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"Omi get my laptop out" you said to your boyfriend as you headed to the bathroom.

It had been a week since Sakusa confessed his feelings to you and asked you out and it had been going well so far. He was staying over that Saturday and you told him to get your laptop to start a new anime series.

"You find something to watch?" you asked as you walked back in. Sakusa was silent, staring at your screen.
"Y/n.... are you leaving?"

"No? Why would you think that?" you asked, sitting down beside him and looking at the screen. "Oh." The Niiyama offer was on the screen. 'I guess I forgot to exit out'.

"It's just an offer to go play, I have no intention of going" you reassured him. His brows furrowed. "Did you even consider it?"
Your eyes widened. "Uh yeah I guess but I decided to stay".

"Why? Niiyama is the top school for female volleyball, it would be really good for you" he argued.
"But... but then I'd have to move to Miyagi" you said, confused.

Sakusa sighed and took your hands. "You should always be thinking about your future. I'm gonna be mad if you made that decision because of me".

You frowned and looked down, not wanting to say anything. "I... just found you again. I don't wanna leave" you said finally.
Sakusa smiled, brushing the hair from your face. "We'll still see eachother, you'll just live farther" he reassured.

"You promise you won't replace me?" you said quietly, lip trembling as you tried not to cry. He pulled you into his arms, stroking your head lovingly. "Of course I won't. It's me that should be saying that" he grumbled.

You nodded into his chest, staying like that for a while before settling into bed and deciding to start Attack on Titan.

(AOT Season 1 Spoilers)
"Does he have anger issues or something" Sakusa grumbled, talking about eren.
You shrugged. "His mom got eaten, he has reason to be angry you know".
"I guess" he mumbled.

You continued to watch with Sakusa, him leaving small kisses on your face every once in a while making you smile warmly. Honestly, if everyone knew how he acted behind closed doors nobody would ever find him intimidating again.

You yawned eventually but fought the sleep, wanting to spend as much time with Sakusa as possible. He poked you on the forehead playfully. "If you're tired then sleep" he said, turning the laptop off and snuggling down into the bed with you.

Placing small kisses from your cheek to your neck, Sakusa rested his head near yours. Giggling a bit, you kissed his cheek lovingly. "You're real touchy for a germaphobe" you said teasingly. He smiled, getting the joke.
"It's fine, you're clean" he said for the third time.

You smiled and rested your head on Sakusa's chest. "Night Omi" you said.
"Goodnight y/n".

The next few weeks were stressful seeing as you had to find a place to stay, pack stuff to take with you and still attend school for the last few weeks before the transfer. Your mom was apprehensive about you living by yourself but you assured her you'd be fine. You didn't bother to tell your dad seeing as he would fight it and finally the day came where you had to leave.

Your boxes had already been shipped over to the small apartment you were gonna stay in so you only had a small bag with you to carry on the train over.

Saying goodbye was hard even though you promised to come home as much as possible. "I'll miss you so much honey" your mom cried while hugging you.
"You'll still see me at least once every two weeks" you giggled though you were on the verge of tears. "Plus, this is only until I graduate".
She nodded, wiping her tears away.

Kazuko wasn't all that bothered seeing he wasn't home most of the time anyways. His university was close to where you'd be staying so he promised to check up on you once in a while.

The difficult one was saying goodbye to Sakusa.
"I'm gonna miss you" you croaked into his chest.
"Don't say it like that. We'll still see eachother, just less" he said, kissing the top of your head.

"Promise you'll come and see me? And I'll come see you?" you asked looking up at him.
"Of course I will. What would you do without me anyways" he joked.
"Yeah, what would I?" you mumbled.



"I love you. Don't forget that okay?"

"I love you too".

It was a little lonely living alone but Niiyama was actually a really nice school and since you'd become friends with Kanoka it was more than tolerable. School was fun but as soon as practice was over you'd always hurry home to FaceTime Sakusa.

"So, Nationals are coming up" you started.
"Yup, I'll finally get to see you" he groaned.
"You saw me last week" you giggled.

"Yeah but I still miss you. It'll be nice to be together for a week even though we'll have matches".

"Yeah" you agreed. "Ya know some girls here still don't believe we're dating, are you having any fan girl problems?" you asked.

He shrugged. "Most of them calmed down after I said I have a girlfriend, though there is one that is super weird and follows me around a lot. Pretty sure she joined the volleyball team after you left, be careful at nationals Kay?"

"Hmm, sounds creepy. I'll keep an eye out".

"You know, we never finished watching AOT" Sakusa reminded you.

"True, we got to the start of season 3 right?"
Sakusa nodded.

"Hmm, how about you sneak into my hotel room and we'll watch it during nationals" you suggested.

"I was gonna sneak over either way" he mumbled making you laugh.

Don't leave me again // Sakusa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now