Day One

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Somewhere near the start of the class you'd fallen asleep and unluckily, the teacher caught wind of your nap and loudly called your name, making you jump up and a few people laugh. You weren't phased though, only slightly annoyed at being woken up.

"Did you need something?" You asked the teacher in a tired voice making more people laugh. This made him angrier though. "Y/n! Since you think it's funny to doze off during class how about you come up and solve this equation?".

Ooohhh's were heard all around the room as you looked up at the board, not bothered in the slightest. Reluctantly you put on a plastic glove and took the marker from the teacher. After looking at the equation for about 10 seconds you rote a number on the board. Giving the teacher back the marker, you made your way back to your seat, Sakusa looking at you curiously. You winked at him cheekily as you sat down, removing the glove. The teacher looked confused at he stared at the board. "You... didn't even do any solving" he muttered in disbelief.

You shrugged. "I did it in my head. That's the answer". Everyone looked at you in shock as the teacher did out the sum and got the same answer. "But... that's a college level question.. and you finished it in less than a minute."

You only shrugged again. "It was easy. That book is outdated by the way, I finished it like 3 years ago" you said simply before putting your head down again. "I can sleep right?" you asked him. Sighing in utter defeat, the teacher sunk into his desk. "Do whatever you want" he mumbled. You smiled in victory before falling back asleep until the end of class.

Sakusa tapped you on the shoulders when class ended, waking you up. "Get up smartass, It's lunch time" he said. You yawned, stretching before you collected your stuff and put hand sanitiser on. "Did you bring lunch?" he asked you. You nodded as you both left the classroom.
"I'm gonna eat with you Kay?" you said to him.
"Don't you have any friends?" he asked, grimacing.

"Nope. You're my only friend in this world Omi-kun" you declared dramatically, making yourself laugh. Sakusa sighed, though he really didn't mind. Big tsundere boy.

He led you to the rooftop where he ate because nobody else was there to contaminate it. You both sat down and opened your lunches, eating in a comfortable silence.

"What class do we have next?" you asked him. "Gym" he replied. You groaned. "It's the first day though, also I don't have any gym gear with me."

Sakusa scoffed. "You wear shorts under your skirt right?" You nodded, knowing you had a pair of spandex shorts underneath. "I have a spare shirt you can use. This is a one time thing though so don't get used to it" he warned. You smiled at the boy. "You're my saviour Omi. I believe in Sakusa supremacy" you giggled and this time Sakusa actually chuckled slightly.

"Oh my god you know memes?" you said in disbelief. He shrugged, looking away. "Maybe, maybe not."

You suddenly thought of something. "Hey give me your number." You passed him your phone and he typed his number in. "Show me around the area this weekend yeah?"
"You used to live here y/n. Why do I have to show you around?" he complained.

"Hey, I've been gone 8 years, my memory is fuzzy".
Sakusa was quiet for a moment. "8 years" he repeated softly.
You looked over at him and his face looked to be in pain. You took his hand into yours and just like that day he didn't pull away.

"I'm back for good" you state, looking him in his eyes. He held eye contact for a moment before looking away but he didn't pull his arm away. He mumbled something you couldn't hear under his breath.
"Hm? I can't hear you" you said.

He scoffs, standing back up and packing his lunch away. "Nothing. It doesn't matter" he said curtly. "Cmon, class starts in 10 minutes."

You follow him back down to the school and he shows you where the changing rooms are. "Here" he mumbled, handing you a black shirt. "Thanks Omi, I'll wash it and give it back to you" you say before heading in to change.

There's a few girls already in there and when you walked in they started looking in your direction and whispering. Not really caring, you changed into Sakusa's shirt which was large on you. Just before you left the changing room a girl approached you, two more behind her.

"Hey. New girl" she said. You didn't like her attitude, the way she addressed you was rude. Still you didn't say anything. "Yeah?" you replied. You were taller than her, but then again you were taller than nearly all the girls.
"I saw you hanging around Sakusa-san all day today. Back off bitch. He's mine".

Your eyes widened and you burst out laughing. "Oh my god this is hilarious. I thought stuff like this only happened in anime." The girls looked confused as you continued to laugh. "Got something to say?" the girl said, though she looked kind of nervous now.

"A few things actually. 1) Sakusa is my childhood friend. I don't like him romantically in the slightest. 2) even if I did, your cheap ass threat wouldn't mean shit. 3) Sakusa doesn't belong to anyone. 4) don't ever speak to me like that again, I'm not here to deal with your bullshit and neither is anyone else."

The entire changing room went quiet when you finished your sentence, looking over at you in awe. "Yeah you tell her" a girl called making a few others agree. "She needs to pack it up" someone else said.

It all clicked in your head suddenly. "Are you supposed to be the school bully? You're not very intimidating" you said, eyeing her up and down. An embarrassed flush flew on her face as a few girls laughed at her.
She looked as if she was going to cry, making you look at her in disgust. "Don't cry near me, you're gonna get germs on me" you say before rushing past her and entering the gym.

You saw Sakusa standing over at a corner and went over to him. "Heya Omi. What's today's lesson?"


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