Project BokuAka

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I.... I'm sorry😟🤚 I just had to share this photo

You woke up with your alarm blaring and yawned out. Stretching, you noticed Sakusa wasn't there anymore. 'Gone back to his room' you reminded yourself and you got up to shower, brush teeth etc. You remembered what Sakusa told you the night before and texted Kanoka to see if she was ready. Luckily she was and you both walked down to the cafeteria for breakfast, finding Maiko and sitting with her. As you guys chatted Komori came over with Sakusa and sat down. "Hey guys" he smiled, sitting next to Maiko. Sakusa looked to be in a bad mood but he wasn't a morning person so that was expected.

"Oh guys I'll be back in a bit I'm gonna go talk to an old friend" Kanoka said as she jogged out the door. You shared a knowing look with Maiko. After all, you knew fully about her crush on this Tanaka guy though you've never seen him.

"What's the secret" Komori jumped in making Maiko laugh. "Nothing you need to worry about" she responded. You turned to Sakusa since he hadn't said anything yet.
"Morning Omi" you said, giving him a small peck on the cheek.
"...Morning" he responded slowly. He looked over at you, examining below your face and a satisfied grin planted itself on his face.
Reaching over to the spot he marked last night, he poked at the bandaid.

"Weird place to hurt yourself" he commented. You rolled your eyes at him. Komori and Maiko looked over and agreed. "Yeah what happened?" Maiko asked.
"Uhhh Mosquito?" you offered.
They both grinned knowingly and you sighed out in defeat
"I gotta go to the bathroom, see you at our first match y/n" Maiko called. She then grinned mischievously. "Bye mosquito" she called to Sakusa. A few people looked over and you put your head down, groaning.

"We both have matches in an hour right?" you asked Sakusa as you walked around aimlessly. He nodded slowly, still in his morning tired phase.

As you kept walking around you accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm sorry-" you said quickly. The boy shook his head. "It's fine, don't worry about it". He then looked over at Sakusa. "Hello Sakusa-san".
"Kageyama. Hi" Sakusa said shortly. They both nodded at eachother and walked by quickly.
"Who's that?" you asked him.
"Kageyama Tobio, 1st year setter at Karasuno" he said shortly. "I met him at All-Japan youth Camp last month".

If anything Sakusa seemed awake now so you guessed he didn't really like him.
"We have 15 minutes left. I'll walk you over to your locker room" Sakusa said, grabbing your hand but you were stopped by a familiar rooster head.

"Kuroo!" you cheered excitedly, giving him a hug. He returned the hug, chuckling at you.
"Missed you too y/n" he laughed. Kenma was behind him and you gave him an equally large hug. "No bokuto and Akaashi?" you asked looking around.
Kuroo shook his head. "They're in a match right now."
"Speaking of matches, I have one now. Let's catch up after" you said before heading to your team.

The match wasn't that significant, your team winning obviously. It ended kind of early so you decided to watch the end of Sakusa's match. He won his match and walked out quickly, spotting you wand walking over.
"Well done" you smiled brightly at him.
He smiled faintly and you went to go find Kuroo and Kenma.

"Y/NNNN!" Bokuto yelled as he ran at you.
"BO!!" you yelled back as you ran to hug him. He picked you up, swinging you around making you laugh much to Sakusa's annoyance. As soon as Bokuto let go of you he took a hold of your hand and stood closer to you protectively. You smiled knowingly but didn't say anything.
Bokuto told you Akaashi was talking to his teammates and would come over later so you all decided to get some food and catch up.

"So you two are finally together huh" Kuroo grinned. You nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed. "What about you?" you asked. Kuroo grinned and pulled Kenma closer to him. "Yup".
Kenma pinched his side making Kuroo yelp and let go.

"You guys are so lucky, I want a relationship" Bokuto whined.
"Huh? Aren't you with Akaashi?" you asked him. Bokuto's face went bright pink and he shook his head. "N-no" he protested though his face was giving him away. Kuro smirked at you. "Oya?"
You smirked back. "Oya oya?"
You even heard Sakusa let out a small chuckle but quickly stopped.

"Hm, so it's our mission to get those two together huh" Kuroo said to you. You nodded in agreement.
"We'll call it project BokuAka".
Kuroo's eyes lit up. "Perfect ship name. Project BokuAka is a Go".

As the day went on you and Kuroo would purposely leave Bokuto and Akaashi alone to try and speed things along though it didn't seem to be working.
"Hm, maybe we should just ask Akaashi" you wondered.
"True, it would be easier" Kuroo agreed.
"Ask me what?"

You and Kuroo froze, turning to see a confused Akaashi staring at you two.
"Akaashi, my good friend. I have an inquiry" you chirped.

"What is it?"

You moved closer so only he could hear what you were about to ask him.

His face dusted a light pink and he looked away.
"" he said but the truth was clear.

"I KNEW IT" you whooped, Kuroo joining you in the antics much to the states of other people. You grabbed Akaashi's shoulders and looked him in the eye.
"Don't worry, we will do our utmost best to make sure BokuAka happens" you assured him.

"BokuAka?" he questioned though he got it a second after. "You guys are cringe" he commented before walking away.

You sat talking with Kuroo about a plan to make them confess all while Sakusa sat alone across the hall with a pout on his face.
'Why am I being ignored here?'

Don't leave me again // Sakusa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now