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The movie ended and Bokuto was already asleep, snoring quietly on Akaashi's shoulder. Kenma was yawning and Kuroo looked as if he was gonna pass out any second. "Time to sleep I guess" you said, standing up. "Night" you called to the three who were still awake before going upstairs, Sakusa following you up. You got into bed quickly, eyes already closing slowly. Sakusa climbed into the bed, stroking your hair softly. "Night Omi" you yawned. "Goodnight y/n".

You woke up early so you could pack for the beach trip and as you went to go wake the boys up you saw Kuroo and Kenma cuddling. Smiling mischievously, you took a photo of it before waking everyone up. "Everyone up! Today is beach day" you yelled. Everyone groaned before getting up reluctantly. You caught Kuroo as he was going to the bathroom.

"I saw you two" you whispered to him with a grin on your face. He stiffened up and nonchalantly replied. "I have no idea what you mean".
You just shrugged. "I have a photo".
His face went bright red. "Delete it! Actually no, send it to me then delete it!"

You were deciding which swimsuit to bring but couldn't choose. "Omii I need help" you called. "What?" he asked as he entered the room. You showed him two swimsuit options. "Which one?"
He scoffed, turning away. "It doesn't matter. It's not like you'd look bad in either one"
"Was that a compliment?? From you??" you teased.
"Piss off" he grumbled heading for the door. He paused before leaving. "The second one".

You looked at the second choice and changed into it, putting shorts and a loose shirt over it.
After everyone was finally ready you took the bus to the beach. You arrived at 1pm and there was a lot of people there seeing as it was summer break.

Bokuto was the first to throw his shirt off and run to the water, shrieking at how cold it was. Kuroo followed and Akaashi put all the bags in one spot before joining them. Kenma sat in the shade with the bags, playing on his psp. You shrugged off your shirt and shorts before running to join the three in the water. Sakusa tried to go to the shade aswell but was stopped by fangirls squealing over him. You'd noticed but decided to ignore it and continue to play around in the water.

After a while you got tired and went to buy a drink at the beach store. As you walked out 3 guys stood in front of you. "Hey cutie, you seem lost. How about we help you find your way back?" one of them said. You scoffed. "Which part of this made you think I was lost? Excuse me" you tried pushing past them but one grabbed your arm. "Hey. I'm not finished with you" he said, clearly getting annoyed. You tried to pull him off but his grip was strong. Remembering the self defence training you got, you punched him as hard as you could with your free arm. He stumbled over in shock. "You little bitch-" his friends grabbed your arms so you couldn't move and raised his hand to hit you. You closed your eyes bracing for impact but before he hit you, you heard a thump of a body hitting the floor. "Get your filthy hands off of her" a familiar voice said. "Omi!" you squeaked. The guy you punched was on the ground, knocked out. "Hey hey hey, what are they doing to y/n?" Bokuto said, Kuroo following behind him. The two boys who were holding you down let you go quickly. "Let's go" one said to the other. "At least take your friend" Kuroo said, nudging the unconscious guy with his foot though they were already gone.

Sakusa pulled you into his chest, checking your arms and face to make sure there weren't any marks. "Did they do anything to you?" he asked, slightly panicked. You shook your head. "Though my hand hurts. I hit that guy in the face" you explained, showing Sakusa your hand. It was red and beginning to puff up. "It looks swollen, I'll bring you to a doctor now" he said, leading you back over to where the bags were. Akaashi and Kenma were sitting in the shade and looked worried when they saw you. "Y/n are you okay??" You nodded. "Just some assholes. These three scared them away though" you said, pointing to Sakusa, Kuroo and Bokuto. "I'm taking her to the doctors for her hand." Sakusa said, handing you one of his shirts and your shorts to put on.

"It's getting kind of late, will we wait for you?" Akaashi asked. You shook your head. "You guys can head back to the house. This might take a while".
He nodded, gathering everything. You handed him the house keys so they could get in before parting ways. Sakusa brought you to the closest ER and they examined your hand. "We're gonna have to take an x-ray just in case there's a fracture" the doctor explained, making you tense up. If it was bad this could affect volleyball. Sakusa could tell you were getting worried and he put his arm around you. "You'll be okay" he said, rubbing your back. You nodded, trying to stay positive.

The results took a while to come in but you found there wasn't anything wrong with the bones luckily, just some inflammation. The doctor bandaged your hand and said you'd need two weeks rest for it to heal fully. By the time you left the doctors it was already dark outside.

"The busses aren't running anymore, we'll have to take the train" Sakusa said, checking the times on his phone. You just made it for the last train to your area and arrived home at 12.
Entering the house, you found everyone was asleep which made sense considering how much they moved around other than Kenma.

You yawned, setting your stuff down. "You can shower in the main bathroom, I'll use my moms" you told Sakusa. After showering which was kind of hard with only one hand you changed into a loose shirt and spandex shorts. Sakusa wasn't there when you entered the room so you just flopped down on the bed in exhaustion. A few minutes later Sakusa came in and got into bed. He pulled you over to him, hugging you tightly. "O-Omi?" you said, flustered.

"Shut up for a minute" he mumbled, stroking your hair. "I have something to say".

Don't leave me again // Sakusa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now