immortal snorted quietly. "Also, do you mind if you could get my troublesome brothers to the other room please?"


"I wish to be alone for now cause of my sickness," Luffy replied with a small smile. "Beside Ace will explain to them since he's experience this the most."

Neptune nodded, carefully scoot the three brothers. He has a difficult time carrying them but he managed.

He settle himself on the bed and watched as his friend closed the door leaving him alone in the room. He knew that his brothers won't be pleased to know that they've moved to another room once they woke up but hey, he wanted to be alone time after all.

Luffy felt his lips twitched, amused at how his friend acting like a mother hen even if he denied it. Though he cannot deny the warm that blooming inside of him.

He's about to shut his eyes closed and waiting for the sleep to take over when he feel a familiar gentle tap on his chest. He blinked and let out a small smile after he recognized the gentle rub on his arm.

"... How long do you planning to stay there?" He asked, glancing at the corner of the room where it's not exposed to light.

It's quiet at first until a figure stepped forward revealing a woman with soft smile. She's wearing a green kimono open like shirt as a jacket with black tank top underneath, fingerless black gloves attacted to her middle fingers that reaches to her biceps, black shorts and black boots with the mix of sneakers.

She has long black hair reaches to her waist, black small birth mark on her chin and soft blue eyes that showing off the warm and fondness.

His eyes glanced from her face to the mark flaming like mark from under her collarbone. The woman merely smile a little widely, walked up to him and embraced him with her long, slender arms around his neck.

While she kissed his cheek and forehead, Luffy allowed the woman to sit on his lap and slowly his hand lifted up to cupped her cheek.

Normally he doesn't show any affectionate to any strangers and he naturally does it with his brothers but this woman isn't any stranger.

This woman is someone he knew.

A woman who always been there.

A woman who's his first love.

"Luffy..." she whispered softly.

"Amaya..." he whispered back, letting out a small smile. "It's been far too long." She leaned back, showing off her beautiful wide smile to him which his heart squeeze at the sight of it.

Amaya glanced at his lips for a second and that's when he get a hint. Slowly, he lean toward her and her eyes burst with happiness.

She lean forward with eager and when their lips pressed to each others, she kissed him with a feelings that he knew so well.

Longing, anticipation and loving.

She moaned in their kiss, happy to feel him again. They haven't seen each others for many years, it's been way too long and both of them knew that they want this.

(Are you ready for their fluffy moments? Also, do you guys want a smut or not? Vote yes or no in comment.)

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