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You arrived at the gym to find it was practically empty as per usual much to your delight. You changed back into your training gear and started doing small stretches before doing the spiker/reciever role switch with Sakusa.

After about an hour more and you decided to go home and get some rest since you hadn't eaten since lunch. Sakusa stayed to practice his jump serves. After getting home you showered and made (dinner). Sakusa walked through the door just as you sat down to eat. He went upstairs to shower before coming down and eating with you, Hunter x Hunter on the TV.

(Hxh anime spoilers)
You were now on the heavens arena arc and on the part where Hisoka too his spider tattoo off. Sakusa then admitted that Hisoka was an okay character but only because he was clean. Sometime after that scene you dozed off on the couch and unknowingly leaned onto Sakusa's shoulder. His eyes started to wander from the tv screen to your sleeping face and he admired it, playing with a lock of your hair. 'Pretty' he murmured before turning his attention back to the screen.

You woke up with Sakusa shaking you. "Y/n, cmon let's go to bed" he said. You blinked sleepily, realising you were still on the couch. You lifted your arms up towards him. "Carry me" you whined half asleep. Sakusa sighed but picked you up effortlessly. Your legs wrapped around his waist and your head rested in the crook of his neck, his hands holding you firmly by the back of your thighs. If you weren't half asleep you'd definitely be flustered.

Sakusa gently placed you on your side of the bed before getting in his side, giving you space. His eyes widened to feel your arms wrap around his torso and cuddle him. He looked back at you in surprise but found you were already asleep. Giving in, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The alarm blared noisily as usual, early in the morning and you groaned, wishing you could stay in bed forever. You smiled as you felt Sakusa's arms wrapped around you, quickly getting used to the feeling of waking up beside him. He stirred awake, blinking down at you. "Again?" he groaned, sitting up.
"It's not your fault, I'm simply irresistible" you joked, a grin on your face. He scoffed, laughing a little. "Yeah right".

You both got up and did your routine before walking to school and doing the whole boring day over and over again.

*skip to Friday because this is basically filler*

It was the last morning of Sakusa staying over and to say you got attached was wouldn't be wrong. He woke up early to bring his stuff home and he got dressed there, walking to school by himself. You woke up slightly cold, since Sakusa wasn't there anymore.

You felt slightly down as you got dressed and did your morning routine and walking into school. That same bully who you'd learned to be called Inari snickered as you walked in the school gates. "What, no Sakusa with you today? Guess he got tired of you".
You completely ignored her, not even blinking at her snide remark and walking into class.

Sakusa was already there, mask off and a few girls surrounding him. You trudged past mumbling a "morning Kiyoomi" before spraying your seat and desk and plopping down. Sakusa looked over at you, slightly confused. "What did you call me?"
You looked up from your desk. "Kiyoomi? It's your name isn't it".
He turned around fully to face your desk. "Not once have I ever heard you call me by my real name. What's wrong."

You chuckled slightly. "Are you finally admitting you like the nickname Omi?"
He scoffed but didn't say anything much to your surprise. "You can't just go from only calling me Omi to saying my full name, it's weird" he mumbled before turning away with a flushed expression.

You were told you had to hand our projects in by next week and you were informed you'd be having a practice match with the girls of another high school on Wednesday of next week. You were super excited seeing it was your first match in Japan, you wanted to see how you compared to others here.

Your mom came back that Friday with a bunch of gifts from her trip. "Ahh Hyōgo is so lovely. I'll bring you and Kazuko there sometime" she said, flopping down on the couch.

"It's spotless in here, did you clean the house?" She asked. You nodded. "Omi helped" you added. "The photo you sent me of you two in the face masks was so cute" she giggled, picking her phone up to find it.

"I wanna get it printed so when you two get married I can frame it" she said, making you flustered. "Mom we're not even dating, let alone marriage".
"But you like him right?"
You paused for a second. "No."

Even though you denied it you can't help but feel some type of way about him.

The weekend flew by with nothing much happening. You went to train at the gym with Sakusa on Saturday but other than that it was a normal weekend. You found out that the boys team had a match with Inarizaki on Monday and that the girls team were invited to watch.

"Do you know anyone on the team?" you asked Sakusa. He looked annoyed but nodded. "Those annoying twins" he said but quickly changed the topic.

Don't leave me again // Sakusa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now