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It's a bright morning where fishmen are doing their business for their usual days. In a kingdom by the back of a garden, there's a sound of chuckles and giggling outside.

Neptune looked amused and Shirahoshi is giggling, sitting closely to her father and her friend shark. The guards are watching with smiles or smirks at the view in front of them.

The three princes are swimming behind, chuckling as they watched their friends carrying their uncle.

Ace and Sabo are carrying their brother. They are underestimated the weight of their brother and it feels like they're carrying a heavy books!

Luffy is calm, reading the book that his friend offer and wearing a glasses with his hair tied up into small ponytail. Ace is the one who came up with this sudden idea and surprisingly, Sabo agreed.

Ace is carrying his back and the blond one is carrying his legs. With their puffed cheeks, sweats on their faces and trembling legs, the reaper could tell they're struggling.

"You can put me down," he said.

"W-we can do it!" Ace stutters.

"No you're not," Luffy shoot that down. "I can feel you trembling." He closed his book, put his hand on the ground and lightly lifted himself up into handstand with one hand before he backed on his feet.

Sabo sprawled on the ground with Ace leaning back on his hands, pants heavily and Luffy just shook his head in amusement.

"It's not good for your health to carry an adult included myself," the immortal said. "Also, don't used me for any of your ideas."

"N-noted," Ace give a shaky thumbs up.


"Hm?" The immortal looked over his shoulder and his lips stretchs into a small smile to see a certain blue fishman walking toward him.

"Jimbei," he greets with soft smiling eyes. "Long time no see."

"You as well," the fishman nodded.

Sabo watched at the corner of his eyes with curious gleam. A fishman is wearing a yukata with red sun crest on his chest.

"How's it as the Warlord?" Luffy asks.

"Difficult but I can live without a burden knowing the Fishman Island will left alone."

"Hmm..." the reaper thoughts for moment before sent a glance at the king who caught the hint and nodded. "Can we take a walk for a minute?" He then asked to the Warlord.

"It would be an honor," Jimbei nodded politely. Luffy turn to kneel down, gesturing his brothers to come forward. Curious, they stand up and stand in front of him.

"Ace, Sabo," he called them out softly, bringing them closer. "Jimbei and I wanted to walk around for a bit so I want you two to have fun with my nephews okay?"

"Okay but can't we go with you?" Sabo asked, glancing at the fishman many times. He's not really comfortable for his brother to walk alone with the fishman.

Ace seems to be agreed with him, glaring at him which earn an amusement look.

Luffy felt his lips twitched and patted their heads. "I'll be all right," he reassured them. "You two know how strong I am and trust me, okay?"

The brothers hesitates for moment before slumped into defeat and nodded. The immortal pecks their forehead and stood back up with his hands on their head.

"I'll be fine," he promised. "Why don't you two go ahead and have fun? Also Sabo, I believe you have some questions about Fishman?"

Sabo brighten up, beam up to him and dragged Ace to join the princes. Luffy chuckles quietly and soon enough, he walked alongside with Jimbei by the street.

"I never knew that you've two brothers," Jimbei said curiously. "Neither do I," Luffy said with hums. Then he eyeing him knowingly.

"I assumed that Fisher Tiger is...?"

Jimbei sighed and nods. "Yes," he said sadly. "He died from terrible injuries." Luffy sighed, already confirmed for what he have seen that day.

During his souls collection, he stumbled upon Fisher Tiger's soul and he cannot deny the shock that ran through him yet his face did not change from blankness as a Grim Reaper.

Fisher Tiger is tearfully greet him and just bowed his head respectfully, did not say anything.

He did not seem to be mind at the blank faced but seeing the small glint of shock from his eyes is enough to make him cry.

Along with Neptune, Luffy is a good friend to him and the one who rescued him from slave shop. The late captain is bid him a farewell after escorting him to above and disappeared through the cloud.

"... I wanted to apologize for not being there," the reaper said. "I should have been there."

"There's nothing to be sorry for," Jimbei shook his head. "A person cannot save everyone in this world and we are most grateful that you're visiting his grave the other day therefore it's enough."

"And Arlong? Is he here?"

"I haven't seen him after captain's death," the Warlord sighed. "I do not know where he is."

"I'll keep a lookout and if I see him," Luffy volunteered. "I will let you know."

"Thank you."

"It's no problem."


"Ughh..." a green haired man groaned, rubbing the back of his head and sit up. "What the hell happen?"

"Oh Zoro," a ginger haired woman peek out from the door. "You're awake."

"Oi Nami," Zoro grumbles. "What the hell happen? Did I fell asleep?"

"What make you think you're asleep?" She scoffed. "No dummy, you passed out." Then a blond haired man appeared from behind with noodles dance and heart shaped eye.

"Nami-swam~!" He calls.

"Oh Sanji-kun," she greets uninterested. "You're awake, good."


A black haired woman is chuckling, step forward. "Ara Zoro," she then noticed him with a smile. "You're back to normal with Sanji."

"Back to normal? What do you mean, back to normal? Oi, what's going on?" Then he paled dramatically. "Did I do something weird?!"

"No you didn't," she said.

"Oh thank fuc-"

"Except that you turn into a female with different personality, behave like a succubus and flirt with Luffy," she said casually.



"How strange," Luffy raise his eyebrows, holding a plastic cup. He's sitting by the big rock, staring at the view with ocean in sight with the fishman next to him.

"What is it?" Jimbei took a sip from his cup and looked at him confusingly.

"I feel like someone's just talking about me but," the immortal sipping his drink. "I could be wrong though."


"Also," he continued. "I believe we have some company so why don't you two get out from the bushes and tell us why you're spying on us."

Jimbei turn around with full alert and blinked to see two familiar figures stumbled out from the bushes.

"Marco-san and Thatch-san?"

"Yo Jimbei!" Thatch grinned, salute with two fingers. Marco just nodded with smile.

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