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You flew through season one of mha in 4ish hours, starting the second one right after. Checking the time you saw it was 10pm already. You felt like you forgot something but wasn't sure what it was. After a few minutes of thinking you remembered. "Oh shit I forgot to text Atsumu." you blurt out, grabbing your phone.

Baddie y/n🙏😩:
You alive?

Greatest Setter👨:
Phone machine broke rn, come again later😩.

Baddie y/n🙏😩:
Stfu🙄 anyways you said you wanted to talk right?

Greatest Setter👨:
Yup, I have surprise🧍🏼‍♂️We'll be doing a joint training session with Itachiyama next week in prep for the Inter Highs so you'll get to see yours truly😌 you excited?

Baddie y/n🙏😩:
✨absolutely not✨ cannot believe I have to put up with you in person now🙄🤚

Greatest setter👨:

Greatest setter👨:

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Baddie y/n🙏😩:

Baddie y/n🙏😩:

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Wrong bitch☺️

Greatest Setter👨:
You win this round🙄 I will have my revenge though.🤬

Baddie y/n🙏😩:
Yeah yeah sure😐 I gotta go now, bye piss hair🍯

Greatest Setter👨:

You put your phone away and snuggled into Sakusa's chest. You knew you had feelings for Sakusa and those feelings were preventing you from liking Atsumu but it's pretty clear Atsumu has a thing for you. You had to find a way to either get over Sakusa or reject Atsumu. Honestly you weren't sure which was the right option but the one thing you did know was you loved being in Sakusa's arms.

Somewhere along the 6th episode of season 2 you dozed off. Sakusa mindlessly played with your hair. He wondered when this became the norm for you two, to be this close. He knew his feelings for you were growing but he also knew Atsumu. He wouldn't stop unless you flat out rejected him which he wasn't sure you would even do.

He thought about telling you how he felt but when he looked down at you sleeping peacefully against his chest he decided against it. 'I don't wanna ruin how things are now' he said to himself. 'I'm fine with just being friends.'

You woke up alone in bed which was a small letdown. You closed your eyes and turned away from the door trying to get a few extra minutes of sleep when you heard the door open and close softly. You felt the bed dip and you knew it was Sakusa when you felt him pull you closer to him, snuggling into the crook of your neck.
"Real touchy for a germaphobe" you mumbled, smiling at him. He didn't seem all that phased and raised his head to look at your face. "It's fine. You're clean" he said, repeating the words he said to you that day in the classroom. You chuckled a little before running your hand through his hair. It was slightly damp so you figured he'd showered recently.

"What time is it?" You asked him.
"Like 1pm. You must've been exhausted to sleep that long" he answered. You hummed in response, grabbing your phone to scroll through Instagram. "Omi, do you have Instagram?" you asked him. He nodded. "Though its ran by ICS". You made an 'ah' sound as you searched it up and followed. He had a good amount of followers, 15k.

"Show me your profile" he said. You handed him your phone and he clicked your profile. "100k??" he said in shock. You shrugged. "I guess I was popular in America." He checked who you were following. Not that many people, just a few American people and some meme pages. Then he saw a name that caught his attention. 'Atsumu Miya'. He clicked on his account. He had a pretty good amount of followers, 23k. Though his photos were less professional, you could tell he ran his own account. He exited his account and continued scrolling down. He saw a few other accounts he recognised, Bokuto, Kuroo, Hirugami etc.

They all followed you back which wasn't strange. He went back to your profile, and laughed reading the bio.


You giggled, hearing it. "I put it as that ages ago, I should probably change it". He shook his head. "No, keep it like that."

He was scrolling through a meme page and tapped the screen as soon as a FaceTime call was coming in and got the fright of his life when he saw Atsumu's face on the screen. "Oh my god there's a roach on your phone" he yelled, throwing the phone over to you. You were startled but when you flipped the phone over to see Atsumu's equally confused expression you burst out laughing.

"Uh hello y/n ...and also Sakusa" he said, confused. "Heya Tsumu" you said, fixing the camera so it was on you. "You're still in bed?" he asked, chuckling. You nodded. "I only woke up a while ago".

Sakusa sat there awkwardly, unsure of what to do or say.

"And... Sakusa is in your bedroom. I must say, this looks very sus" Atsumu continued, raising his eyebrows. "It's not like that, we're neighbours so of course we hang out" you explained. You didn't feel that telling him Sakusa stayed over regularly was necessary. Atsumu nodded though he was still suspicious. "I'll call you later I guess" he said before ending the call.

You threw your phone across the bed, finally deciding to get up. "I was so sure I saw a cockroach" Sakusa muttered, shuddering at the thought. "You're so mean Omi" you laughed, heading for the door. "Where are you going?" Sakusa asked. "Shower" you replied before going to the bathroom.

Sakusa smiled as he laid down on your bed, looking at the ceiling. Secretly he wished this could be his life forever, waking up next to you but he'd convinced himself somewhere among the way that you would never feel the same way.

Don't leave me again // Sakusa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now