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Morning came and you woke up early to go buy cleaning supplies. Using the credit card your dad sent money into monthly, you dressed up and put on a mask and plastic gloves for extra safety. You brought your hand sanitiser just in case too and headed out to the nearest store. You didn't remember much of the area but you do remember there being a supermarket a few blocks away.

Making your way there, you noticed the streets were significantly less dirty than that of America and calmed down slightly. Still, you didn't take off your mask of gloves.

Reaching the store, you went in and bought all the supplies you needed along with protein bars and a small treat to celebrate your arrival. On the way home you noticed two guys walking the opposite direction of you. Something about the tall black haired guy gave you a sense of familiarity. The other one, not at all though. "You excited to start school Sakusa?" you hear the brown haired boy ask him.

You froze in the spot. Sakusa.... Sakusa... Omi. Kiyoomi. Sakusa Kiyoomi! It's him!

You turned around excitedly but they were already gone. The street was empty and you had no idea where they went so there was no point in running after them, plus it would make you look like a weirdo. Still, your heart thumped hard in your chest and you felt a bust of energy. 'I got to see him' you think to yourself before returning home and starting your deep cleanse.


I walked down the street with Komori since we were both heading to the gym to practice when I saw a girl. She had a mask on and what looked to be cleaning supplies but what surprised me was that she looked exactly like y/n, older of course. We made eye contact as we walked by eachother and I weirdly felt excited as I saw her.


My attention ripped from her as Komori snapped me back into reality. That's right, there was no way she was back. She's still in America, with her dad. She's not going to come back to me. I told myself to give up on the idea of her coming back years ago though some nights the memory of her kissing my cheek before leaving replays in my mind to remind me she's gone.

"You okay man?" Komori asked, looking confused. "I'm fine" I replied curtly, trying not to think about her.

Y/N's POV ig??

It had been a few days since you saw Sakusa. Thinking back on it, he had a yellow tracksuit on which was the colours of the school you'd be attending so hopefully you'd get the chance to talk to him again.

The first day of school creeped up on me and you suddenly started to feel conscious of how it would go. You weren't a shy person in particular but you were very careful of others and their intentions in talking to you. Since your Dad was a wealthy businessman and a known figure when it came to investing in volleyball, you were no stranger to people approaching you with ulterior motives in mind.

Luckily, one of the few things your Dad did right was sign you up for self defence lessons. Not to mention you were in the ap classes and much smarter than your piers. That made it hard for you to make friends and you were pretty much always alone, not that you cared much. You had Volleyball and that's all that mattered.

You woke up early and after showering, brushing teeth etc your brother dropped you at school so you could spray your desk before anybody came in. You had your precious S.K handkerchief with you at all times of course but you never used it to clean, afraid that chemicals would damage it.

Walking into the school you approached a teacher on parole and they pointed you towards the right class. They looked at you slightly weirded out to see you were wearing a mask in school grounds but you didn't really care.

Walking into class you found your desk, which was labelled with your name on it. You took out your spray and cleaning cloth, spraying the desk and chair down and effectively killing the germs. Feeling satisfied, you took your mask off and sat down, waiting for other students to arrive.

What you didn't notice was a certain black haired boy standing at the door, stunned to see someone else cleaning down their desk. You looked up and your eyes locked with the boy. He had a mask on but you could never forget the double beauty marks over his eyebrow or his curly hair.

You were stunned, your heard beating so hard it threatened to pop out. He was the first to speak, entering the room slowly. "Is that you
y/n?" he asked quietly, voice wavering slightly. Your eyes widened and you smiled widely, happy he didn't forget.

"Long time no seee." you smiled at him. He stood there in disbelief, unsure of what to say. You giggled at him as you both stood there.
"I... didn't think you'd ever come back" he said in a small voice, a hint of sadness behind it. You fished out the handkerchief, showing it to him. "I promised I'd be back didn't I?"

Other people started to filter in slowly, glancing over at you and Sakusa. "We should probably sit down" you giggle. Sakusa nods, following you down the back. His seat was one in front of you and before he sat down he pulled out his own spray and cloth, wiping it down before sitting. Your eyes shined at the bottle. "Is that x brand??? I use it too" you said to him, pulling out your mini bottle. His mask was off now and you finally noticed how handsome he was. A small smile creeped onto his face. "Glad to see you picked up my ways".

You scoffed. "I had to! America was so dirty" you complained. Another student heard you and walked over. "You're from America?? That's so cool" he said, placing one of his hands on your desk. You winced at it, practically feeling the dirt from under his nails contaminate your desk. "Um could you remove your hands please?" you asked politely, not wanting to anger your new classmate.

Surprisingly, he didn't get mad. "Oh sorry, it seems we have another germaphobe in the class" he said before backing away. Before you could pick your spray out from your bag Sakusa sprayed your desk for you and wiped it. You grinned at the boy. "Thanks Omi-kun."
His eyes widened slightly at the use of his old nickname.
"What's wrong? I can still call you Omi-kun right??" you asked him.

He scoffed. "No. I always hated the nickname". You smirked at him. "You really haven't changed at all huh?".
"I have changed" he argued. "I got taller and I'm one of the top 3 aces for Japan."

Your eyes widened and you grinned excitedly. "You play volleyball too???"
He nodded, staring at you up and down. "Too?"
You smiled proudly. "Not to brag but back in America I was considered the number 1 spiker. It's actually the reason I'm back."
Sakusa's eyes lit up at the fact that you shared a hobby.

"The reason your back?" he repeated in question form. You nodded. "I'm here on a full volleyball scholarship. It's my mission to be the number 1 ace in Japan." You smiled mischievously at the boy. "I'm probably better than you" you teased.

Easily provoked when it comes to volleyball, Sakusa scoffed. "Your height" he asked though it sounded more like a command. "5'8." you responded.
He hummed, seemingly happy with the response. "I'm 6'2 currently" he said. Without any warning he grabbed your arm, squeezing on it.

You pulled your arm back, slightly flustered at the random action. "You're real touchy for a germaphobe you know" you said, straightening out your uniform jumper.
"It's fine. You're clean" he stated. "Anyways, your muscle is pretty good but you're still weak. You're not better than me" he said, finishing off his analysis.

You scoff just as the teacher walks in and Sakusa turns to look forward. You leaned over your desk slightly so he could hear you whisper. "Wait until you see me play to finish your analysis Omi-kun".

Though you couldn't see it, Sakusa's face blushed slightly when he felt your breath on his neck.

He didn't reply to you so you sat back down into your seat, getting ready for the boring class.

Don't leave me again // Sakusa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now