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Cursed images are back yall‼️💪

Today wasn't a good day. You woke up with a pounding headache, a runny nose, a fever and you weren't in a good mood at all. All you wanted to do was go and play volleyball but according to the doctors you can't play or practice for another 2 weeks.

You groaned in frustration at the realisation you didn't have any pain killers and curled up in a ball on the bed. You knew fully about Sakusa's hate for germs so you opted to stay as far away as possible from him, staying in bed all day. At some point you'd fallen asleep but woke up to a wet feeling on your forehead.

You sat up, slightly confused to see Sakusa sitting beside you, putting a cold cloth on your head. "Hey sleepyhead, I got you some medicine but you have to eat first" he said, showing you a bowl of soup. "Wait.. but I'm sick. You shouldn't come near me" you said, moving away in the bed. Sakusa stopped you, propping some pillows up so you could sit up comfortably.

"I do not take criticism. Do you want water?" he asked. "Uh- yeah" you said, still surprised. After taking a drink of water you insisted you didn't have to be fed the soup which was surprisingly good. "Where did you learn to cook like this?" you asked him. He simply shrugged, cheeks turning a little pink. "I... called my mom".

You couldn't help but chuckle at his response which earned a glare. He gave you the medicine and told you to take a shower which ended up making you feel much better. The headache was gone, your nose was unblocked and your fever was down. Still, Sakusa gave you the bed for the night and slept on the couch. It felt kinda lonely but you knew it was for the best.

When you woke up you felt good as new but Sakusa still made you take the medicine just in case you got worse during the day. Since you weren't going out you put on one of Sakusa's hoodies and some pyjama bottoms and walked into the sitting room area where Sakusa was.

You climbed into his lap and rested on his chest, hugging him tightly which made him chuckle. "What's this for?".
"I missed you" you whined. He let out a sigh of content, slipping his hand underneath your jumper to rub your back.
"You're lucky I didn't get sick too, I'd crucify you" he joked making you snort.

"I bet you're a huge baby when you get sick" you teased. "Wrong. My immune system is stronger than Kuroo's bedhair".
You burst out laughing, making a mental note to retell the joke later.

"This weeks been so nice" you sighed in content. Sakusa hummed in agreement, making circles in your back with his finger. You took his other hand between yours and examined them. You'd seen him play many times and it still amazed you how flexible his wrists were.

"Do the thing" you said. Sakusa sighed. "You ask me to do it at least once every time I see you".
"It's basically a tradition, cmon pleasee" you said, looking up at him all wide eyed. Sakusa rolled his eyes but complied, bending his wrist all the way forward and did the same backwards. Your eyes sparkled in awe at the talent making Sakusa chuckle. "You're impressed by the smallest things".

"I'm not, you're just really amazing" you protested. "See, I can't bend mine past a 90° angle" you said, showing him your hand. Sakusa took it, intertwining his fingers with yours. "You're so cute" he mumbled, almost to himself making you smile.

You didn't wanna think about Sakusa having to leave the next day but it stayed in your mind as you relaxed on the couch with him. "What time is your train tomorrow?" you asked him.
"9am" he responded.
"So early".
"Yeah, I have practice at 12 so I need to be there on time".

You nodded, wishing you could practice too. The volleyball season was over but it wouldn't be long before you'd be a third year and practice was essential to becoming the best.
Sakusa could tell what you were thinking and poked your head. "Don't you dare practice without your ankle being fully healed" he warned. You grinned cheekily. "Or what?"

Sakusa knew what you were doing and a glint of amusement showed in his eyes. "You love being a brat don't you".
"Only with you" you responded, lifting your head up to kiss him.

Sakusa's hands moved to your waist, pulling you closer into him as he kissed you back passionately. It felt like it had been ages since you got to touch him like this so you got slightly carried away and accidentally grinded down on his crotch, eliciting a deep groan from Sakusa.

He flipped you down onto the couch, keeping the kiss intact as his hands trailed down to your thighs and squeezed. A tiny whine escapes your lips and Sakusa pulled back slightly, a tint of pink on his face. "Omi..." you whispered. Just as he moved down to kiss you again your doorbell started ringing really loudly. You jumped up, fixing your clothes as you stumbled over to the door. Sakusa sat at the couch, clearly annoyed that you were interrupted.

Your eyes widened in shock to see who it was. ""
His face looked angry and he walked into your apartment. "You didn't tell me you lived in a piece of crap place like this, and alone??"
"I- it's close to my school. What are you doing here???"
Your response fell on deaf ears as he made eye contact with Sakusa lounging on the couch.
He stood up and approached your dad, extending his hand to him. "It's nice to meet you sir, I'm Sakusa".
Your dad ignored the hand and turned back to you.

"What the hell are you doing alone with a boy. Is this why you refused to come back home?"
"No! I hated America, I have a future here in Japan" you argued.
"You're coming back and that's that. And get this guy out of here immediately, what are people gonna think, that you're some whore that sleeps around?"

You were about to speak up but Sakusa got to it first. "That's your daughter, why the fuck would you say that to her? You're sick" he said. "You have no say in this, get out of my sight you nobody" your dad said coldly.
You ran up to Sakusa, taking his hand into yours. "Yeah, he's gonna go. And so am I" you said.

"If you want to talk then we can over the phone or with my mom. I'm not going anywhere with you" you said simply. You took Sakusa to the bedroom and locked the door. Silently, you packed a few shirts and bottoms and threw on a tracksuit.
"Get your stuff, we'll go to my moms" you said. Sakusa complied, grabbing his bag and throwing on a jumper.

"Are you okay?" he asked.
"We'll talk about it later, I'm too pissed right now" you mumbled as you angrily threw your phone charger into a bag and picked it up. "Ready?"
Sakusa nodded and you walked out of the room, disgusted to see your dad was still standing there.

"You can't just run away from me, I'm your dad" he said.
"Watch me" you responded as you walked out of the apartment.

Don't leave me again // Sakusa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now