City Date

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Morning rolled around and Sakusa stirred, attempting to sit up but you pulled him back into bed. "No" you mumbled.
"No what?" he asked, amused by your sleepy demeanour.
You pouted, eyes still closed and wrapped your arms around his body, resting your head on his chest. "Wanna sleep more" you whined. With you being this cute and clingy, he couldn't help but snuggle down into the covers with you again though he was sure he wouldn't fall back asleep.

He absentmindedly caressed your head and face lightly as you slept, admiring how peaceful and beautiful you looked with the morning light shining onto your face. 'No wonder so many guys are after her' he thought. A few months ago he was scrolling through your Instagram as he does whenever he misses you and the comments on the photos were always filled with guys and even some girls saying thirsty shit to get your attention. You didn't ever respond of course but it annoyed him anyways.

*2 hours later*

You finally woke up properly, sitting up and stretching as you yawned a good morning to your already awake boyfriend. "Wanna go out today?" you asked him. He looked at you curiously. "You're still injured".
"The doctors said I should start walking around more to let my ankle get used to the pressure" you explained. He still seemed sceptical of it but slowly nodded. "Fine, I'll go shower first".

When Sakusa finished up in the shower and came back into the room you pulled him closer for an passionate kiss. He was shocked for a moment but quickly leaned into the kiss, putting his hands at your waist.
"What was that for?" he asked as you pulled away. You smiled innocently at him. "What, I can't kiss you for no reason now?" And with that you skipped into the bathroom to take a shower, leaving a confused but content Sakusa in the bedroom.

You got ready and grabbed all the essentials for going out (face mask, hand sanitizer etc) and headed out towards the city. Sakusa took your hand as soon as you reached the busy streets and navigated his way through until you stopped at the shopping centre.

"Ooh Omi there's a really nice sports shop in there, wanna go?" you asked him. He nodded and you headed in to the shop. There were a good few people in the shop but it was clean so you both took your masks off. The more you two looked around, the more people would stare and whisper about you two. It made you slightly anxious so you moved closer to Sakusa.

"Omi, they keep staring at us" you whispered. He looked over to the people who were staring and they immediately looked away, pretending to look at products or speak to eachother. "Hm, weird" he mumbled and moved on.

You two bought new tracksuits and training gear before heading out to a different shop where you ended up making Sakusa try on a bunch of different things. He groaned tiredly as you picked out a top for him, making you giggle. "Cmon, last one" you promised. He reluctantly took the shirt and went to try it on. It was tight fit so you could almost see the outlines of his abs through the shirt and the muscle on his arms.

"We've found the one" you declared and as he changed back into his normal outfit you ran to the till and bought him the shirt in three different colours. "Why would you get three" Sakusa asked. "Because..... three is better than one?" you said, making him laugh at you. You saw a cafe on a street corner that looked pretty so you went in and ordered drinks. You'd chosen a window seat and the busy bustle of the city seemed so pretty. Your gaze went onto Sakusa and he was staring out the window into the city.

You pulled your phone out and snapped a photo of the scene, smiling at how pretty it came out. Sakusa looked at you curiously and you showed him the photo. "Hm, not bad" he said simply. The waiter brought your drinks over and you happily drank your beverage, smiling warmly at how nicely the day was going.

"I needa go to the bathroom" you said before heading to the wc. When you came out you noticed there was a girl standing beside Sakusa, clearly talking to him.

"I'm a huge fan of yours, would it be okay if I sat down here?" she asked.
Sakusa saw you behind her and smirked.
"Sorry but I'm actually out with my girlfriend right now. I appreciate your support though".

The girl walked away and you sat down, mood slightly ruined. Sakusa noticed and sighed. "Wanna go home?" he asked. You nodded and you both got up, eventually making it back home.

You were exhausted from the day, taking a shower and snuggling down into bed. Sakusa joined you after his shower, immediately wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer. You turned to face him and giggled at how close he was. "Hey there".
"Hey" he chuckled back at you before kissing your lips passionately.

"Going out is fun but nothing beats being here alone with you" Sakusa declared. You smiled warmly and agreed. "I think anywhere is good when I'm with you".
Sakusa smiled but a look of sadness formed slowly.
"Hey... what are the chances you actually have to go back to America?" he asked after a few moments.
You frowned slightly. You could tell he'd been worrying about it.

"Kiyoomi I promise you that there is nothing that could make me go back. My future is here in Japan with you. Nowhere else".
Sakusa nodded but he still seemed worried. It hurt to see him like this especially knowing you were the reason but there was essentially nothing you could do about it.

"You know... your birthdays coming up" you said, changing the topic.
"Mmm" Sakusa replied.
"Anything in particular you'd want?" you asked. He shook his head. "I don't need anything from you. Honestly I don't really care about celebrating".

You nodded understandingly but the wheels in your head were already turning.

"Anyways, I'm tired. Let's sleep yeah?" he said, pulling you into his chest. "Night Omi, I love you" you yawned. He mumbled an 'I love you too' back and you drifted off to sleep.

It's been a month I think since I've updated😟 I kinda hate this chapter cos it feels repetitive and boring but I promise new interesting things are coming up and a time skip is gonna happen in the next few chapters.

Also this book may be ending in the next 10-20 chapters. I don't want to drag it on too long but I also want to give it a good ending so pls bear with me😩 I love this book a lot and all the support is greatly appreciated. Yall are swag asf‼️

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