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Besties I have some normal fanart fo today‼️💪😤

The cursed images will be back🌚

N/n= nickname for future reference

*1 month timeskip*

The doorbell rang and you ran to the door excitedly, opening it quickly for your boyfriend to come in. There was a weeklong break and he'd made plans to come up and stay in the apartment your mum was renting for you to go to school.

"I heard you running to the door, your ankle isn't fully healed yet. Don't do that" he sighed as he came in and took off his mask. You were already a clean person but since Sakusa was staying over you had deep cleaned the entire apartment though there wasn't much to clean considering it was relatively small.

"Sorry sorry, I was just so excited to see you" you said, hugging him. He scoffed but hugged you back, kissing your forehead lovingly.
He put his bag away in your room and rejoined you in the kitchen/living room. "You know, we never finished Attack on Titan" you said.
"I was so tempted to watch it but you'd definitely assassinate me if I did" Sakusa groaned.
"Damn right I would" you giggled.

Settling down onto the couch, you put on the episode you left off with and rested your head on Sakusa's shoulder. He had his arm around your waist but it slowly fell onto your thigh which he mindlessly caressed. You knew this was a normal thing for him to do but the thought of being alone with him for a full week brought new ideas into your head.

You'd told Sakusa before you wanted to wait and he was totally understanding of that but now you were wondering if that's what you still wanted. You'd been together for over 6 months now and you couldn't stop those thoughts.


Sakusa calling your name snapped you out of your deep thoughts.

"I said the school year is almost finished" he repeated.
"Oh yeah, there's only like a month left" you said, thinking about how you'd have to say goodbye to your captain and all your Senpai's.
"Mhm, and then next year we'll be going to University" he continued.

This was a topic you were dreading. You hadn't told him yet.

"I'm planning on attending Tokyo University, we already said we'd share an apartment but that only works if you're nearby" he said.
"I applied there and got accepted already" you said dryly.

"Oh? That's great" he said, smiling.

"No. It's not" you mumbled.

"Huh? Why?" he asked.

You swallowed and turned to look at him.

"My dad wants me to go back to America"

His eyes widened and he looked at you in shock. "A-and are you going?" he asked quietly.
"I told him I'm staying in Japan of course" you assured him. "But my dad is really overbearing, he won't let this go" you warned. He breathed out a sigh of relief and pulled you closer. "I don't care what he does, just don't leave me again".

Your felt the pain in his voice when he said those words and you couldn't help but feel horrible. You had no intention of going back to America of course but you felt maybe it wasn't the best idea to tell him about it since you knew he'd stress over it.

You turned around so you were straddling his lap and hugged him tightly. "I won't leave ever again" you mumbled, running your fingers through his hair. His arms hugged your waist and pulled you closer to him, his head leaning onto your shoulder. "Better not" he replied.

You stayed like that for a moment before you pulled back slightly and kissed him, his hair tickling your face. You giggled slightly at the sensation as you pulled back. "You need a haircut" you said, pushing his hair out of his face with your hand. He reached up to feel his hair. "Yeah, I do" he agreed.

Sakusa's hands didn't leave your waist and yours didn't leave his hair. You silently admired his facial features and combed your fingers through his hair as he continued to watch aot. He always had perfect skin but you'd noticed it looked brighter and his pores were almost nonexistent.

"What skincare stuff are you using?" you asked him. "The ones you showed me" he replied.
"Seriously, you stuck with that one?" you asked, slightly touched by it.
"I liked it so yeah..." he mumbled.
You giggled at his response and pecked his cheek lightly. "I don't think I've ever said it but you're so handsome" you said, marvelling over his perfect bone structure.

A blush formed on his face much to your surprise. "Oh? Is Omi flustered?" you teased. He glared at you, the pink on his cheeks still evident. "I'll show you flustered" he mused, flipping you onto the couch and kissing you roughly, his tongue dancing with yours. His hands ventured up your shirt and groped your boobs making you whine embarrassingly into the kiss.

Separating from you, he grinned down at your flustered expression.
"Oh? Is n/n flustered?" he mimicked.
Sakusa sat up, satisfied with your reaction and turned his attention back to the tv. You sat back up, pouting slightly. Moving closer to him, you poked his arm.
"Hm?" he responded, still focused on the tv.

"I'm hungry" you announced. He raised an eyebrow, knowing what you wanted. "Want me to go get you something?" he asked. You nodded at him. "Yes please".
He hummed and stood up, walking over to the kitchen area and getting the ingredients out to make an omelette. You watched him for a while, surprised he actually started to make something for you from scratch. Getting up from the couch, you joined him in the kitchen and sat yourself up on the counter, legs swinging absentmindedly as you watched him pour the omelette mixture onto the pan.

"Hey Omi, have you had a girlfriend before?" you asked him. He frowned at the question. "No, why?"
"You're just so good at it I assumed you've had practice with others" you said simply. He was silent for a moment before speaking again. "You were always at the back of my mind so... I never thought of other girls" he admitted quietly. Your eyes widened in surprise and you smiled. "You are down bad" you laughed earning a scoff from him.

Hopping down from the counter, you hugged him from behind. "I love you so much" you muttered into his back. Though you couldn't see it, Sakusa had a content smile plastered on his face.

He couldn't wait to graduate and this would be his life with you forever. That is, if you stayed in Japan....

Don't leave me again // Sakusa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now