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It had gotten dark and everyone was leaving to go home. "U-um could I get your number y/n?" Aoi asked timidly. You smiled. "Of course. If you're ever in Tokyo let me know".

"Where are you staying y/n, I'll walk you" Atsumu said. You shot a look at Suna but he looked at you with a look that said 'you're on your own for this one'.

"Aoi is walking alone though. Walk her home" you said. "But-" Atsumu started to protest. "I'm going the same way as her, I'll walk her" Suna said reassuringly. "Alright" Atsumu gave up, leaving with Aoi.

You started walking back with Suna. "Aoi seems to like you a lot" he said. "Really? She seemed really uncomfortable" you said.
"I don't think so. When she heard you were coming she insisted on coming too, pretty sure she's a fan of yours".
"Oh. That explains the blushing".

The rest of the walk is silent but in a comfortable way.
"Y/n can I ask you something?" Suna said.
"Go ahead".
"Are you with Sakusa?"
You paused before answering. "No. We're just friends".
"But you want to be more than friends right?"

You sighed. "Is it that obvious? Even Atsumu was able to see that and he's an idiot". Suna chuckled. "Kinda."

He stopped before entering the house. "Um, this might be weird to say but if you ever get over Sakusa, I'm here for whatever. Night" he said before walking in and going to his room.
You were kind of stunned by his offer and thought about it as you got into bed.

You felt so frustrated. It was as if your life revolved around Sakusa and you hated it. More specifically, you hated not being able to get over him. It's not Sakusa's fault, you were the one that fell for him. You knew what you had to do. You had to forget about him, but could you?

You pulled your laptop out and opened your email, searching for the one with the Niiyama scholarship offer. You looked at it all night trying to decide if it was a good idea. It was the only thing that was on your mind the entire trip.

The night before you were supposed to be heading home you got a text from Sakusa.

Can we talk?

Yeah, about what?

Sakusa is calling...

You accepted the call, slightly apprehensive. "Hey" you heard him say. His voice was slightly raspy almost as if he'd been... crying?
"Omi? Are you okay??" you asked full of worry.
"Uh yeah I'm fine."
A moment of silence happened, making it slightly awkward.
"So uh, you wanted to talk?" you said nervously.

"Oh um, i just... I wanted to say I miss you".

Your heart skipped a beat at his words and your cheeks warmed making you smile.
"I miss you too Omi".

"And um I kinda wanted to apologise for how I left." he continued.

"It's fine, germs and stuff right?" you chuckled, trying to sound lighthearted.

"No! It's not that I just... fuck" you heard him curse over the phone. He sounded really frustrated.

"When you come back can we talk face to face?" He said after a few moments.

"Is it what you were gonna say to me last time?" you asked quietly.


"Alright. I'll text you when I'm back"

"Ok, goodnight y/n"

"Night Omi-kun"

The phone cut dead and you stared at the screen for a moment. What did he want to say that he couldn't on the phone?

The Niiyama offer was completely out of your mind and all you were thinking about was what he wanted to say to you.
You packed your stuff and said goodbye to Suna's family the next day and returned home. It was Sunday night by the time you got home and school started in the morning but you needed to hear what Sakusa had to say first.

I'm home now.

Be outside your house in 15.

You looked outside, it seemed windy so you grabbed a jacket and scarf before sneaking out. There Sakusa was, waiting for you against the wall the way he always did. He was looking up at the stars in the sky, his hair falling past his face. He really did look so handsome. He didn't seem to hear you approaching and flinched when you tugged lightly on a lock of his hair.

"You need a haircut already" you giggled.
He smiled at you, feeling the length of his hair. "Yeah I do" he agreed. Pushing off the wall, he started walking down the street, you following him.
"Where are we going?" you asked him.

"That park we went to before" he replied, grabbing your hand suddenly and examining it. "It's fully healed?" he asked referring to the injury. You nodded, slightly flustered at the idea of Sakusa holding your hand. Surprisingly, he didn't let go and kept walking with your hand in his.

The wind breezed lightly as you walked in a comfortable silence to the same bench you sat at months before.

You both sat down and Sakusa pulled you closer to him, so that you were practically touching.

"You wanted to say something?" you said quietly after a few moments, trying not to get your hopes up. He silently nods, looking straight forward.

"I...." he seemed to be struggling with it the same way as last time so you just rested your hand onto his, squeezing slightly. "It's alright, just say it" you said comfortingly. He took a deep breath and turned to look you in the eyes.

"I'm in love with you. Have been since we were kids actually, guess I never grew out of it".

Though it was way past cherry blossom season, you swore you saw a few floating in the air as Sakusa said those words.

Without saying anything you kissed him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders for support. He seemed startled but quickly adjusted, pulling you into his arms and kissing you back.

"I guess that means you feel the same way?" he said with a chuckle as you separated.
"Hell yeah it does" you smiled before kissing him again.

He took your hand and stood up, smiling warmly. "Let's go home?"
You nodded, leaning into him as he walked you back home.

Stopping in front of your house, you turned back to Sakusa. "Night Omi" you said, smiling. He pulled you into another kiss before finally letting you go.
"See you tomorrow".

Don't leave me again // Sakusa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now