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Luffy is snorting quietly, lay on his side facing at the front door mirror with sun shining through it.

Not minding the reflection, he just asleep peacefully with no concern of his surrounding. In his arms, Sabo stirred and blink his eyes to wash away the sleepiness before he sit up.

Carefully lifting the arm, he yawned and stretched his back with his arms up in the air. Looking around, he saw Ace snorting with his arms and legs stretch out.

Glancing to see Luffy still asleep, he crawled toward his brother and shake him. "Ace," he called out quietly. "Ace, Ace!"

He grimaced, wave his hand and facing his back against him. "Five more minutes..." he grunts. Sabo rolled his eyes, pushing him till he fall off the bed.

"Ow!" Ace sit up instantly, rubbing his head with large bump and tears at the corner of his eyes. He glared comically with white eyes and shark teeth.

"What did you do that for?!"

"Ssshh!" Sabo covered his mouth with his other hand form into fist but finger on his lips. "You're going to wake Lu up!"

Said a certain person stir a little, turning his body and resuming his quiet snorts.

They sighed with relief.

"Listen okay?" Sabo whispers to him quietly. "Lu has been walking all day so I want to surprise him with breakfast."

"You mean, breakfast in bed?" Ace have his eyes brighten up, remember how his big brother surprising him the same thing on his birthday. Sabo nodded and gestured him to follow which he comply.

When the brothers sneakily went out, Luffy take a sneak peek and the corner of his lips curled up with half smile, feeling amused at this.

His body is still exhausted from yesterday and he's actually glad that he take a nap. Seems like they are trying to surprised him and he definitely ruined it but he could at least pretend to, right?

It's not like they know and he supposed he can entertain them for a while.

Closing his eyes, he instantly felt sleepy and soon enough, the quiet snorts is back.


"Come on Sabo!"

"Hold on!" A blond haired kid run after his brother. "We don't even know where the kitchen is!"

"Oh right..." Ace rubbed the back of his head with sheepish laugh. Sabo just rolled his eyes in amusement, grab his hand and walked this time. "We should ask someone to take us to the kitchen."


"Ah! Ace-san and Sabo-san!"

They snapped their heads up to see Shirahoshi swimming toward them. "Good morning!" She chirps with a smile and a big shark followed behind with tooth grin.

"Morning," Ace grumbles then winced at the nudge from his brother. "Ace, be nice!" The blond one scolded.


"Morning," Sabo smiled at her. "Say Shirahoshi-san, will you help us?"

"Hmm?" She titled her head cutely. "Sure but why?" Leaning down so her eyes directed to them, Sabo looked around and lean toward her ear with whisper.

"Don't tell anyone but Ace and I are planning to give Lu a breakfast in bed."

"Oh!" The beautiful mermaid brightened up and clapped her hands as she raised to her usual height. "Uncle Grim-sama would love that! Sure I'll take you there!"

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